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Everything posted by Zederok

  1. Listen I understand your reasoning for the last paragraph. But you must understand the vast majority of gamers dont do the whole group thing very well due to numerous issues. Mine are mainly bad's but I also despise waiting around forming the perfect group, it is the #1 reason why I detest raiding. I understand this is a Masssively Multiplayer but I play these games solo 75% or more of the time and I usually dont bother to group for anything, and I am in the majority of gamers who play this way. To each their own I guess.
  2. Nope didnt take it as an insult. You are correct I solo queue 75% of the time, because I dont typically play well with others unless they are as good as me and I get far frustrated in a guild or group setting with people I consider bad, and thats not a knock on my guildies or friends but typically I consider myself a great player. I enjoy Deception the most because it offers me the most bang for the buck and I almost always kill my target when I do pop out of stealth. I usually never have fewer then 3-4 deaths per warfront and am typically the #1 in killing blows, and that is my playstyle that I enjoy the best. The specs listed here just dont offer me that amount of pure killing power. Again to each their own and its nice to see people enjoy a varity of specs out there, my only comment is for the 70% or more of normal Assasins who do nothing but solo queue. My comments were to inform those sitting on the fence that this spec does not do well in a pug setting which the vast majority of the players will be participating in.
  3. Never ever call my beloved class lame. DK was the only reason why I came back to WoW when I burnt out back in BC. I think any class that is hybrid of caster/melee is the ****, and is the sole reason why I play a Sin here in ToR, it reminds me so much of my DK it isnt even funny.
  4. I am a good PvP'er, former gladiator in every season I played WoW except for S4 (when I quit for Age of Conan). Not that that is saying much but I do like to point out I am just not your average gamer. When I cant put out half the damage in either of these hybrid specs compared to a full deception spec then I am pretty sure I know its not that great. It is fun because you do gain some things as I stated i na previous post but you lack total burst and your ramp up time is bad. As a deception spec my ramp up time is right now. I jsut feel with this spec you have to be more of a finesse player and not expect things to die but to play like a pain in the ***, which this spec does a masterful job at. However I want to top DPS or kills or killing blows meters when I am in a WF, and this spec will never ever do none of those. Besides the last thing I should state is that anyone even a monkey can do well if they have a dedicated healer behind them.
  5. I am basing my opinions on PvP, and tank gear wont get you nowhere fast. Sure in PvE its pretty damn good, but so are all the other trees, its just a matter of preference.
  6. well I can comment after 2 days of solid play using your spec as well as the 23/0/18 and the tri shock 21/12/8 and I can attest the specs are garbage. You dont gain that much more survivablity and your burst is bad and the ramp up time is abysmal. Yea it gains a decent amount of control but not having no burst and having huge ramp up time to even get good damage isa huge turn off. I will be going back to 2/31/8 because it has great burst, low slash is amazing as another inturrupt vs healer or a set up for Maul, plus it has superior consistant damage with surging charge + discharge, Voltaic slash is far superior to the damage of Thash plus it has a lower animation time which doesnt conflict with Biowares epic failure of GCD locking. I also gain 2 min force cloak, and Crackling Blast + Recklessness is superior and less ramp up time then either of the other spec. More Burst, same control, superior on target damage and better escape with arguably less survivability, ill take my odds with my spec any day. Good luck enjoying your spec though.
  7. well I can comment after 2 days of solid play using your spec as well as the 23/0/18 and the tri shock 21/12/8 and I can attest the specs are garbage. You dont gain that much more survivablity and your burst is bad and the ramp up time is abysmal. Yea it gains a decent amount of control but not having no burst and having huge ramp up time to even get good damage isa huge turn off. I will be going back to 2/31/8 because it has great burst, low slash is amazing as another inturrupt vs healer or a set up for Maul, plus it has superior consistant damage with surging charge + discharge, Voltaic slash is far superior to the damage of Thash plus it has a lower animation time which doesnt conflict with Biowares epic failure of GCD locking. I also gain 2 min force cloak, and Crackling Blast + Recklessness is superior and less ramp up time then either of the other spec. More Burst, same control, superior on target damage and better escape with arguably less survivability, ill take my odds with my spec any day. Good luck enjoying your spec though.
  8. As I stated before I am almost certain he, and I dont mean this in a derogatory way, is a WoW kid who only uses 4-5 combat skills. As before if you use all your skills/ablities you can do amazing things. At level 45 currently I can solo 2 golds or 3 strongs and come out with half health. As long they arent droids. Crowd control, stuns, slows, snares, incapacitates, Taunt rotations, vanish, cloak, defense boost. You name it we use it and apparently you are not. Sure you might not be able to stand toe to toe with many mobs but we were never intended to play that way, even as a tank spec.
  9. Talos is the best companion. When using him you should be using all your skills such as spike, low slash, stun knocbacks to give you time to get in a Maul when it procs. Unlike WoW, Soloing isnt easy mode and requires you to use all your abilities to their fullest potential. Instead of hitting 4 buttons you best be prepared to use upwards of 20+ to be fully effective. Theres nothing in this game you cant do if you use your skills to the fullest, and the added benefit is this will make you a better player in PvE raiding and PvP Warfronts.
  10. The vast majority of AAA MMO's patch/maintenance at 5am or 6am eastern. It affects the least amount of gamers. 2am eastern is primetime for many people on the west coast.
  11. Bioware I love the game but I know you all our new to the whole MMO business so please from now on do your patching in the early AM like all the normal companies. Like from 6am to when ever. In my 12+ years of MMO gaming its a forgone conclusion that maintenance and patches during this timeframe interferes with the least amount of people.
  12. Sith Assasins being one of them. Im just saying.
  13. As a Sith Inquisitor I love Huttball, because I get to punt people into fire and acid lol.
  14. Force cloak is complete garbage unless you also use force shroud in conjunction because at my level of 27 I have never successfully completed a force cloak (vanish) while in combat due to all the freaking garbage dots/aoes going around.
  15. And that is why it is the funnest. Theres a reason why more then half of any given PvP battleground/warfront consists of playeres mindlessly trying to top damage and kills charts. If all BG/WF were made to be like that then we would actually have balanced sides.
  16. Premades is the worst idea for instanced PvP in the world. If this game turns into another Pre-made vs Pug roflstomp I assure you I will quit just like I did Rift after 2 months. The whole notioon of instanced Battlegroudns is for "instant gratification" for players with not much time to organize, so if you are allowing organization to trump instat action then you defeat the purpose of having battlegrounds in the first place.
  17. My legacy name will be Groundrunner. Sorry I jest.
  18. well for me looks mean alot so I with with Sith Assasin, although I liked the gameplay of Imerial Operative a tad bit better. So of cource I am biased to those 2 classes.
  19. I preordered on the 30th of Nov and I fully expected to get maybe 1 or 2 days tops of EGA. Any more is a great surprise.
  20. pre-ordered on Nov 30th. I fully dont expect to get in untill the 20th. Hey I spent 4 months bashing the game calling it a WoW clone so this is my punishment and I'll take it like a man.
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