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Everything posted by Rendrin

  1. Haha, death by bantha. That brings up a good topic of conversation. What does everyone think he would be doing? What if he finally died of old age because Valkorion stopped sustaining him? Maybe he's living as some sort of Force hermit like Jolee Bindo.
  2. 'Nuff said. In case 'nuff isn't enough...
  3. Every class and planet story has bosses all over. I've already said previously that I was typing about Flashpoints and Operations even though everyone is only talking about Operations when they respond. Oh, and I apologize, but I mean every single boss from every FP and Op that gives trophies. I don't know about everyone else, but when I put trophies into my stronghold I have both Flashpoint and Operation bosses (check the small ones). In my first post I mentioned the trophies. Sorry if I haven't made myself clear. I don't know if anyone can tell male and female trandoshans or rakata (I can't remember if KOTOR had female rakata) apart. And in the canon Revan has always been male regardless of the player choices (as is shown in this game), just like the Jedi Exile from SWTOR is a female through canon.
  4. Speaking of this conversation, I agree, Bioware has done a great job of putting female bosses into the game and I still like all the boss fights and thoroughly enjoy the stories. That doesn't make my observation wrong or invalid when looking at a numbered comparison.
  5. Puns are a fact of my life and therefore in a lot of my conversations. Who started this conversation? Oh wait, that was me.
  6. I've seen trolls in fantasy games, but have yet to see one in Star Wars. If you don't care to be a decent participant in the conversation why do you bother replying?
  7. Look, all I did was make an observation and state an opinion to start a conversation. Next time I'll ask everyone if it's okay to think.
  8. Baiting? I don't bait people. I don't bait fish either. No, I seriously saw a larger amount of male boss trophies than female ones when I went to decorate my stronghold and it seemed unbalanced.
  9. That's a good point, I hope they stick with it 'cause that is really cool. The Beroya couple (Valk & Jos) are another good example in the FP area.
  10. Oh yeah, that's a good point. Women aren't the only people who deserve equal rights here. We need less male deaths on boss fights!
  11. I was also thinking of Flashpoints, but yeah, your numbers illustrate my point very well, thank you.
  12. I was just decorating my stronghold and noticed a serious lack of female bosses with my trophies. Why do all my pictures have to be of dudes? Shouldn't there be more female bosses? It's only fair and equal since we all know women can be just as powerful as men.
  13. This is becoming tedious, seeing only our server down. Perhaps consolidating servers then going free to play wasn't the wisest choice? I forgot to mention that the server lag has been ugly (sure hasn't been pretty) bad lately too .
  14. Yeah, I just ran into this glitch as well. I hope the devs read this so it doesn't confuse future troopers. Thanks everyone for putting this together.
  15. Oh, ok, I missed that one when I watched the guild summit. In that case, all should be well. Thank you.
  16. It would be very useful to be able to add notes to people on your friend/ignore list so you can keep track of why they're there. Sometimes a person will craft something for you, or you run FPS, Ops, or PVP with them, talking to them for a possible guild invite or many other reasons. Similarly, it would be nice to know why you ignored a particular person.
  17. Yeah, I know, it's odd, you can hear the music from the scroll screen, but that's it, so obviously it's something they can do.
  18. This is a very good point. If we can concince you, Bioware, to do this, it would be best to have it as an option you can toggle on and off as needed.
  19. And as I sat here typing the last post, and as I am currently typing this one, I am again wasting time, not hearing the conversation from the NPC standing directly in front of my character on the screen next to me. Who knows, maybe more players would get involved in the forum community if we had this feature.
  20. I will type plainly. There is currently no feature to have sound while alt+tabbed out of SWTOR and according to Bioware that is the way it's supposed to be. (also seen in the following link: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=30948&page=3) I, for one, believe this to be a fairly standard and simple feature, and would like to see it implemented. Many are the times I pay a bill online, chat with a friend, check email, check social networking, type a document, etc. and would love to hear my awesome storyline conversation in SWTOR simultaneously. I do not have an infinite amount of time, so I try to use what I have wisely, multitasking if I can. Please Bioware, add this feature. Please, fellow players, if you agree, say so here. And even if you disagree, please post any logical reasons why this should not be implemented.
  21. Hah, I wish I could work and play at the same time. I'm talking about being home and wanting to do something else with my computer like chat with a friend while I'm in a conversation or LFG or in a queue. I know it's a simple thing to do because even WoW has it. Or, you know, I could always find a game that has that feature so I can multitask without penalty.
  22. This is a fairly standard feature for MMOs, but it is even more important here. People have busy lives and want to check email or social networking, install a program, doodle in a paint program, or any of many other tasks and not just play this awesome game. Wouldn't it be nice if we weren't penalized for multi-tasking? You could start a conversation, alt+tab, and do one of the aforementioned while listening to your story. If you have 2 screens (as I do and I'm sure many other do as well) it works even better. Option B would be give us all enough money that we don't have to work for a living and we don't feel pressed for time and feel the need to multi-task.
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