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Posts posted by invizion

  1. Well we're giving it until the 20th to see if there is any light on new content, with no news and realistic release time frames, we're going back to WoW and heading to GW2 also, We'll more than likely resub for 1 month for nightmare mode but thats about it for this game for me.


    What annoys the hell out of me in this game is the people who are meant to be "top of the game" do nothing but whine and moan on the forums consistently over content.

  2. Hmm. So you're comparing ICC, the end of expansion raid that noone cleared until the 5% buff. EC was cleared within hours and is not the 'end of an expansion'.


    Naxx, 15 bosses and the BEGINNING of an expansion. EC is 4 bosses, no interesting achievements, no undying/immortal type run to do .. even like there was in EV/KP. And you mention 5 months on Naxx... we are ALMOST to 5 months on EC.


    ToC, 4 bosses that were released gated to artificially extend the clear times. An instance that WAS designed originally to 'give something to do' after VERY top guilds were done with Ulduar and waiting for ICC. This is the most comporable to EC of your examples, and ToC was CLEARLY a filler Raid. ToC released Aug 4th, ICC Dec 8th. 4 months, not 5 apart. So ToC/ICC were released closer together than EC and... EC NiM will be? The same instance, just different difficulty.


    TL;DR: You use faulty information to prove your point. Instead, you end up proving that yes, the release schedule for upper tier content PAINFULLY slow even when compared to WoW... like you did.


    I stand corrected with ToC, it was 4, typo but we're not even 4 months into EC, let alone 5 months.


    Naxx was a complete rehash of the level 60 instance.... how much work do you REALLY think went into that?


    I could go on to mention T11 or Firelands or Deathwing (which is currently in its 8th month of its lifecycle....)


    There are interesting things to do in EC, although nothing specifically rewarded in game for it, you can make your own things to do such as speed runs, speed boss kills, trying odd setups, 6 manning the 8 man, 14 manning the 16.


    The fact still remains that the majority of the playerbase is not hardcore raiders. The majority of those that raid are still progressing in hardmode and if you expect BioWare to produce content for us 5% of the playerbase as a priority over the 95%, especially after the downscaling of the team and the over predicted success of this game, then you my friend, are highly misinformed and delusional.


    I would also like to say again, that I do think that the release of NiM is taking too long, however, what I don't understand is why everyone in this thread is acting like children?! Last I checked, most "hardcore" guilds had at least an 18+ requirement....

  3. Seriously?


    Just looking through some of these posts makes me ashamed to be even playing this game if this is the community it produces.


    While I make no effort to hide the fact that we're pretty much BiS on at least 2 chars each in my guild, I find no use or need to come here and pretty much whine like children because BioWare isn't catering to the small %'age of the player base (Yes, us "Hardcore" players). The fact remains that a lot of guilds are still struggling with EC HM.


    I'll see your 3 and a half months of EC HM and Raise you 12 months of ICC, raiding it every single week without fail until Cata was released.... or 5 months of Naxx 2.0 or 5 months of ToC....


    Seriously, it's summer, It's a game, Get some perspective and go outside. If your raiders can't "last until nightmare mode" then they're surely going to flake later on down the line because of other reasons. It's just lame excuses and I've seen them 1000's of times before.

  4. I play a Annihilation marauder.


    1. How do you think your Marauder spec is perceived by other classes?

    In PvP, I think we're perceived as overpowered. This is mainly due to our self/group healing and cooldowns. This is specifically true in warzones as when pared with a pocket healer, A Marauder is near unstoppable. Even solo a Marauder is pretty hard to take down in a 1v1 fight, 2v1 they're still difficult but not impossible. All this coupled with their interupt potential, makes them a difficult target to take down, however they should be a high priority target for any Warzone group.


    In PvE, Again, we're perceived as overpowered. No other class in the game provides the same amount of cooldowns and utility with none of the trade off's. With our cooldowns, we're able to save a raid in the event of a tank death with cooldowns. Predation for kiting, our damage reducing cooldowns coupled with undying rage make marauders one of the most valuable classes after tanks and healers to have inside a raid group, You can also pretty much guarantee that a Marauder will be 2nd on threat after a tank. With these cooldowns, marauders can tank for up to 30 seconds or more before having to force camo to avoid death and hopefully drop agro to yet another marauder. All of this coupled with on demand group healing, movement speed buffs, damage and healing buffs make marauders one of the most desirable classes in any raid group.


    2. How do you perceive your own spec?

    Overpowered. but not by as much as people say.


    Our self healing needs a nerf, currently its 1% of our/group members health. how about nerfing it to 25% of the bleed tick damage? or make the healing only proc from saber ward or rupture ticks, not both.


    Reduce the chance of rupture procing from Viscious slash/Annihilate.


    Make bloodthirst a raid wide cooldown but make the ability cause a debuff on anyone effected. This will prevent moving people around the groups mid fight to stack bloodthirsts and then move back into more beneficial groups for healing.

  5. To be honest, guys I think Nightmare mode is one of the ideas that Bioware should probably move away from. It really feels like milking a small amount of content rather than putting in more ops content, which is what we actually want. Certainly with EV and KP Ops there is no real feeling of doing something significantly greater when completing HM or NM. Indeed, in an alt run it can be more fun doing HM and having fun with friends.


    Nope, I think Bioware would do well to follow the simpler model of two difficulty modes in future ops content...and to make the longevity greater put in more content into them. EC is only 4 Ops bosses, how about 8 in future. That would be a big improvement.


    If Bioware are going to move away from the "3 difficulty" raiding that was started by WoW, They need to have their casual hand holding mode (so people "see" the content) and then make hard mode actually hard, by hard I mean Raiding before Wotlk hard.

  6. Have fun with that D3.


    Straight Line Levels, zero customization (skills added automatically), no random dungeons, story done in 10 hours.


    WEEEE Fun, 2 full days of gameplay! So amazing!


    Thats if you can install and download it!, 4 hours to download on a 100mb/s line thanks to Blizzards ****** torrent client then when its finally downloaded, error #108 (corrupt files). Thank god its only a trial account. Torchlite 2 is looking a LOT better and considering its made by the Blizzard north people (you know, the diablo 1 and 2 guys), I'd rather give that a go.

  7. So.... where is nightmare mode Explosive Conflict? Where are Rated Warzones?


    Where's the content promised to us that would be released "shortly after 1.2"?!


    Even with the LFG and Server transfers, I find very little reason to even log in for more than 2 hours per week. Denova takes just over an hour to clear, Nightmare pilgrim takes about 30 minutes and the black hole weekly takes about 30 minutes...... Outside of that, PvP is boring and meaningless without rankings, Flashpoints are just..... meh.... whats the point once you have columi gear? let alone full Campaign....


    I'm finding very little reason to stay subscribed at this time

  8. As stated previously, this site has been around for many, many years, and works very well. It is self policed by the people who use it, from games such as EQ1, EQ2 and WoW, and works extremely well. You may wonder how this works, it is down to the gaming community whose members will regularly discuss between themselves what has been killed and how. If any suspect kills are added to the site then they can be and are removed by other users.


    Just look at the raidranks site and how much bullsh*t that site has gone through... I'll pass. I'd rather stick to a site that uses evidence as a way of confirming kills (Much like raidranks was doing)

  9. The site is self policing and does not require screenshots, just honesty. In EQ2 where I used this site extensively it self policed very well.


    What? lol.... that's going to be sucessful, Just go take a look at raid ranks and how suddenly a few guilds tried to claim word first several weeks after the kills..... I think I'll pass on this site.

  10. It's a good fight for a gear/skill check and I welcome more of these types of fights at the beginning of raids.


    Raid's should be designed to be challenging and Nightmare should be... well... a Nightmare.


    You can't expect to go in on "hard" mode and 1 shot everything, especially when Bioware said they wanted fights to be more about execution. Overall, this has been a very interesting tier thus far and I for one cannot wait for nightmare mode.. especially with them trying to add another mechanic to some of the fights in the instance .

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