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Everything posted by Crazylor

  1. Exactly, and I believe they planned to hold us over until they got around to it with Ilum, but Ilum was so fail and they couldn't figure out a good system to make it work. Which I found very strange considering all they had to do was concentrate the pvp and raise the reward factor. When I first started on beta, I imagined Ilum to be something of a runescape wilderness without all the flaming, deceit, and risk, and loads of community interactions and duels etc. Sadly, our interactions with the other faction are limited to Warzones... This needs to be fixed.
  2. Nope, you only need to win. Which is based on your skill, I don't see why anyone has a problem with that unless they're bad...
  3. I'd like a banner, like a samurai warrior or something... Either that or Auras, if people really want to show off. Cus if you're so goood at pvp none of that stuff should be detrimental to you, because you probably get focused enough anyway. (like me)
  4. It was obvious since Beta that End game (pvp and operations) were put to the back burner. I can only say they've probably been working on a lot of stuff for a long time but due to circumstances haven't been able to really hit these things yet till now. Evidence for my statement would be the scales of bugs in end game and pvp during beta and release, compared to that of the storylines etc. Just look at Karagga's, it used to just be Bonethrasher, they obviously through him out there cus they didn't want peeps to get bored smacking Soa around all night.
  5. I propose a vote to close thread option underneath each post reply page. I think it'd help clean up the forums, and give people a clear general idea of when they're right or wrong. It lets the community weigh in more and also only gives the option to those who post in the thread (removed posts would also get their votes removed). I think this would be a great idea, because I'm tired of seeing people coming in the forums and whining about something in an attempt to "seek a solution." Only to end up flaming anyone that replies to their thread or gives an opinion that varies from their own. With this option we'd be able to quickly and firmly shut these people up, as well as save there's and our time. They'd immediately realize that the general population considers their views wrong, which should in turn cause them to look within (hopefully) and then find the issue that is, as we all know, caused by themselves. I think this is a win/win solution because at the end of the day those raging posters can't exactly blame bioware for their threads being closed, they will only have their fellow players to blame, which will prevent them from truly rage quitting. The decision would also hold more weight to it, because each vote is an individuals decision and cannot be held to a particular group, such as Bioware. Yet, if they quit regardless of such a powerful suggestion, who needs someone that isn't even open to opinion, do you honestly think that's an asset to our community? This gives those rage posters more time in game working on their crappy characters and posters trying to persuade the unshakable more time to show and teach them how to do it right, whether that be through roflstomping them or giving them some in game advise. I'd rather those whiners be figuring things out in game, where they can see things first hand.
  6. Annihilation Marauder... Or a properly played Carnage Marauder... or how about just Marauders.
  7. You. Your Skill. Whatever you've been building thus far. Lots of things, it's pvp for a reason and you only get the commendations for WINNING ranked matches. So I don't think there'll be much of a problem with "noobs" getting gear, cus pros like you and I should be squashing them and forcing them to go do normal pvp until they get decent.
  8. Signing for things they're already working on. Redundant.
  9. Spec into interrupting if you don't like how it is right now. I do tons of dps and can interrupt almost all of a ranges channel bar attacks. I usually hit 4/5 to put it into perspective.
  10. I like having diversity, +1 for having different colors straight out at 50.
  11. This, unlike you if I'm not facing you or my camera ain't facing you the only thing I can do to you is force charge. Thanks for admitting that your class is extra easy and like I had presumed all you need to do as a bh is sit at max range and spam aoes. Idk why anyone players that boring class seriously...
  12. If they're awful, that must make you...... Oh and most ppl roll premades because of horrid pugs like you on our teams... If you were on Sith Battle Meditation you'd understand, the holding hands club (legacy/grey order) Will not play a match with pugs, they will leave warzones just to get full premade teams... Wanna talk about stacked... lol it's only to make it halfway fair, quit your whining....
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