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Everything posted by lorelthesecond

  1. You get it here http://stormlegion.riftgame.com/en/dimensions/
  2. Your missing the point we dont want to play on the US servers because of the high ping. I get around 600ms on the US servers I cant pvp or do OPS with ping that high. Also what about refunds for APAC players for Rise of the hut Cartel pre orders? I put a ticket in asking for my money back 2 days ago and have not got a reply back.
  3. The difficulty is that I get around 600ms on the US servers and that makes the game unplayable.
  4. Hopefully I get a reply to my ticket about my refund when the server's come back online. If not I will have to call my bank tomorow and do a chargeback.
  5. Like hell I am happy EA and Bioware can go to hell and burn!
  6. http://www.gopetition.com/petitions/keep-apac-servers-for-swtor-available-and-merge-them-into-1.html
  7. The Bastion is unplayable as a APAC player. I just rolled a toon there to see what my ms would be and I am geting up to 600ms! I only get around 70ms on the APAC pvp server.
  8. Yeah not if the Libs win a the end of the year as they said they will scrap the NBN.
  9. Yeah I dont like this at all. What made the event cool in the first place is they said it was going to be a one time only event and it would be your only chance to get the rewards. Its a slap in the face to all the people who did the event last year.
  10. I miss the old HM Flashpoints before the nerfs to them in 1.3.
  11. "Ps. - to some of the RP people that post on here, glorifying your dead server gives me a headache and making PvPers out to be complete you know whats is just pathetic - you know who you are. Think of the APAC community as a whole and not just yourselves." Sorry but the role play server isnt dead. Like I said before I am lvling a alt on Gav Daragon atm and there are lots of other players on the planets with me.
  12. Wrong it is the highest pop server the planets are full of players and I joined a guild there the other day that had over 50 people online in just this one guild! Not everyone hangs around fleet you know.
  13. Looks like Bioware and EA is just going to ignore this and hope it go's away. I wonder what other pay to win items they will add in todays patch my bet is on Tinoese gear next.
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