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Posts posted by invizion

  1. Very close to unsubbing at this point, the constant downtime outside of the weekly maintainance, the hand pick of what guilds do and don't get to test the new 1.2 tier content, the over all performance of the game and then when specifically asked if it was an engine issue or what, Gabe dodged the question like a politician....


    There's only so much downtime and lack of communication consumers can be expected to take before we start to vote with our wallets.

  2. We finished off the tier taking down Karagga 16 nightmare, we got our "The Infernal" titles and we're heading for our "The Unyielding" titles this week (All on 16 man which has been proven to be harder).


    ^ From your guild website. LOLOLOLOLOL. This was posted this week.. as in you you don't have "the Infernal" yet...




    And since you seem to be kind of an internet stalker obsessing with my progress.. I'm sure you know that EV took.. 1 night to clear on 16 NiM, 2nd night trying it (first time with 16) we did it under 1 hour for "the Infernal"


    Oh ya... and KP took two days... we only had 14 the first day, so we went back with 16 and one shot Fabricator, Karagga... sorry to burst your bubble that our late clear on 16 = more "we're bored with 8's, let's see how hard these 16's are".


    But grats on being another guild who raids 3-4 days/week for 3-4 hours/night and pretty much gets stuck ;) And I like your claim of 'we cleared everything in 1 night' .. when that's so not true. But good job convincing yourself of your 1 night nightmare clears first time seeing them. When it's still taking you 2 hours to clear EV NiM .. on 16.. well, that's just sad.


    Go pretend you're pro somewhere else. Non-baddies know how to avoid fire AND your B.S. Maybe your guild will still think you're cool.


    And has been said.. multiple times in this thread... facts have presented that 8 is harder. Your only counter has been 'nuh-uh, we suck, so we MAKE 16 harder... so ner'. Not exactly the best way to prove your point.


    Cleared 16 nightmare AGES ago, had a few people leave and have only recently replaced them...... then we've had bad luck with serveral weeks of constant bugs that needed an instance reset, hence losing out on the titles. meh excuses and I'm not really bothered on what you think our guild has done compared to what I know we have done.


    Unfortunately, with the lack of server transfers, we've been pretty much screwed over with members quitting and the majority of our server being polish.. ah well, 1.2 will hopefully be a lot different. Can't wait to see the whining then when the content is expected to actually be challenging:)


    Edit, FYI, our last 8 man EV NiM clear too 47 minutes exactly with 1 pylon bug, our last 16 man took just over 1 hour.


    Our KP clear took 1 hour 12 minutes pre 1.1.5 but no title thanks to a bug :/

  3. Foreman: two tanks on 16. LOL damage with CD usage.


    J&S: The only fight that presents more difficulty.. on Nightmare only.. on 8 vs. 16. Note on hard this is no longer true, and everything is easier again on 16. The "Plan D" portion of J&S with undergeared people and no snipers provide less leway on this fight than 8. Well geared people or you have 2+ snipers? Again, 16 easier.


    Anni Droid: Umm.. you can have 2 tanks. Cannonade hits top 2 in threat. Why are you having it hit anyone but a tank?? Quit sucking. Again, easier on 16.


    And LOL at "seems harder" on Karagga. He's pretty much a roll over on 8 or 16 with a solid strat, just with less chance of hitting enrage on 16 if you carry weak dps. Math is hard.


    For someone, as you claim, that has cleared everything on 16 and 8 nightmare.. and not aware of any of these facts... I saw only one thing.


    Grats on being carried. Hope your guildies keep you logs are available.


    Can I ask one thing, Why are you acting as if you know everything about this game? you cleared KP 16 nightmare on march 7th.... LOL....


    FYI, I wasn't implying that I personally was struggling, I was talking from what my guild found "harder" for progression in a 8 vs 16 scenario. My guild cleared them both in 1 night per instance on progression and we've been clearing both in 1 raid night ever since... way before your 7th March clears.


    There's a reason good players don't post on these forums, its mainly because of misinformed scrubs like you that insist that everyone is wrong because they don't agree with your opinion, even when you're presented with facts that contradict your opinion.

  4. the way we deal with that is we full burn jarg so he doesn't one shot anyone then let sorno enrage and then just burn him. no one gets 1 shot and you can outheal his damage. I will say again that 16 man is easier.


    This is how we do it, 16 is definitely not easier, it's been stated by Gabe Amatangelo at the guild summit that this is not the case. They INTEND for 16 to be easier but at the moment that is NOT the case.


    If you seriously think 16 man is easier than 8 man, I'm almost certain you havn't cleared both on nightmare.

  5. Most of you are wasting your breath. People know 8man is more difficult for most fights in the game.


    I think its hilarious how blinded people are after the Dev's have already said TWICE that 8man is meant to be harder then 16man.



    I've cleared both 8 and 16 in my guild, 16 is overall harder than 8.


    Foreman crusher hits like a truck on 16 NiM, Jarg and Sorno are challenging on NiM, Annihilation Droid's cannoize 1 shots anyone but a tank on NiM, Karagga seem's harder on NiM.


    I think its hilarious how blindly people believe everything Dev's say. Pylon's and Soa have been fixed on multiple occasions! You're also disregarding the fact that at the guild summit they admit they got it wrong and 16 is currently harder than 8 man.


    The dance studio in that other game


    The 10 and 25 man raiding in that other game was "balanced".....


    The only fight I've found harder on 8 man was Bonethrasher and you could argue Soa is harder when you have melee DPS, but that's just the nature of the fight and how it was designed.

  6. Good initiative, however I feel at this point in time, without timestamps on the achievements in game, this can easily be forged.


    The first tier doesn't mean much, hence why I never really posted every single kill and date for my guild (finished 16 man around the 14th feb iirc), I slacked a lot on posting and recording kill vids/screenshots(hell, I didnt post some hardmode vids until late feb) purely because the first tier in any MMO never means anything. Tier 2 will be more interesting in terms of where everyone stands and I fully expect that to be more documented/tracked better etc ;)

  7. Gratz, Although this tier is like Molten core back in Vanilla, no one really cares on world firsts/realm firsts etc.


    The difficulty is leaving a lot to be desired if I'm honest and I'm highly interested to see how tier 2 will work in terms of difficulty.


    Although 16 man is more difficult than 8 man, I can confirm that much having done Eternity Vault with both raid sizes on nightmare (minus soa).


    One question I do want to ask, how did you find the enrage timers on the 4th boss vs Normal mode (Assuming the need to complete normal mode to unlock hard/nightmare)

  8. And hopefully it will/could reduce they amount of people inflating the prices.


    Inflation of prices (in an mmo) happens for 1 of two reasons....


    An ease of obtaining currency than previously (IE gold in WoW, Remember when 1k gold for the epic mount was a good 3-4 week grind? I sure as hell do).




    There is an increased demand for a particular item or the item is new (New gear, new and better stims start to hit the market etc etc)


    The first reason, BioWare can fully control by implementing effective and mandatory credit sinks (Gear repairs is a good example)


    The second reason, there is not a lot BioWare can do about this other than not releasing new content, gear and items. It's a case of supply + demand = price. There will always be people that want the latest gear/pet/material on launch day and will pay through the nose for it for bragging rights....

  9. If they did that then the prices would skyrocket out of control man. Because there'd ALWAYS be someone who could post more items. And making the items more expensive just means the sellers raise the prices, which means >>>NOBODY CAN AFFORD TO BUY THEM<<< which, neuters the economy in general. Look at the price of gas for example, it has forced (I'm living in the States mind you), auto makers to focus on higher fuel efficiency, and for once actually thinking of making cars that run on electricity (the most amazing part of it IMO). And it's ALL because someone raises the price of the base product.....crude oil.


    What utter dribble....


    Everything you've mentioned links to supply and demand....


    There is a LOW supply of easily accessible crude oil (Not going to get into a debate over it), meaning the US, EU etc have to buy per barrel off other countries...... There is a MASSIVE demand for fuel and a low supply... meaning the suppliers can make their price higher and people will still buy it... because guess what, its in high demand and without a fuel to run transport, 99% of our economy WILL collapse.


    If they did that then the prices would skyrocket out of control man. Because there'd ALWAYS be someone who could post more items


    Did you even read that?......


    The more supply of an item there is, the less its going to cost....


    ie. if you have 50 items on the GTN by 5 different sellers, you really think they're going to agree a price and stick to it? are they hell, they can and WILL undercut each other, gradually driving the price down..... unless the item is in high demand... however if it is in high demand, I doubt there would be 50 sat on the GTN...

  10. so my question is then where does the money go after you spent it? i sure dont have it... oooh wait it goes to another player... nice money sink.


    an example of credit sinks would be mount speed training, abilities training, gear repairs, hell even fuel costs for your ships......


    By implementing effective money sinks, BioWare will have much better control over the market and inflation than by limiting the ammount of auctions you can post. All they're effectively doing is shutting out the "serious" traders that will resort to selling in trade meaning your chat will be spammed a hell of a lot more than what it's going to be :)

  11. How about discussing WHY you think 50 limit is a good thing as opposed to turning this into a flame fest?


    In that "other game", Making Gold from the AH was insanely easy. The biggest problem with inflation in that game was there was no real gold sink's hence the badge system etc.


    Part of an economy is buying cheap and selling high... if you can't understand that basic principle, you will always be in a similar financial situation for the rest of your life.


    I didn't actually start "playing" the AH until late in the game with WoW, however before that, I could easily have more than 50 auctions of just crap that had accumulated in my bags from dailys, dungeons, professions etc.....


    A 50 auction limit is a bad thing and imo, it will prevent any economy growing before it's even fully started and established itself.

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