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  1. Thank you so much for explaining your rotation and posting videos, I am currently level 30 and while I am not having much trouble leveling or pvp'ing its reassuring I suppose to know that I don't even have the majority of my core abilities yet. Its also nice to know biochem won't go to waste
  2. Thank you so much for explaining this, I knew that their had to be DR's in this game but I had no idea how it worked. Hah I couldn't get anyone to believe me without some proof. Thanks again.
  3. My friend/guildmate was having this issue, the fix did work. -He entered Esseles (the last known flash point he was able to enter) -He reset the flash point (got the error saying there were people still in the flash point, himself) -He exited the flash point and reset the flash point, the option disappeared and he was able to enter flash points from there on out.
  4. pew...splat, Sniper here. Ordered July 28th no invite yet. Can't complain though.
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