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Everything posted by Remidi

  1. I have np accepting other opinions. I have yet to read one opinion where the person says no and they have a valid argument as such. All I see are people worried about "elitist". This is not a valid argument. There will be jerks no matter what.
  2. Are you trying to say it is not a fact that a recording tool to measure DPS would not help a DPS class do better DPS?
  3. There is a difference between copying and taking ideas. I am not sure where you have been but you do realize this is WoW reskinned as Star Wars? I think they did a great job doing so. Not to much and not to little.
  4. I am not. You are trying to demean me by saying I am being an elitist by what I am saying, when in reality I am not. you can be bad at DPs all you want. If you are I don't want you in my group. Now I am not going to demean someone and be an *** about it. Being an elitist means you are a ***** to others you feel or are "badder" than you. But then you try to use your age to make yourself "better" than me some how. its the same thing dude. Sorry you can't deal with the notion of having a meter.
  5. You ***** about elitism but yet you bring your age and experience into it....same thing bud. I am 32 btw. There is no arguing with the FACT that a DPS meter/Combat log helps.
  6. Wanting to be good is not elitism....we can argue definitions all day. Sorry nobody wants to wipe all day. After the 5th time I want to know who the hell is causing it. What kind of reply are you even trying to make...
  7. To summarize: If WoW did not have this option/mod it would not be an issue. Anything that has to do with WoW that is attempted to be brought into this game will receive much criticism and hate. Sorry to break it to you, but there is a reason why WoW has a billion(sarcasm) subscribers. In order to succeed as an MMO you HAVE to copy from them. Its funny because most of the haters say how easy WoW is and all this other junk. It has the best profession system out of any game, and its heroic raids are harder than any content in any other MMO. You are just hating and will say anything. I personally am down with WoW and can't wait to play this.
  8. Fine I edited it because I am sure you guys are trying to report me because you are easily offended by words. No matter what they do there are going to be Epeen jerks. Having a meter will at least make sure they are not just blowing steam lul. Again the only reason I see people going against this is because you are concerned about being bad at DPS. There is no other possible reason. People are going to be jerks no matter what so you can't use that as a reason.
  9. No. Sorry I do not sugar coat my words. For someone to suggest that you need a second computer because having a meter is bad deserves the reply he was given.
  10. Yes if you use it to be an ***...well you are being an ***. I dislike those people as well. I dislike the guy who links meters all the time and in the guild I raided with it was not allowed. But we would be able to replace people who did horrible DPS, interuppted when they should not, use certain spells when they should not. Having a meter/report is the only way to do this.
  11. Sorry bud but common sense does not tell you who is messing up and causing wipes and making a game not fun for everyone else. This is a game you are not Ms. Cleo and some psychic. Its not elitism. Elitism is demeaning others for being "bad". That is not happening here so learn what you are talking about. I am not that kind of person. I as a DPS want to be the best so I need a meter to min/max. How is WoW dumbed down? Heroic raids are quite the challenge and take lots of skill and time to beat. You just hate WoW and anything to do with it. This thread is about meters not WoW. Get over yourself.
  12. How so? Would you rather have someone in top gear who is bad have an epeen an act like an ***, or would you rather have someone that is actually good have an epeen? You are not going to get rid of eleet ******s by not having a DPS monitor. It does help keep bad DPS out of groups. Sorry if you are one of them. I have had enough experience and time in MMO's to know that I do not want to play with someone who is doing 5k DPS when the rest of the group doubles that because that person is just not a good player. I would rather have it based on facts.
  13. There is nothing to debate about. Your suggestion of getting a second PC for damage meters is one of the dumbest things I have ever heard. You don't debate with stupid. It's people like yourself that will possibly make this game fail. There is a reason WoW is top dog. You either copy from good results or you fail. Everything you don't add to a new MMO that a previous MMO has is a step backwards. You are treating a damage meter as if it is gearscore. Sorry that you do not like using mods and making your game experience better. Many of us do and we want them. Not doing this is a bad idea.
  14. What kind of stupid answer is this. Get a second computer to see our damage? What an not very smart guy. So it's ok to do it that way, but not the easy and convenient way? Any idiot who ask for meter links all the time deserves to be kicked. You are just stuck in your ways and think anything new is bad. I truly can not believe you just said get a second computer for DPS meters. Not to forget the derp moments of not being able to blame someone for doing something wrong because there is no proof. So then people can lie and hide that they messed up. People even tried it with meters so it will happen.
  15. The only people that counter this argument are people who are afraid their numbers will be bad. By not having a damage meter system people will be picked to raid by who they know and who they blow instead of skill. So either way ther is an epeen contest. Iw ould rather have one based on facts than here say. Sorry but yes I don't want a scrub who does horrible damage in my groups. A damage meter will tell me who is not doing their part. Also for myself as a DPS it will make my damage better. Some tools are saying well learn math derpaderp.....use some common sense that's not gonna work. We need a combat log with meters. All I truly see is a bunch of WoW haters crying about how they do not want mods or meters. You do realize being able to use mods is what has kept WoW the king MMO since release right? People play PC games so they can customize whatever they want. I see no difference here. If WoW did not have a damage meter there would be far less people complaining. It's just WoW hate. For all the old timers saying they didn't need meters before...sorry but times have changed. I am 32 and played all those older MMO's and well...they sucked. As a DPS Class a number on a meter does tell you how bad or good they are. There is no arguing this. Person A and B have the same gear. Person A does more damage on the meter. This means Person A is better at DPS. Fact.
  16. Is forcing AA with Nvidia cards working now? I assumed we had to edit the .ini file. The problem I see with that(I have not read up on it much) are we adjusting the actual AA level or are we adjusting a preset numbered level of AA. What kind of AA is it using?
  17. ..... WRONG Just because you don't like a feature does not make it useless. Why would they not spend manpower on a feature that is in every PC game? Again like I said for those of us with big monitors 27"+ and with hardware that can handle it we require AA to make our game look good. If you were in our position you would feel the same way. I could probably say a couple things you think are important are a waste of time as well, but that does not make me right. It's a common feature that needs to be taken care of and it will be. Let me guess you have a ****** PC and GPU? Win7 64 I72600k Evga 580DS Vertex 3 8g 2133 Those are my specs and its the same for many other users out there. We play on PC's for a reason.
  18. Your tears fuel my hatred. Cry more. It's not the 15th. Be happy they started early.
  19. What makes the crying even more amusing is it's not even the 15th yet. People should be happy they are starting early and stop crying like children because they did not get in. The forums are so slow right now from people making QQ post...
  20. ... Ok so you are saying the reason is what then? The only possible reply you could have is they don't want us to. Use your head its the obvious reason... These forums are going to be just like WoW's I can already tell. Between idiots thinking they are doing this on purpose for no reason and idiots thinking AA is useless..../facepalm
  21. WRONG We play on PC's for a reason. Those of us with high end rigs and big monitors need AA on in our games or it is a jaggy mess. Sorry that it does not bother you, but it bothers many others users and it is far from useless. I can't stand not being able to have AA on. AA is a big reason why many gamers stay up to date with new GPU's...its AA. Complaining about people complaining about common place PC graphic options is pretty stupid.
  22. If they let all of us on at once the servers would not be able to handle it and you would be sitting here complaining about them not working. EVERY MMO is like this on release. They are doing this in increments so they know how much hardware they need and what tweaks need to be done. Use some common sense and stop complaining about something so simple. Also read this: "You may play up to 5 days early" Learn what the word "may" is. I am sure its a safe bet that if you pre-ordered we should be able to play within the next couple days. Some of you act as if they are doing it on purpose and they do not want you to play. I'm stoked and can't wait to play
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