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Everything posted by Ricul

  1. Yeah...OOOOOORRRRRRRR you just play all the content and let me just play the class story. The difference is i get what i want and you get what you want this way. Geez man people are *********** stupid.
  2. At no point i was able to do a meaningfull LS option exept Jaessa but that is pointless as well:"This must be our little secret so noone has to react to it and we don't have to create alternative options!" I expected to be able to spare the lives of the agents/generals to bring them on my side against Barras but i have no choice to spare them from death/imprisonment. I went throug all the dialogue options in all the situations but they are pretty much the same. The whole LS/DS thing seems to be pointless. KOTFE/KOTET had some good options though.
  3. Ricul


    I play on a EU server and in 14 days there wasn't a single invite to pvp or a flashpoint. The server is D E A D. Now you release a patch with an OP and there is no chance in hell i could ever find enough people to play it. Why don't you merge the ****ling servers? This is ridiculous.
  4. Wen juckts? Ich komm am Wochenende zu Stosszeiten nich mal in nen Flashpoint/PvP geschweige denn ne OP. Der Patch war sinnlos und die Story grotten schlecht.
  5. Yeah the op is inaccessible to me as well because my server is just empty. I can't do flashpoints or pvp as well by the way.
  6. I have edited it a bit for comedy value.
  7. Please Bioware roll back this "patch" and start over. It is embarrassing. The story sounds like a 5 year old wrote it and felt so rushed it's not even funny: Patch:"Oh hey remember that epic storyline you did. Yeah well now you have to choose republic or empire again for no reason." Me: Wow, really? Patch: "Oh look now there is a "superweapon" and you need to stop it before the empire gets it !" Me: Staring at screen in disbelief, scratching my head. Patch: "Oh no the empire has the weapon what shall we ever do ? This is a disaster !" Me: "......" Patch: "Yay they are all dead and you win the day and all in one cutscene!" Me: "Well that went fast." Patch: "Look out it is a giant Robot !". Robot; "I am super angry and i am also a god!" (Read in robot voice) Patch:"Quick shoot it with your fleet !". Me:"I thought the fleet was disabled?!?" Pewpewpew!!! Me:"Nevermind" Robot: "I will come back one day to be even more angry!" Me: ??? Patch:"Oh NO someone betrayed you ! What an intriguing conspiracy !" Me: "Well this is terribly written but maybe it will become interesting". Patch:"That's all for now. Now go do some dailies and have fun !!!" Me: (Famous Picard Meme) Seriousely what the hell is this? This must be a joke.
  8. Story was fine? No. Story sounds like it was written by a 5 year old. It was terrible.
  9. Same here. Edit: Fixed by closing Bitraider stuff in task-manager and then trying again.
  10. Mine doesn't even start. Unspecified error. Can't repair either.
  11. So basically you are saying that everyone should play at your pace. I get it.
  12. 5 minutes in and i already stopped. Mobs have so much hp again and my ungeared chars feel super weak. Defeated the emperor and now i struggle with some generic robot. Talk about suspention of disbelief. Also first thing they do is undo everything we accomplished in the past. Is this a Resident Evil movie? After the story chapters i am too spoiled to stay arround for the standart mmo grind with story as an afterthought.
  13. So what exactly is this "War for Iokath"? A whole new 16 chapters or just peacemeal? Also i hope that the operation has a solo mode because my server is dead.
  14. Becoming emperor of the universe ofc. After that you become God. This is such hack writing you just have to ask yourself what would be the stupidest thing to do and you got your answer.
  15. So what? The building has a new janitor. You think they will magically fix the bugs and make lasting content? They will propably just write another over the top story like becomming emperor of the universe or something.
  16. None of them. I would never stick to one woman
  17. I play on Jar'Kai Sword and i have NEVER encountered an area with more than 2 people. This is unacceptable. Merge servers or give us free transfers. I haven't talked to another person since i resubbed two weeks ago. Oh and it would be pretty cool if you could show us how many people are on what server so we won't migrate from one ghost town to the next. P.S. Agent story quest (Powerplay) still bugged since launch.
  18. I have the same problem (Jar'Kai Sword). Every evening the ping goes up to something like 200.000 and then the server is unavailable for 1-2 hours. I am pretty certain they do that on purpose to save costs or whatever. It is not an isp issue since everything else works fine.
  19. Vielleicht bekommen wir ja nun den ersten Trans-Jedi. Can't wait !
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