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10 Good
  1. It would have been nice for them to let you trade a token for a piece you already have for the token of a piece you don't, or failing that, let you trade it in for 500 WZ coms, something at least.
  2. Those numbers often like like 7k, 4k, 4k on me as an assassin. You know what I do with my elite skills when that happens? Die, because I have 14.5k hp. Burst damage is all well and good, and I don't want to see Ops nerfed into the ground. But making the damage a little more reasonable, is a good idea.
  3. I understand your frustration, believe me, I hit fifty this past monday. I took a while because I swore to myself when I bought this game I was going to enjoy the leveling experience because I love Star Wars more than any other IP and I really wanted the chance to enjoy myself in the Star Wars universe, and I did. I had a blast leveling and exploring. Now, at 50, I have begun the pvp grind. I'm taking care of this now rather than doing pve first because the more behind you fall in pvp, the harder it is to ever make up the difference. After my first week I have all Champ off pieces, no set pieces, but damn, back on monday-wednesday, I got my *** rolled back and forth all day. I couldn't hit a BM for more than 1k with a crit (I'm an Assassin). Now that I have some gear, 2k more health and expertise, I'm started to do pretty well. Any pvp game is gonna be a grind but you and I aren't so far behind we can't catch up. I'm mostly worried about lack of options. Three Warzones and one bad attempt at RvR? Illum could be changed to be loads of fun. I'd also like to see more open world pvp options because it's my favorite kind. If this game doesn't get more interesting over the next months, I'm gonna level some alts for the storyline, and when Planetside 2 releases, there I will go.
  4. Your server must be weird because I saw no less than two operative/scoudrel(?) on each side today and I played a good 20 WZs. Often they would make up half of one of the teams. An operative can knock me down and kill me before I get up from half health (7k)... it's a bit much. If you think Operatives are are underpowered and too much work, I have an assassin that would like a word with you. As an assassin I have to stay on top of no less than 24 abilities and cooldowns at all times in order to have a chance at getting 200k dmg, I see ops at 300k+ regularly. You need the nerf, it's coming, read and adapt.
  5. If your dps focus fires a healer while your tanks cc their other healers, then move on, nobody can survive with an entire team on them, so if you're facing down 8v8, focus fire, use your cc properly. Whoever does this best wins, whoever does it worst loses, that's pvp, half the people are always pissed because the other half won... that's the way it goes. If you don't like that, go battle computer monsters.
  6. TL;DR: I really suck and was enjoying getting inflated stats killing lowbies.
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