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Everything posted by Remidi

  1. Ok so I guess this will be the new reply to everything. "So far" ..... NM content is easy with people who have raided in previous games. Not everyone likes to make alts, or run 4mans. It's as simple as that. PvP requires you to...Q!!!!! Holy crap a Q system thats not ruining the PvP community!!! WoW!!!!!1111!!!! IMO the PvP ommunity is bigger than the PvE community and that uses a Q.
  2. I have over 20 people on my Flist. I lead PvP groups, I clear NM content. I know many people on my server. Just like any other MMO, not everyone likes alts, not everyone wants to run low levels through dungeons(I dont want them to). Who are you to tell anyone they should not be playing a video game.
  3. Lets all stand on the fleet and wait for a group for hours. The LFG tool does not work on different planets.....
  4. So the answer is take my toon that is almost BIS Pve, and Pvp and stop playing him. Yea that makes so much sense. You should work for Bioware on Swotr.... Seriously what the hell kind of reply is this.
  5. LFD finder has not ruined any game, I am not sure why people keep saying this. Everyone knows about the current system...you just want to type something. Why would this tool make grouping useless? You are just spitting nonsense now. The ONLY thing it would do as it did in every other game is get rid of the useless chat spam, and it free's up more time for gamers. There is not a single game you can say that tool ruined, because like most of the stuff on this forums, that is an outright lie. It all comes down to people don't like change and baddies from WoW hate anything WoW related as they are scared about being labeled not good in this game.
  6. Not everyone likes to make alts. Not everyone likes to do 4mans. What kind of reply is this? Sorry I do not want level 50's plowing me through low level FP's, but I guess thats ok in your eyes. So again how would a Q affect you in a negative way? Is this forum filled with anti-change trolls? I am done with this post as I have things to do. I just dont get these forums. We want this game to succeed, but most of the replies are against any kind of change. It's as if they do not want more added to the game because that makes them have to do more to be better.
  7. Ok since you do not understand english I will type in caps. THERE ARE NOT ENOUGH PEOPLE ON SOME SERVERS FOR YOUR IDEA/CURRENT TOOL TO WORK. You are saying having a LFG Q is like god mode now as well. It's not about being "easy" it's about I don't want to spend hours spamming chat. I want to join a Q and continue my journey. If you are against that then don't use it. Like most people against anything that WoW had I am sure you are unskilled player as well. It's as if only bad players are against this and any kind of change. There needs to be merges or cross server LFG Q's asap. New players have it the worse. There is a reason WoW and may other games implemented it. Stop hating on stuff because WoW had it, there is a reason why that game has lasted this long.
  8. Yes we know for the one billionth time. Guess what..no one uses it. Why are you against convenience? This is a video game where we are suppose to have fun. LFG for hours is not fun. It's even worse on low level alts.
  9. I am happy for you that it worked out well. That is not the case for many other players. Especially on low populations. Why are you against making the whole process easier and less time consuming. If they do not combine servers soon, they will have to set up cross server LFG Q's or there just simply will not be enough people.
  10. See this would possibly work if the servers had bigger populations. I know many people on my server as I PvP all the time. I even chat with the other faction constantly. My Flist has at least 20 people on it. There are just not enough people on the servers, due to whatever limit. Do you really think we don't know how to look through channels and type LFG HM.
  11. No one enjoys spamming chat for hours. If you think that this tool will ruin a community you need to go make some friends on your server. How does spamming chat promote a community? In my experience it promotes trolls. This is a video game, it is about having fun. Looking for a group for hours due to small populations on servers is not fun. The current tool is a nice guideline, but it is no different than spamming chat. Many of the people I see against this, just like the combat logs are thinking about peoples emotions and not about fun. It's just like the real world, you have to deal with undesirable people that say things that you do not like or may offend you....deal with it and/or ignore it. It's not hard. Be an adult. There is a reason the bigger MMO implemented this some time ago. As in every MMO it was needed. It helps people level alts that hate to quest, it gives people something to do, it gives people the option to do something else(Dailys) while waiting for your Q to pop. So the only reason I have seen anyone against this is "community". And as always I say go make some friends and stop worrying about everyone else. I have cleared everything on NM, and I am a BM Sorc that has nothing to do mostly(most people will be in this same spot soon), and a Q to level my alts would rock. I am not a fan of the questing in this game. I know many players and on both factions and chat with them constantly. I have yet to meet a single BM, raider who has cleared HM ops, or a good player on my server against this. The only place I see anyone against this is here. As a MMO player for many, many years that tells me something.
  12. Oh well. It's the truth. People are sitting QQ'n about how implementing a much needed feature will ruin the game. That shows lack of intelligence in my book. You are a fool if you think adding that will get rid of anything but bad players that are looking for an excuse to leave anyway. Like I said if you think spamming a chat channel promotes community you are not to bright. If anything it creates more trolls.
  13. How does this affect a community badly in any way? Go make some friends on your server..problem solved.
  14. Are you that much a fool to think people are staying because they can spam chat for hours LFG? This whole post is either filled with trolls or really bad players.
  15. Everyone against this is stupid. The current LFG tool is garbage. You need a cross server tool as there are not enough players to do any content on some servers, especially lower levels. Spamming chat channels for over an hour does not support a community, I am not sure why this excuse is being used as it is a very dumb one. I can not get any HM grps unless its prime time on my server and I am a healer in full Rakata. I can't get one at all for my alt. Implement a tool or watch players leave due to the simple fact there are not enough people on one server to do 4man FP's. People like to join a Q and go about their business. Not spend an hour spamming chat. Standing on the fleet for hours spamming is not fun, and the current tool is useless. This has to be the same crowd against meters as well. I am sick of bad players wanting to play blindly and be able to hide that they are horrible at this game and wasting other peoples time. If you don't want a Q don't use it, its pretty simple. I am pretty sure the majority of players want it implemented.
  16. You should not comment in a thread on a subject you clearly know nothing about then. When you disagree on something, but then have wrong info on said subject expect to be criticized. Good day.
  17. Well after an attempt to decipher what you typed I concluded you meant to say you can't kill someone after all your stuns. Are you now trying to say that should be possible? I am done replying to you.
  18. You can not kite a rooted person as they are held in place. You truly have no clue and are showing it the more you type.
  19. Yes they do. Any person who has played a million warzones will tell you the same.
  20. See you do not even know what you are talking about...please leave the thread. If you consider it a free kill in the situation you described you should learn your class better because you are wrong. Your abilities fill a resolve bar in two hits? How can you kite a rooted person?
  21. That's for every class when your opponents Resolve bar is full. You just spent that whole resolve bar stunning and killing that person. In most instances that person dies anyway. This is BM vs BM I am talking here. Do you have a slow? I believe so. Not 100% Why should you be able to root someone when their resolve is up? Being immobile is a very big deal in PvP.
  22. Said classes can still slow you(I believe) and like everyone else they have a resolve bar to work against. If a class needs you immobile to kill you, that is pretty dumb. I have had every class kill me np while I slowly kited them. With the information I have, I still don't see why certain roots and stuns bypass resolve.
  23. I disagree with that. This leaves open the possibility to be immobile for more than 10 seconds. Which happens constantly and is to much imo.
  24. I keep thinking it is a root only for some reason.
  25. I do not know the names off all the classes abilities yet as I have been slacking sorry. But they can leap at you with a full resolve bar and you still become immobile.
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