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Everything posted by ryathal

  1. thats not planning for it, thats just shutting down and giving up on trying to have consistent service. they easily could have pulled some resouces from their big projects that have no real release date announced and had them put something together in less time so they could keep promises they already made. But, they know enough fanboys and apologists exist that they can really just blow anything off with any sort of excuse and have people willingly accept it.
  2. you get to see it in relation to people in the beginning of emipre
  3. its the least inconvenient time for the U.S. and we represent more money, nothing personal.
  4. the holidays are a pretty pathetic excuse for a two week delay, they aren't exactly a surprise they can be planned for, a few days is one thing, but 2 weeks is pretty excessive.
  5. this is a pretty good description except you left out the part where its the pizza place that makes all its money from drunk people sobering up after last call, so even if you do like what you get its still a crappy product.
  6. you mean apart from all the other stupid things already in this game, its more like par for the course.
  7. actually it is like i won't buy it. the planet stories are average at best and I couldn't care less about endgame. I doubt this "expansion" is going to magically be full of grade A content that changes everything. That combined with the non existent release date I'll gladly hold on to the buying potential of my own money and not give BW an interest free loan. Also after the "expansion" launches there is a 50/50 chance upon my first login Kaidan will appear out of nowhere and ask if I'd like to go have a toss in the hay because not letting him die is a huge turn on for him.
  8. SWG worked wonerfuly as the example of how not to run an mmo.
  9. you do realize that the wow expansions are nearly as comprehensive as vanilla swtor right?
  10. You realize that expression meanspittance I have the money I would just rather pay a single honest fee than a pittance every so often for things that shouldn't cost money.
  11. very very few people actually want any sort of world pvp. Wow tried to make world pvp happen quite a few times and they best they managed was bribe people with a mount to raid cities once, which is impossible for this game and really only worked for a month or two in wow anyway. Even during TBC when Sunwell launched which was essentially the greatest thing ever for world pvp fans forcing essentially ever max level character onto a small island with no flying mounts. What happened was a torrent of ************ on the forums about people getting ganked during dailys on the forums and in chat. There is no wpvp in this game because there isn't really any wpvp in any game, and its not lack of developer effort it's the fact most players even on pvp servers really don't like it or want to do it.
  12. I thought this thread was about iconic names being whored out not some ugly gear with a random guys name attached to it
  13. I just want to point out a few things. 1. Those of you who are subbing and not buying cartel coins are no longer paying for the game as far as EA is concerned. In fact you are effectively paying them less than you were previously. 2. The cartel market is what is paying for this game now, the sub income is a secondary concern if that. 3.It's EA were you really expecting better from them, their idea of good customer service is pointing out they only played "just the tip" and didn't go all out.
  14. 1 h. My ocd wanting to finish the stories 2. I have done nothing major and probably balanced the minor stuff out with the negatives 3. I would love for it to succeed and I think that's partly why I came back, but I think that ship has sailed
  15. Its not a problem tor can ev er fix. Being a tank is simply more demanding than other specs so it will always have less players. Also the problem is compounded by groups having less dps per tank than other games. Another problem is tanks don't scale in progression from flashpoints to raids, it should be one tank in a 4 man 2 in 8 man and 4 in 16 man. By not doing this some tanks are forced out of the tank role inorder to progress into higher content.
  16. blizzard somehow found a way to post patch notes way in advance...
  17. Your sig is exactly how f2p is supposed to work. There is a minority spending large sums of money, a greater portion that spends a little amount, and a large portion paying nothing. Expecting everyone to pay some is a p2p attitude that according to BW got them into the mess they sre in. F2p should allow people to sick around for free relitively painlessly so those spending the big bucks have someone to play with. The mindset for players should be this game is awesome and buying X would make it even more awesome, not this game is suffocating but for only $15 a month they won't choke me as hard. F2p is designed to be supported by whales, but the whales will only stick around if there are small fish there too.
  18. Credit cap does nothing to stop gold farmers.com those advertising aren,t using the same accounts they are banking money on. They only need a handful of accounts which they probably already had from before f2p. All that changed is advertising volume because that became free. A reasonable cap would be nice, hitting one million is pretty easy just leveling to 50.
  19. Doing this would make it way too obvious how shallow the dialog options actually are.
  20. In WoW the report spam button automatically put that person on a temporary ignore list which allows blizzard to have time to act without people getting all pissy about response time, I think they also had a rule set up that level one characters getting X reports in Y time auto banned them as well. This is another pretty obvious and basic WoW feature that makes this game look second rate.
  21. Textbook door in the face move and its working to perfection. Grats BW
  22. I'm surprised how many people are gushing about the story. Almost all of it is below par for any company, let alone BW, and its really the highest point of this game which is why its failing so fast. There were some high points (the imp agent story) but the pile of lackluster crap shadows them. The state of the story in this game makes me think the devs last experience with the story in other mmos was the early vanilla WOW days, but companys have moved on since then and gotten a lot better at delivery of their story. Even Borderlands has better character development than this game...
  23. 7/10 would read again. I would rate it highe4 but some of your points are whiny ********
  24. People hate this game because they were promised a game that took the foundation wow built and then expand upon it. What we got was a game that randomly took a few of the things wow did and copied them (poorly) and then added their own halfbaked ideas on top. Which even then might have still been acceptable if they knew the mmo basics before hand, instead of making every possible noob mistake other than launch server instability, which they avoided by not letting half the people play in the first place.
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