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Posts posted by -Zajo-

  1. If people are drawn to the darker side in a game and even more being Sith in a Star Wars game, shouldn't BW be prepared for this and add faction limitations? If a server is stacking too many Sith that faction should be locked until factions balance out. Same goes if Republic gains too many on their side.


    So maybe BW was not responsible of the SW lore and or the look and feel of the factions. But they are responsible for creating a game that should be playable for all (dispite the lore). There they failed miserably.


    And a small penny to the discussion regarding rock/lightning. If a skill is insta and the other isn't then it should, by no means be called mirrored.

  2. That mentality is by far the easiest. In any and all responses you can say l2p, QQ more, noob etc. You actually don't have to give a thought out response. And why might that be? I can't really say but I think people are so scared of actually giving an honest opinion on the forums nowaday, they know they will most likely be flamed. So I'll shield myself by attacking you first.


    Just look what happened on these forums alone. Someone a few weeks ago wrote that Imperial players are better than Republic players. Meaning there were no faction imbalances, no skill imbalances, no faction being favored more than the other etc.


    Now, that thinking has become law. I see tons adapting to that thinking, actually believing that they, soley being Imperials, are better than any and all Republic player.


    I see people having that in their signatures and even in their responses using that Law (fact) as an absolute truth.


    I am Imperial, therefor better than you!


    There is no reasoning with these people, you'll only get a response like the ones I mentioned above and other non constructive blather.

  3. or 6) People crying on the forums


    Would you rather they removed forums all together?




    7. People have L2P issues and find it easier to blame BW.


    As a response to the OP, what can make or break a game for me is the community. A community based on people responding with L2P, QQ more and Can I have your stuff will in many cases ruin the game for other players.

  4. Republic got less attention, fleet station and coruscant make my freaking eyes bleed.


    mmm it's true that many planets and areas on Sith side looks better. The fleet alone shows a big difference, especially the crew skill area.


    But every player creating their char for the first time does not know that. They choose Sith/Jedi based on what they seen in trailers and any other relation they have to Star Wars the movies.


    Personally I think the random quest stories and the main storyline (Jedi Cou/Sith Inq) is created a lot better on Jedi side than Sith.


    That might be cause I gerenally think it's embarrasing being all "He will regret the day he saw me" or "I will leave nothing alive" or "My epeen is bigger than yours". So everything within me cringed playing Sith. I found all conversation choices lame and embarrasing.


    But is it enough to blame BW for the faction imbalance? Or is it a player choice issue?

  5. I do find it interesting though. Is it BW's fault that Sith is more sought after or is it the player base fault?


    After reading previous comments I do agree on the fact that BW did create the factions the way they are portraid in the movies. The colours, the clothing, the behavior even the looks of the characters and very alike.


    So is it the player base fault, the bigger base of players who always gets drawn to the mor evil/darker side, regardless of game. Be it destruction, Elyos, Sith, Pirates etc.


    Maybe it's not BW's fault that so many has a need to go evil in games, but maybe it's their responsibility to, when knowing this fact, make sure a server is balanced. Like adding faction limits on the server?


    I don't know but it sure is an interesting topic.

  6. I suggest that everyone should ignore any response that includes these three most common responses:



    QQ more

    Can I have your stuff


    I have my ideas as to why the past years these three sentences are becoming a copy/paste response. But I wont go into that as many will get provoked (mainly the population using those responses).

  7. As a disappointed pvp'er I'll be looking towards the horizon, to the game with quotes like:


    ...where our goal is to create the best MMO PvP experience

    we wanted to organize the PvP formats more clearly and simply

    we wanted to create the highest-quality PvP possible

    Our goal is to allow new players to try PvP with our hot join servers while making sure that the most elite PvPers will be able to find a challenge

    At the end of the day, XXX is a social MMO, and structured PvP is as much a part of that as anything else.

    We want you to stop preparing to have fun and start having it!


    Might be creating high hopes, but reading their ideas they sure respect their pvp base far more than this game ever will.

  8. If I sold you a broken car and you killed your son while driving it, the fault is mine alone. If you still kept the car after that incident and continued to kill your family members with it and not learning from your mistake, there's some fault in you too. Not fault in the car's broken status but in the fact that you keep using a broken car even though all signs tell you not to.




    I have indulged you enough.

  9. Look, I can understand if someone goes to Ilum unaware of the situation (has not read forums etc.) and dies once, but to persist with it even though there's hundreds of red's all around is insane. Shouldn't that fire off some sort of an alarm bell in your head? What hope are you talking about? Do you hope you will magically kill some of those hundreds the 24th time you respawn? How about the 56th? The 137th? What excatly are you hoping to happen by doing the same proven to fail move over and over again?


    So now the fav word to jump on is hope?


    Stick to the reason I quoted you in the first place.


    A player is never to blame. Neither Imp or Rep. Only to blame for this is BW/Mythic/EA.

  10. I didn't blame the players for the fact that Ilum is broken. I blamed them for going there to die when they know they'll die, it just doesn't make any sense.


    Here let me break it down for you: if the less populated faction stops going there and feeding the more populated one, then the more populated one cannot do their dailies and farm valor which in turn increases the amount of people complaining about Ilum, thus increasing the chances the devs will do something about it asap.


    And I said that no blame at all should be placed on the player. In that way of thinking I'd say all those spawn camping, valor grinding Imps are to blame. For so blatently abusing a faulty system. While knowing the other faction is having a pretty crappy time because of it. But, I don't think it's their fault.


    Players going to Ilum, do so cause they still hope they will be able to get their dailies and some taste of pvp. Just as you hope BW/Mythic will sort this abomination out.

  11. Yes I do realize this but the question still remains. No one's forcing you to play. If you don't like the way Ilum is, protest by not playing, or at the very least play an alt. What possible reason could one have to get killed over and over again when they know they're going to get killed?


    You my kind Sir should leave this thread and go pollute some other thread.


    No player is for any reason responsible. The game was created for all to play "equally". If this is not working, the game developers are at fault. He pays for the sub, ergo has every right to go there, just as all the spawn camping clowns on Imp side.


    Have an opinion on ppl avoiding it cause it's just eternally bad, beyond anything I've ever seen, in hopes the game devs will realize it really really needs changes, fair enough. But don't blame the player for doing what he/she has the right to do.

  12. I believe healers should be forced (or any player for that matter) to position themselves right. That the players on your team should know where their healer is if they want to get heals.


    Any and all skills on all characters should have LoS.

  13. People quitting do so cause they played wow for 5 years and wanted the same game with better graphics, same abilities but using light sabres instead of a waraxe.

    Youir warrior, deathknight or Rogue is that way.


    Usually I don't quote just for the sake of it but I think I'm in a weak state right about now.


    I can not even elaborate on how tired I am of WoW being mentioned in everything and for evey reason. If you do not have anything else to come with but say it's WoW, in any regards, then please save many of us the heart ache but not posting.


    I have never played WoW, ever, and yet I still unsubbed. For me very valid reason, for you maybe not.

  14. Heres the problem with this


    "It's further out from launch, so we can have much more of the team focussed on it"


    focus on new content does not seem logical. Becuse chances are it will be implamented in a halfassed fashion just like the current content (that was complained about during closed beta and never addressed).



    Right now the biggest concerns for this games survival are not content. They should have most of there team focussed on fixing there core gameplay mechanics, crafts, aswell as vendor/gear systems including the current daily system in place. At the moment all these aspects seemed rushed with little forsight in there design. All these aspects had been complained about sense Closed beta and never addressed.


    As of right now i have not seen sweeping bug fixs and changes, even 1.1 does not address alot of major issues, just minor easy to fix API script edits.




    Overall the feels like bioware is repeating mythic's mistakes. (all these rumors of there outsourced programming and art staff dont inspire much confidence ether)


    I'll have to agree on this.


    Glad to see they are communicating a bit to the player base but unfortunately I'm not as confident the future patches/additions will sort the issues some are stuggling with 8 months ago, 1 month ago and right now.


    ... and tomorrow and next week and next month.

  15. I am myself amazed of how fast into this game I unsubbed and uninstalled the game. Never has any game made me so angry and frustrated so fast before.




    I leveled 3 chars to 50 (and if you played it you know the grind needed) in Aion doing barely no pvp (and I dislike pve), waiting for the pvp to get sorted. I gave that games 8 months.


    In Warhammer I stayed for 1.5 year waiting for improvments, going through all the imbalances and bugs. The last year (if I did an alt) I leveled through pvp alone. My main char was the Shammy, for 1 year I played a broken, unloved, underpowered and least appreciated healer (if not char) in-game. But I loved it!


    I spent 5.5 years in EVE, slowly levling my character through realtime leveling.


    I don't rage easy and I always give secnd chances. But this game has been so many years in the making. They have had the ability to research other mmo's, finding what players like and dislike the most. They had tons of suggestions from the beta players, knowing certain things would be wrong, yet they implemented it in the game.


    They have for free gained several hundreds of thousands of players ONLY on the hype of it being Star Wars. It's cult and for many it's a loved thing. They have hyped the game even more the past year on all avaliable social medias. When SWTOR came out it was so hyped I'm amazed it didn't burst into flames all on it's own.


    Being sutch a big game, knowing an appox amount of players, being in 2012 they should, without and excuse, have a better customer service. A production that big should respect it's players and at least give feedback, direct answer, confirm or deny, most issues that gets brought up regularly on the forums.


    After this wall of text I could list many reasons why I after less then 1 month unsubbed and uninstalled the game. I won't though.


    So, why am I still on the forums? Because I hope there will be change, I'm waiting to see if any answeres comes, I want to help as much as I possible can to sort things that doesn't work.


    And because it's Star Wars .. come on!

  16. Talks about CC will mostly always result in an internal battle in the thread about who gets hit by them, who uses them and who never experience it because they either are in a premade, know how to play or don’t complain about dying.


    Therefor I’ll not comment on the separate CC’s in the game.


    However lately I have been questioning the need of so much CC in a PVP environment. Do we really need that much? I mean in almost all PVP games I’ve played there has always been an issue with the CC countdown not working, in swtor read Resolve.


    I’ve also noticed that many get frustrated by the excessive amount of CC that can be thrown on them directly after each other. Now do people get frustrated because they died in PVP, or do they get frustrated because it happens so often that the feel of actually doing any PVP before dying is nonexistent?


    Personally I think one 5-7 sec CC/character is enough. And maybe throw in a slow as well. My main objective in PVP is the fight I can have. My level of enjoyment comes from how the fight was before I died. If I feel I could contribute enough I can walk away satisfied even if we lost the WZ.


    Most people also know that going in a premade will likely give you an upper hand. The group can be lower leveled and have worse gear than the enemy team and still win the WZ based on teamwork and communication. So PUG’s will likely also be a factor of frustration in PVP.


    But the question I have still remain unanswered. Do we really need all these CC’s and do we really need to have several CC’s per character?


    A big problem I see with the CC is the abuse of it, when you pull someone into the acidpit, when you pull someone going towards an objective or a fight several meters back, when you aoe knock people in to the acidpit or the fire, when you stun or lift someone over the fire, when you perma CC someone to get a kill (mostly in outnumbered groups).


    I believe that if you remove most of the CC people will be forced to use tactics more to get a kill. You can no longer make a person incapacitated and unable to join in on the fight. On a second note regarding tactic I’d love to see everyone’s stealth ability timed and stealth being impossible while in combat. It’s way too easy.


    Personally I would love to see much of the CC removed (one per character is enough) and stealth changed. I like being challanged and forced to think and use tactics in PVP. And I think the two things mentioned would be a really good step towards making that happen.

  17. I have at start of a wz and even during a wz (when it's been calm) put the aoe heal on the ground where my teammate are standing and single healed. That has never counted towards my healing score.


    Not saying that what you saw didn't happen but it seems very unlikely that it's a permanent exploit that works for all?

  18. What? This action isn't even worth the effort. But if they have fun with it i let them.


    I'm sorry but I queue for wz's to win and I will not let them have their "fun" as you call it. The whole idea of helping the opposite team goes again any rule of any game, may it be in-game or irl. It's not ok, it's trolling and they know that very well while they do it.

  19. If you'd seen some of the republic players on my server... this wouldn't surprise you. There are people who have 40 valor rank and above who fail to understand basic strategy... Hell I've had 6 people follow me to the side turret in alderaan when I was the first down to the side (with a speed boosted shadow; after having said I was going left, and with the two who went mid agreeing I should) before -they- call me a noob for going to the side with everyone else.


    EDIT: Oh and nearly all the matches I -lose- on the republic side are due to bad players on my team and a certain handful of EXTREMELY GOOD premade 50s that I sometimes fight. I have no complaints at losing to good players, who are premade, and level 50s. Neither should anyone else; nor do I complain when I lose due to a group of (for want of a nicer word) morons fail miserably. I win more than half my matches; therefore either I'm really good (which I doubt, good probably, but good enough to balance out a "serious imbalance of sides"? no.) or the majority of matches are just decided by who has more bad players. Annoying? Certainly. Designed imbalance? no.


    Not saying there are not bad players in mmo's. Gawd knows I see tons of them, both on rep and imp. Even I make bad mistakes on and off depending on the situation where I facepalm myself going "*** did I just do".


    My question to the another poster, was an honest one.


    Regardless of bad players, I highly doubt an entire faction on a server is bad.


    I don't think I've stated that rep are getting hit by loads of imbalances and that being the reason they lose and I understand based on server guild (on both sides) some premades will win regardless if they are imps or rep.


    But if there are imbalances that they should be fixed asap.

  20. Half the crap the OP posted about isn't even true, or it's exaggerated. For instance, my electrocute DOES NOT ignore resolve. Maybe he's seen a bug where it does, but that certainly hasn't been the case for me.


    Fair enough, I could not say if half or 25% of it is true or false. I don't see all those aspects. So not going to pass judgment of how much or how little of it is true. However if even 25% IS true it should be sorted.


    Now I still wonder about the statment I did quote you on. You really do believe that the reason for you only losing 1 wz's since start is because republic has bad players?

  21. The OP of this thread is ridiculous, as is anyone else who believes faction imbalance causes Republic to lose more games.


    I'm not saying the game is balanced because we all know it isn't, but the slight imbalances aren't the problem.


    Since the majority of people rolled Empire over Republic it's safe to say Imperial will have more better players as well. You can also say imperial has more bad players, but from my experiences I'm not sure that's the case.


    The Repubs on my server are PATHETIC. The premade I run with hasn't lost a SINGLE match to a Repub premade since the game released. Most of our games vs Repub are vs the same 3-4 premades, and only one of them even remotely gives us problems and that's only because they run 2 tanks/2 healers so it's impossible to kill them.


    I've had competitive huttballs vs other imperials, yet only one competitive game...EVER...vs Republic. Maybe it's just my server but I have a good feeling it's like this everywhere.


    So you believe the huge difference you encounter is mainly and almost entirly based on a bad republic population?

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