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Everything posted by Koichi

  1. We were once called the Grey Jedi Order, but we were nearly destroyed. Here is our story of how we came to be known as the Grey Remnants.... NOTE: The pictures used in this story are ONLY being used to give an idea of what events transpired and not anything in the pictures should give the reader an idea that these pictures were made for this story nor part of the Star Wars Canon. Datapad entry by Major Wolfe: Shortly after the Order was given to the Grey Jedi Council after the Grand Master stepped down, the Sith Empire had already sent a large armada to deal with them. Despite the early warning of the coming assault, the Grey Jedi Order was trapped. With no way to escape or call for help from its allies, they entrenched themselves at their Enclave; ready to fight to the last man.... The battle was a massacre.... Though few wanted to flee and find a new place to live, many wanted to stay and fight. The Grey Jedi Order launched every ship they had from both Voss (that were kept hidden underground) and those we had hidden in a large asteroid located in an asteroid field. As the Sith Empire jumped out of hyperspace, they were met by our minefield that we had laid out with the help of our intelligence branch whom predicted the most likely location for the Sith Fleet to arrive from. However, despite our clever tactic, it only seemed to drive home the point that we were out-manned and out-gunned. For the first wave was just the vanguard to a much bigger one. The Sith Empire flanked our forces and caught our fleet in a pincer. The fleet we had in orbit was decimated in just 2 hours... I still remember the comm chatter back on the Enclave... I'm still looking at all the men and women that were K.I.A. http://assets-cloud.enjin.com/users/875716/pics/original/2418972.jpg No sooner had our fleet been wiped, did we receive word of enemy landing vessels breaking orbit and landing on the border of where the enclave was. This was when I was given orders to lead the defense of the enclave. Orders I still wished I could follow through. I led the defense force and had them entrenched just a few hundred meters from the enclave. Usually, in normal Sith Imperial Tactics, they would send in their fighters and bombers and level the place. That or send a small force to test our defenses and find a weakness in our defense. It could be done easily and we wouldn't be able do a thing to stop them.... No... That would have considered to quick of a death for us. No sooner did they march upon the enclave did I receive word that Darth Malgus himself was leading the charge. http://assets-cloud.enjin.com/users/875716/pics/original/2418993.jpg Even with our knowledge of the terrain and the traps that were set, the Sith Empire came down on us hard. My men were being pushed back to the enclave. Fighting erupted in the streets and from building to building. Anyone that surrendered or were captured, were executed on the spot for all to see. This wasn't a battle. This was a purge. A purge of anyone with a connection to the Grey Jedi Order. I'd wished for Grand Master Ian Mount or Master Griseus were there when all this took place. Having them there would have raised the morale and maybe even changed the outcome of the battle. Wishful thinking...But I knew, deep down, it wouldn't matter who was there. http://assets-cloud.enjin.com/users/875716/pics/original/2418967.jpg As my forces were being pushed closer and closer to where the Grey Jedi were, the Sith Empire began making artillery strikes on us. Knowing that we didn't stand a chance with no air support, I ordered the retreat to the enclave for our last stand. http://assets-cloud.enjin.com/users/875716/pics/original/2419018.jpg Jedi and soldiers fighting side by side. Might sound good for a heroic last stand that you'd read in the holo-archives, but to those like me who managed to survive, it didn't feel heroic. Just desperate to survive. As we waited inside, with the wounded, I could tell by the look of the Grey Jedi that they did not expect to live through this. I tried to think of what I've done with myself all those years. My time in the Officer Academy, Havoc Squad, all those campaign I fought in that eventually led me to join the Grey Jedi Order. No matter how I thought back about it, I couldn't see any other path I would have taken. Might sound like your typical soldier-way-of-thinking, but for someone like me who was given a choice to stay in the Republic or fight with rogue Jedi...well...I just don't know what to say other than I felt a connection with them and their ideals. Before I could say anything to my men or even thank the Jedi next to me for letting me fight along with them, the Empire sent in their Sith and Imperial soldiers... http://assets-cloud.enjin.com/users/875716/pics/original/2419155.jpg Hundreds of Sith and Imperial soldiers filled the enclave. My men that were wounded were quickly dispatched and tossed aside. Jedi were being targeted specifically. http://assets-cloud.enjin.com/users/875716/pics/original/2419186.jpg They were lured away from each other and then ganged up on and attacked from all sides. Where I stood was in the center of it all. Trying to shoot anyone not wearing our colors. I couldn't say how long the fight inside lasted. However, in all the fighting going on, I saw Darth Malgus as he delivered the killing blow to one of the Grey Jedi Councilors. http://assets-cloud.enjin.com/users/875716/pics/original/2419188.jpg Before I could line a shot with my assault rifle, I was shot from the back by an Imperial soldier and left for dead. By the time I'd regained consciousness I was being aided by one of my medics. Apparently the Empire's forces had pulled back. I asked how long ago was it and the medic responded a little less than an hour ago. A cold chill ran down me and fear as I remembered on one of my campaigns where Empire forces would pull out and then bomb the area. With a surge of fear for those that remained I shouted to everyone to get below ground. I had remembered that there was a hidden bunker under the enclave that the Grey Jedi would use to meditate or explore the caverns beneath the ground. Having the Medic help me up and gathering those that could still move, I lead them through the dead bodies to the entrance, located in the Grey Jedi Archives. No time to count or look for any other survivors, I locked the entrance and led them further underground. I didn't know where we were or if there would be another way out. All I could think of was surviving. About 15 minutes later, I felt the ground shake. The Empire did exactly what I thought they'd do. http://assets-cloud.enjin.com/users/875716/pics/original/2418945.jpg They razed the Enclave in a sea of flames... After the shaking stopped, the survivors and myself spent two days wandering the caverns. If it weren't for a Voss Exploration team with an escort of Voss Commandos that found us while they were mapping the tunnels, we would have died there. The Voss managed to get in touch with the Republic Embassy and had all the wounded flown to their medical ward. Afterwards, we were debriefed and were held in captivity until the Republic Senate decided what to do with us. As one of the highest ranking officers there from the Grey Jedi Order, I was brought before the Jedi Council and the Chancellor. Due to the fact that the Grey Jedi Order was only labeled as Rogue Jedi that left the Republic, the general public see us as no more than war criminals. The information about just how big and organized were kept from the public's ear. Not even the Senate knew everything about us. From what I could grasp at the time. The Jedi Order had gone to many lengths to keeps our actions covered up with the Chancellor's help. I stood in the Chancellor's office, handcuffed and surrounded by Jedi and Senate Guards. I could sense--Not with the Force--that they didn't quite know what to do with the remaining members of the Grey Jedi Order. Apparently the news of the actions taken by the Sith Empire had spread like a virus on the Holo-Net, and people were beginning to ask questions and even the Voss were wanting an explanation. On one hand the Grey Jedi Order had assisted the Republic on many battlefronts, even though they never received any recognition. On the other, all the members responsible for founding the Grey Jedi Order are either K.I.A or M.I.A., so the idea of punishing the "War Criminals" couldn't really be done, successfully; especially since all that information has been wiped from the Grey Jedi Archives when the enclave was destroyed. As the Jedi Council members and the Chancellor spoke to one another, I contemplated what my/our punishment would be. That's when they turned to me and the other surviving members. For our punishment we were to be kept together and sent on missions that would most likely have us killed. All traces, all evidence of the Grey Jedi Order was to be erased from the Archives; including the Jedi Archive. As far as anyone will know, the Grey Jedi Order was just a Rogue Jedi faction that was poorly managed and all died on Voss. Those with me would be sent off Coruscant on a single Capital Ship and would be given mission after mission until none of us were left. We would report to the SIS and receive our orders from them. We'd be given no R&R just the next mission. This was our punishment. Our death sentence. If we try to run, we would be hunted down. That means that they would leak information that some Grey Jedi Order members survived to the Sith Empire, that the Republic would reveal us as traitors and have bounties on our heads. http://assets-cloud.enjin.com/users/875716/pics/original/2419400.jpg As I look over the men and women that will be accompanying me to this way of life, 'til our hearts stop beating. I can't but wonder why were we meant to survive all that, only to be at death's door waiting for our number to come up. The Jedi still with me that survived believe that it is the Force that has led us where we are today. That we still have a purpose to fulfill. I can't say I believe them, but what they said might be the only comfort my men will have. That we have a purpose that we are meant to accomplish and we can only rest once we are gone. That is what life is for the Grey Remnants. The Grey Remnants are looking for players of any class or level that are interested in any of these fields: -PvE -PvP Galactic Starfighter -Light to Moderate RP -Doing in-game events -Doing Dailies/Weeklies which involve getting commendations If you are interested in any of these things, please apply to our website at http://greyjediorder.enjin.com/home We are an average size guild (15-20 active members, but we still have the 10% EXP Boost due to alts and old members). We are usually on during the evenings and we use mumble to communicate to one another when forming parties for Guild Events. We do like our members to be mature and respectful to other members.
  2. If they do consider doing more class story arcs, the expansion would have to be as big as the original SWTOR. That or they have to recycle the planets they already have out there. This might have been possible if they had a very large sub from the players, but since things have slowly declined and now SWTOR is FTP, I doubt we will see anything in the near future. Best idea would be that they unlock more areas on the planets we already have--maybe add one or two new planets-- and try to expand on the class stories from there.
  3. That doesn't sound right. If it's so common knowledge, you should be able to link an old article about it.
  4. You so much touch my healer, and I'll rip your head off. Don't blame the healer... Blame the player. My Wookie can rip your arms off. You going to nerf my Wookie too? (Joking/sarcasm). **Being serious now** That's the players fault for not knowing their class. It also could be a kid who isn't experienced in MMO's or is undergeared (meaning he hasn't bothered trying to get better gear and is stuck in level 44 gear when he's level 53). This has nothing to do with your companion healer. Squishies (DPS players) need those heals to stay in the fight. Tanks need it too. Sounds more like human error than having an OP healer. Reason why we have companion healers is to give us an edge in mob fights when we are fighting solo.
  5. Reasons why its fine: 1. PvE has Makeb, that Czerka moon planet and Oricon(this includes flashpoints and operations). PvP has Galactic Starfighter. 2. PvP is easier for the developers since they don't have to write all the code for AI bots. Gives them an opportunity to test out all the features and see what we, the players, have to say about it. If they get positive reviews and requests/demands for PvE content, then they will start working on it. Thus giving us PvE content in the future. I can already see the potential this has in PvE, so you can bet that BioWare has as well (operations that have your ops group in starfighters would be a step in the right direction. Not to mention more features for when they release Guild Capital ships). 3. It encourages players to fight as a team or at least cover each other's backs. Face it, fighting NPCs is no where as challenging as fighting other players. Sure, down the line BioWare can release a space operation that requires you to take out a space station or defend a capital ship, but NPCs are restricted to their coding in how they should react/behave. Players are more versatile and their tactics change or they adapt to their environment. I'm not a huge PvP fan, but if they had to release this content on either PvE or PvP, I'd prefer PvP, because it will test my skills against other players. ALSO, BioWare said only THIS content is PvP ONLY. Not any future releases.
  6. BioWare is trying to expand on new things. You can brag about killing NPC's, but trying to kill other players is entirely different. Yeah, we have our starships, but BioWare would have to jump through so many hoops to make it work. For starters, they would have to change up the ship parts you can equip (seeing as the most powerful parts can be bought off from the Cartel Market). Then there's the customization. The starfighters can be altered significantly. With starships, BioWare would have to alter the interior layout as well. Having starfighters makes it easy since they don't have to mess with the interior. Also, they're giving us different ships to choose from that play different roles in PvP. You can't do that with your starship since they all are the same (though different in appearance). Finally, BioWare is giving you a chance to experience dog fighting like you could in X-Wing Rogue Squadron. You get a ship to add to your lonely hangar and get that feel of being in a squadron.
  7. OP is a TROLL. End of story.
  8. Tahra, though I appreciate that you took the time to answer all the questions, I did say in the OP you have to link where you got this information. Even if some of the answers might seem logical, BioWare hasn't always done the most obvious. Please take my OP seriously.
  9. I'm posting these questions in hopes that either the developers or other players can post the answer along with the LINK of the online article they got their information from. (Please number the answer that goes to the question in the OP, please). 1. Will us Cybertechs be able to craft any of these weapons or equipment for our starfighters? You've kinda left us hanging there. We have the ability to make parts for ships, but it all seems pointless seeing as you have the best starship armaments available through the Cartel Market. 2. How many starfighters are we allowed to have at any one time? In other words, is there some kind of limit to how many fighters we can have? 3. Will there be expertise and will the expertise on our avatar's armor be accounted for? Or --my hopes-- There isn't any expertise for the PvP Space battles and only the armaments on the starfighter have any effect on the strength of the player? 4. Will our PvP Valor Ranks offer any unlocks? 5. Will the Space PvP still give us Valor exp? 6. What have you guys done to help queue 12v12? It's hard enough to get 8v8. What features or system have you guys come up with to make queuing for this PvP go faster and not take 30 min to an hour to get into a match? 7. How do our companions effect our starfighters and does our companions affection meter apply to any special boosts? 8. If all goes well, will there be a chance that there will be PvE space operations involving players to take on NPCs together? (Big "if" on this one). 9. Will our character's level account for anything like they do for regular PvP? (Breaking us into tiers instead of any level can fight against one another). 10. Will the Space battle be similar to Star Wars Battlegrounds 2? (Spawn points where after one team reaches zero, they lose or when their capital ship or space station is destroyed). 11. Will there be a timer for the matches? 12. How will you replace players that decide to leave in the middle of a match? Do AI Bots fill in the gap until another player can join? Or does the team with one or two less players just have to hold their own until new players arrive? 13. Will the paint jobs be through a vendor only or does artifice or cybertech crafters get some schematics? 14. Will there be a way to do test flights to get use to the controls and test out the new weapons? 15. When wanting to queue for a Space PvP match, will we have to stay in our hanger's instance on the space station or can we be anywhere in the universe? 16. Will Space PvP be separate from the regular PvP queue? Seeing as some might hate the idea of being forced to do Space PvP matches. 17. How are you planning to support players communicating in chat while in the middle of a dogfight? Players with mumble or teamspeak would easily have the advantage (more so than usual). 18. Will there be a way to track our fellow wingmates? 19. Do you offer an ability to mark other players while in the match? Can you even mark other players while in Space PvP or have you taken that out for this particular PvP? 20. Is there a way for players to mark their wingmates or for a shortcut for the squadron leader to send word if they need back up or to attack/defend a location? **As you can see, I have a lot of questions. Some big, some small. I hope the developers will look at this post and use it to answer questions that I'm sure many are asking the same thing. I have more questions, but I think 20 is enough for now lol.**
  10. I believe I saw an article saying that your starfighter will be in the hanger instance that your starship is in. Don't know if it allows more than one starfighter to be displayed.
  11. Really? Wow... never noticed it until now. Wonder if that was supposed to be one of those items you can get individually?
  12. If you check the Cartel Collection in the Weapons page, you see an item called the "Corsec Electrobaton" Is this another item that was left out of the newest Cartel Package release? I say that, because no one is selling it on the GTN market nor has anyone I've seen use it.
  13. Just because other MMOs have it, doesn't mean it will be in SWTOR. Maybe changing legacy name, but the first name would make things complicated. An example being a guild member being kicked out because of his or her attitude, but then changes their characters name and appearance and gets back into the guild. Or worse raid the Guild bank of its items or credits. Mind you someone can just make another character, but letting them change their name in a snap welcomes problems. I would like if we could change our legacy names, but unless they anounce it, my conclusion is no for the name changer.
  14. That too. I don't like how hoods make your character bald.
  15. Not happening. They won't allow that, because the names you make are unique and no more than one can have that name. Also, it would be too confusing to keep up who's who in ones friend's list and also in a Guild. You can call customer service instead and they can let you rename your character, probably. However, that doesn't guarantee that you'll get the name you want or that they'll let you rename your character.
  16. Toys: -Those futuristic handcuffs you see on some of the NPCs (Would work with RP). - A Taun Taun that (like The Empire Strikes Back) it falls to the ground and you cut it open and get inside it. It heals you like the Kolto tank or Carbonite chamber. (Something I thought up that all my guildmates thought was funny, but also cool. Emotes: -Flipping weapon: Much like the flourish ability, but without activating your lightsaber (for example). A Jedi/Sith Warrior tossing his/her lightsaber or twirling it without activating it. Juggling it if you have two lightsabers. Blasters or rifles are more or less the same with a few changes. -Dying emote: self explanatory. -Force Assembling lightsaber emote (either emote or for healing). -Force lift: Sitting cross-legged and lifting things from rocks, boulders or droids. (It can be random in what one lifts. One could even be lifting a starfighter (Empire Strikes Back reference). -Choking Emote (Force RP when you want to choke someone. Could also be acted out like they make you think you're choking them, but then laugh and say "Gotcha!"). -Drinking emote (With an actual cup in hand and not pretend!) Speeder: -Hoverboard (Back to The Future II) -Car speeder that can have passengers in it like in Star Wars Galaxies. Clothes: -Force Ghost (Star Wars: The Return of the Jedi Ghost that Kenobi, Yoda and Luke's father were at the end of the movie). -Jedi Robes that don't have those long cloaks, but instead have a robe vest . Pictures here: http://webspace.webring.com/people/fd/daxius_x/jedi_robes.jpg http://images.wikia.com/swfanon/images/c/ce/Jedi_Knight_Sato_Kin-Kari.jpg http://starwarsx.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/05/jedi-lumn-vita-star-wars-x.jpg -Battle Torn outfits. Instead of all these shiny looking outfits, put in some that look like someone just got out of a battle. Blaster marks on the armor, lightsaber slashes and torn robes (some even revealing skin). Extras: I've seen lately that the Cartel Market has more or less ruined some of the crew skills. An example being Cybertech and how they can produce speeders and ship parts. Another example would be Artifice and their ability to create lightsabers. My solution is to release schematics for those so that they can create armor, speeders, lightsabers etc. that BioWare has either removed from game or have just been introduced. Speeders and Ship parts is in big need. I was surprised that my cybertech didn't get any new schematics for speeders.
  17. They kinda did. That Cathar Sword that came out in that last Cartel Package.
  18. /Signed (Especially since I messed up and ended up making the light choice when (spoilers) I fought the darkness in me on Tattooine (didn't know that I was supposed to accept it. The videos I watched only showed the final confrontation with her and her former master. Not the other scene I mentioned) (End Spoilers). Now I'm stuck with a light side her when I wanted the dark side one. Not to mention I DO NOT want to restart my character since I already got him to lvl 33 and spent a lot of credits on him.....If not able to romance her when she is light, AT LEAST make it possible to have a second chance to turn her to the DARK SIDE. THEN Romance her! XD
  19. I'm looking to trade for an advanced WHITE color crystal that has 41 endurance on it. I will be willing to trade both Revan's chest piece and bottom AND 2 million credits. Contact me on my in game character; Ian'n ( "I" as in Igloo) or through my profile on this site. My request/offer will last until this coming Sunday. After which, I will be selling the Revan clothes.
  20. NOTE: Please be aware that comments that are vulgar, immature, or anything that can be labeled as "Trolling" will be reported and/or ignored. Know that these ideas are for all of you gamers out there and benefit you as much as the one posting this thread. Player Starships: -Make it to where you can interact with ALL the furniture and not just the seats on the bridge of the ship. -You have us have a Holo Game table, so make a mini game already, jeez!!! -Increase the number of players that can enter your starship. (Would be nice for when Guilds have guild meetings). (I'm in a Guild and we DO have guild meetings) -Customize the outside appearance of the ship. Patterns, decals, etc... (Would like to place my Guild's emblem on my ship). -The Companions should be seen doing some kind of activity (BESIDES crafting), not just standing there like statues. (You did great with the crew on the Normandy in Mass Effect 3, can't you do it for SWTOR as well?) -Players need an emote or there needs to be a specific action when the player sits in the pilot's seat or any specific seat on the bridge. (Again, you did great with the Normandy, try to implement that into SWTOR, please). -Mod station in our starship (Make it a legacy perk like you did with the GTN and Mail box). -Make the cargo hold (the Starships inventory) not only hold items, but credits too. -Being able to place one or more of your speeders in the cargo hold of the ship (No, I don't mean the place you store your items). (Would be like a decoration to have displayed). (This can also be for pets or trophies. Trophies being the bits of the creatures you kill to make a replica or some other thing to display in your ship) (Like hunting). (The trophies can also be placed in your character's bedroom or lounge area). -While in the hanger area of a spaceport, you should see your companions coming and going from the ship or making repairs on the outside of the ship. (Again make it look like your crew is doing something other than just standing there). -While your ship is in the spaceport, you can interact with it to look like your doing repairs on it (meaning there are platforms or cranes to interact with to make it look like your repairing your ship or refitting it. -Give the Player's Starship its own level that gains personal experience over time like the player's character. In turn the ships stats go up and the player is able to unlock permanent stats boost to the ship. (can also be utilize to unlock better upgrades and whatnot for the ship. *Our Starship should be our pride and joy, but you don't offer much except space missions and the few legacy perks that add to our ship. I want to feel like its mine (In other words, I want to make it unique). The ship and its crew need to feel alive. Guilds: -Guild windows, in game, should have a function where we can post threads and schedule events. (Yes we have our own Guild Websites, but not everyone wants to minimize their window to go to their website. (Not to mention some people , for whatever reason, don't like going onto their guild's website while in game. (I should know, since I run my current guild's website and I never see very many guild members use the website unless we TELL them to, which they should feel the need to look at their own Guild's website to begin with.) (Don't really care for this, but whatever makes things easier for player use, I guess --_--). P.S. GUILD MESSAGE OF THE DAY DOES NOT COUNT seeing as there is a word limit. Guild Ships: -(Yes, you guessed it) GUILD CAPITAL SHIPS! (Who ever keeps posting threads of Guilds owning whole planets or regions needs to be realistic). Guild Capital Ships have been on the table (or back burner) since early last year. I'm not going to go into detail about this, because I KNOW that there are hundreds of threads on ideas for the Guild Ship. (Lets hope BioWare is taking our ideas to heart. Anyway, just implement the same ideas that are in the "Player Starship" section. (Would be awesome to have a stuffed world boss in the middle of your Guild Capital ship). -Make it to where we either have to scavenge the materials (on Hoth or Taris) and build our ship from the ground up. Etablish a Guild Leveling system so that the higher the level, the better the unlocks one can get for the ship. -NPC's in the guild capital ship can be interacted with to change their appearance or what uniforms to wear (Only the GUild master and the officers can do this and must be unlocked/purchased to be able to customize). Also, include PvP options and customization if possible (within reason). So you guys know, I've posted like 2 or 3 threads about GUILD SHIPS, so go there if your curious on what features I would like included. Though some are old while some on here are just recently thought out ideas. -MORE SLOTS FOR MAKING RANKS WITHIN A GUILD! I can't tell you how annoying it is that we are limited to how many ranks we can make within our guild. Take what the limit is right now and double it, PLEASE! -Guild Crafting request. A guild member post a request for a certain item in a location similar to the Guild Bank or when the Guild Ship is released. That person post a reasonable amount of credits (which the request only last for so many days) the crafter, crafts the item and then delivers it to the client (through the same channels) and receives the credits. (NOTE: is can also be implemented through the public GTN market system) Think of it as a Request board (Like a bounty board). -Uploading Guild emblems to have use for placing on our character or as a decoration for the starship; both Player owned and Guild owned. Partying in Groups and/or Exploring Worlds: -Make it to where you can quick travel directly to where your party is (Party leader that is). Would save time from waiting for the other members to travel the long way to the location in question. -Map Markers. Being able to mark on your map (A Waypoint/s). -In the party/ops bar, you see an icon which says what role they fill (Tank, Healer, DPS). PvP: -Make it possible to select which WARZONES you want to be in. EX: Huttball. My least favorite sport (Mainly because my character is melee and the ranged classes have me beat when it comes to terrain. It's still fair, but I rather not play a WARZONE that I know I won't do good in. (Doesn't mean it isn't a good WARZONE, but I rather play any of the others than Huttball). (This has its pros and cons and I can understand the problems this could bring, so I wouldn't be upset or disappointed if they didn't do anything). -HUTTBALL: There are times when a person just joins or is being bait to lure other players away from the ball carrier, but they don't get any medals for doing it or their opportunity to do a WARZONE is wasted when the time is up right after they joined the group... -Group in a party with more than four players. Your with friends and you have five in a group, BUT the PvP Queue won't accept your group because of that 5th member and only accepts 4 or 8 members at any given time. That NEEDS to be fixed. *That's really all I have for now. If someone has something else to add, send me a message and I'll add it and make sure that you get credited for it. Crafting: -When harvesting on different worlds, make it possible to harvest more from one deposit. What I mean is that someone with a crafting level that's 200 wouldn't get as much materials as someone who has a crafting skill level of 400. Mounts/Speeders: -Able to place mods in that effect the speeder. A mod that increases the number of hits one can take before being dismounted; a booster that increases the speeders speed for a short time; weapons if one wants to fight on their speeder (neat idea, but not likely in my opinion). -Speeders that can allow more than one player to sit in ( Just like Star Wars Galaxies). -Change from automatically being on your speeder, to summoning the speeder and then getting on.
  21. I realized that too. That's why I added interactive emotes to my list.
  22. Starships: 1. Color Customization (Patterns, emblems, etc...). 2. Better player interactions with the furniture. (Being able to lay in the bed, sitting in a chair and actually doing something while sitting there(working the console or viewing a screen). 3. Using the game tables in the starships. (Mini Games. player vs player). 4. Allow more than just three other players to visit one's starship. (Unlimited number or at the very least 30). 5. Companions offer certain starship stat boosts depending on their affection towards the player.. 6. Allow more than just four auto missile-locks. (Especially since the higher level missile batteries are over 150). 7. Special Space Starship MIssions (Co-op) (Two or four people flying the same mission, but flying on different flight paths.) Would increase the popularity of space missions and encourage players to party together for the missions. Jedi Academy System and Force User Emotes: (RP Idea) 1. The padawan would receive a customized title that says: "so and so's Padawan" 2. Bonuses in credits and exp when partying together. (5-10% bonus) (Works well for RP) 3. Can do special quests/dailies that make the padawan and master work together. (Like what you see Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker do together). 4. Lifting random object emote. 5. Meditating emote. 6. Force choke emote (unable to use in battle and can only be used when the other player gives consent to choke his avatar. Legacy skill to unlock for both Sith and Jedi). 7. Constructing or reconstructing one's lightsaber emote. Troopers/Squads and Emotes: 1. Customized title (The name of the squad/ regiment he or she is in. Not just the Guild name). 2. Small perks for partying together. 3. Special 2-4 player quests for the troopers only, as dailies. 4. Squad hand signal emotes. 5. Cleaning weapon emote. 6. Removing helmet emote and placing it on the player's side under their arm. 7. Trooper cheer emote (Raising weapon and firing it to celebrate). 8. Cocking weapon emote. 9. Tossing up a grenade emote. 10. Drawing out a Vibroblade emote. More Emotes: -Interactive emotes like holding hands while dancing, kissing, fighting, playing rock paper scissors, paying credits, exchanging handshakes, drinking together, slapping another player in the face, kicking another player or kneeing. (All of these interactive emotes with other players must have consent from both players before the emotes and be executed). -Dying emote. -Choking emote. -Sleeping emote. World Interaction: - Able to interact to all the furniture on all the planets. (Seats, chairs, beds, tables, etc...) Especially sitting at a Cantina bar. Speeders: -Special speeders that two or more people can ride. (Like the speeders in Star Wars Galaxies) -Customize the colors or patterns. -Little gadgets to add to the speeder. (Cloaking, speed boost, radio, etc...) Guild: (Besides Guild Capital Ships XD ) -Allow to import Guild Emblems into the game to place on speeders, starships, and armor/robes. (Ones that the Guild made themselves, not whatever the game is offering. Guild Leader will need to pay for their emblem to be uploaded). ------Things Within the Guild Capital Ship------- -Once the Capital ship is purchased, not the whole ship is available to explore. The rooms have to be unlocked through spending credits. However, before the room opens, the Guild Master can decide on what that room should be. It could be a mess hall, bunks, council chambers, armory, turret battery (Mini game), training ground, war room, Bridge, engine room, lounge, prisoner holding block, and hanger bay. All areas have objects that Guild players can interact with. -The area would be similar to the private hanger bays for players' starships. -Special operation that involves either fighting off boarding parties on the Guild Ship or invading a enemy vessel. -Attacking another Guild ship in PVP (Similar to PVP The Voidstar, but each starship would be different due to the Guild leader customizing the ships layout). - The rooms have special customized cut scenes like a Jedi Knighthood ceremony or a medal award ceremony (Like in the end of Star Wars: The New Hope). Needs to have members interact with the object like how some quests won't proceed further until all party members interact with the console. Then the party leader will place each of his or her party members in their designated positions for the ceremony. (Best for RPing) -Guild Bank is automatically installed into the Guild Ship. The GTN vender, Mail Boxes, etc, must be purchased using credits or Guild commendations from the Guild ops. Must promote Guild members working towards a common goal to unlock all the perks to their Capital Ship. -Other players who are not part of the Guild can only enter if the Guild Leader or an Officer is there to invite them to their Guild Capital Ship. -NPC's of whatever faction the guild faction belongs too can be seen walking around and doing things that seem to promote activity aboard the Capital ship. (Guild Master can equip the NPC's with custom colored uniforms to fit the Guild Colors or uniform (NPC's must be completely clothed. NO slave outfits).
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