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  1. First of all, rewards via killing in Ilum was only rewarded with valor if I remember right. The valor at the time was important for obtaining the BM gear. At the time, I thought it was a great idea until people found ways to exploit it. Furthermore, the lag was so bad in one little clustered area, it made the game misserable to play. Putting an open world PVP planet in a game isn't going to force the PVE players to go play there unless the rewards for them was worth it. The event at Ilum was an example of this. PVE players wasn't found of it, but guess what? They still did it. Also, they had one mission only that was in the PVP area they could of passed on doing. Otherwise, they were free to not flag and do their quests as they please. How do I envision a PVP raid? Two teams can start at opposite sides of a map and take care of their objects on the side the map first. Once completed, they can then work their way towards the middle where they have a number of routes to choose from. They can, go after the team and try to wipe them, or they can try to go after the objectives and try to score more objective points. I would assume that killing enemy players would also be worth objective points. I think this type of gameplay would appeal to those of us who enjoy both PVE and PVP. At the end of the match the team with the most objective points wins. Also, while killing mobs, give small chances to get good loot from some of the champion mobs that might be in the instance. Overall, I want something other than queing for a warzoen either ranked or non ranked. The rewards for even playing ranked matches is pretty stiff if you ask me. There are going to be teams on every server that people will flat out not que against. Why does this happen? The rewards for lossing stink. I'm not saying the loosers should get as much as the winners, but there just isn't any motovation for the baddies to que up against they elite teams. They lose raiting, and the amount of ranked comms they get is almost as much as they could of gotten had they just qued up for a regular match, won, and exchanged those warzone comms for ranked warzone comes. Furthermore, besides the ranked warzone gear, what is there for them to look forward getting? A different color crystal that they can get from a raid? A lame pet that has been in the PVP vendor for how long? Nothing is there to encourage PVP gameplay besides the gear. No schematics hardly, no recipes for consumables, hardly anything.
  2. Compared to every other class now in this game, DPS mercs lack any utility to help their team out at all. They can sit in the back and DPS, that's about it. Lets compare them to other classes shall we? DPS OPs now are going to somewhat viable for carrying balls now in Huttball, and can be first to nodes to capture or intercept. Furthermore, they make great node watchers. Sorcs, they can bubble their team, and yank friendly players. They can also do a lot of AOE damage and can spam AOE on points to help defend nodes.DPS Juggs, can taunt, can pump out massive AOE dmg still , has leaps, an AOE slow ability, can run the ball in huttball even while being DPS, and can literally save a score in huttball via leap and push. Snipers can debuff healers, give team amor debuffs, can offer an AOE shield that reduces dmg taken to friendly players, and can root and CC at a distance. Muras, what can't they do? They can increase the speed of their whole team, offer team healing, can leap, can do massive AOE dmg to other teams, can leap and root, can put a god shield up and run accross a fire pit, ect.... Add that all up, and what does mercs get? A little AOE heal that hardly heals at all. In fact I would like to also mention, Bioware took away their distance CC, Electrodart, which was actually a great utility for maps like Huttball. Now, we have to be within 10 meters to try and even catch someone crassing a fire pit. What I find ironic about this, is melee actually have better chances of snaging someone in a fire pit over a ranged class via leaps, roots. How does that make any sense what so ever? So, now it appears that our big brother PT might be getting the nerf bat now as well. This is going to leave the overall BH class in an even worse place in my opinion. Anyways, Bioware, my question to is, what is our point in PVP as a DPS class? How can a DPS Merc or Commando assist a team? Our top DPS class is pretty much worthless in PVP due to interupts, and we have no utility hardly what do ever to get away. How can these two DPS classes when the above stated about the other classes offer so much more for team play. I would really love to know how Bioware envisions the Mercs and Commandos for PVP gameplay. With such a lack of utility, they should be more of heavy hitter in my opinion. What else would they have to bring besides DPS, which is still lacking? Please don't get me wrong, I like some of the changes I've seen via the Elecro Net and Hydralic Overide, but they are still very very far from being able to assist in a PVP enviornment when being compared to other classes. P.S. Bioware, please don't take this thread as a means of flaming. I'm really curious to know the answers to the questions I posed. Where is this class going in the near future?
  3. In my opinion, an MMOs PVP can either make or break a game. Of course the game needs to have a good PVE to compliment it. However, at the end of the day, when everyone is locked out of their raids, what will they do for filler time? I think this game has a decent PVP system in place already, but it still needs a lot of improvement. Why not give people an actual Planet that is all open world PVP, even on PVE servers? Why not give us quests on that plaent that reward us with warzone comms or other various PVP equipment? How about giving us a PVP raid, where your actually racing to get through an instance before the other team, but you're still able to attack the other team when you see them? Heck, how about just giving us some sort of reward for killing people out in the open world? I hate comparing this game to other MMOs, but what do you guys think makes WoW and EVE such a great game? Yes, they have other amazing aspects that just aren't PVP related, but the PVP adds a lot more excitement to an MMO. I try to enjoy all aspects of MMOs, but the things that keep myself around and hooked to MMOs are fun raids, lots of them, and the PVP. As of late, I've been getting really bored with the PVP in this game. There isn't really any fun in it when you play the same people over and over again, on the same maps over and over again. To make things even more borining, we hardly get any rewards what-so-ever for doing any form of PVP. We get the typical PVP gear, med packs, and other consumables that can be used in PVP matches. So, my question to Bioware is, what else can you do to this game to make the PVP more exciting? Do you honestly feel throwing in a new Warzone every 3-4 months is going to keep me hooked on your game? I like some of the class changes, and I also like the new operation that's coming out. However, changes to this extent will only keep me interested in the game for so long. This game needs to have an overall PVP revamp.
  4. Speak for yourself, not others. PVP is still alive imo.
  5. Their a melee class, PTs are limited to the range they can cast their dots and abilities, why should these classes be any different being that they are melee too?
  6. I've had an operative healer almost since the start of this game, but currently I'm playing a sumggler healer. I don't know if any of you guys have played both healing classes, but operative instant heal seems like it applies faster to a target verus a smugglers instant heal. I'm thinking it almost has to do something with the annimation. Anyone else notice this?
  7. Am I wrong in thinking that if I get pushed into a fire and use my break away, I should be running the second I hit my break away? Instead, I'm stuck for 2 seconds after that just getting up. How come break aways don't work after a force push? Also, before people ask if I am getting leaped to afterwords, I'm not. The time it takes a person to get up off the ground from a push is pretty long imo. While I don't think the time on it is a big deal, the not being able to use a break away on it is.
  8. So you specifically buy the packs because you want to get an item no one else has? Sorry, but I thought this stuff was more for cosmetic than end game.
  9. Here is a great suggestion Bioware that will please everyone! Some people are unhappy with the fact that these packs are letting people get ahead in the market, while other are displeased that they aren't getting the items they want. The simple suggestion would be to up the amount of "good" items people get from the packs. This will do a few things. It will flood the market with the better items ensuring people don't get too rich when resaling some of this stuff. Also, everyone who buys the packs will be happy as they'll more than likely get the items they wanted. WIN WIN if you ask me.
  10. If you want to roll snipers, roll a stealth class. Snipers are a warriors worst nightmare. Sins and Operatives own them though.
  11. It's not up to the community to make it better. It's up to the developers. Many many times I've seen good posts on critical aspects of pvp, and many many times I've seen Bioware go the wrong route with the classes despite the feedback they recieve on these forums. Look at the Mercs / Commandos in pvp for example. They have been the worse class for pvp for over a year now, and Bioware has barely lifted a finger to do anything about. it. Sure, they've made some adjustments, but they put their adjustments in the wrong areas that don't need them. How many times this last year did we see warrior buffs, when warriors were the last class that needed buffs? Then you have people wondering, like yourself, why we are upset.
  12. I like multiple toons. I actually have 1 of each class at 50, but these are the ones I think I'm going to perfer.
  13. Any suggestion for how I should be gearing a merc and sniper for 2.0? I have no idea what I should be doing now. Suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks.
  14. It was a much needed event. Thank you very much Bioware. I had a lot of fun doing this event. Between the new world bosses and open world pvp, I had a blast. I had been wanting something like this for a while. Also, I can't thank you guys enough for adding all those legacy weapons. I missed out on the bowcaster event, so i was pretty upset about not being able to have any legacy wepon. With this event, you gave us even more choices for legacy weapons. I just want to say thanks again. I can't wait for the next one!
  15. What maks it worse is sents only eat like 2-3.5k smashers with all their cooldowns and a neat little 30% aoe dmg reduction.
  16. Why? The other classes that wear both light and medium have far better defensive cool downs. The only time it's benifical to have is when you're taking. Besides that, wearing heavy armor as dps sucks. All the defensive cool downs the other classes get on short timers far out weighs having better armor - espcially when some of the classes have abilities that midgate most of your dmg abilities. I'm a BH and all I get is a shield I can pop ever 2 mins for a cooldown, thats it... I know tanks will benifit from the heavy armor, but the DPS people need better defensive cool downs to compete with some of these other classes. I'm not saying we should get something op, but something on a shorter timer would be nice.
  17. I'm a few hundred shot too, are they keeping the vendors up next week as well? As long as we have rep boxes we'll be able to use them next week and get the Champion lvl?
  18. I'm really excited for this patch. Been on the PTS, and I've been having a blast. Can't wait for this patch to hit I like the majority of class changes that has been applied. I also love all the new content. Just wanted to say thanks Bioware, and this patch is a step on the right direction.
  19. Just because it's in the test server, doesn't mean it's coming out within a few weeks. They still might add 1.8 and 1.9. It could be in the test server for months.
  20. If I'm new person getting into pvp and a ranked team, I'm not going to be encouraged to play against teams who already have the ranking and the gear. This will give a huge advantage to those who get the gear first. If those people stay qued in the ranked system for a good chunck of the day, you're going to lose more rating then gain.
  21. I'm enjoying testing the PTS right now. I would like to at least get a 5-6 days on the PTS to test everything out, but that's going to really screw up the time I can put into the event. Is there anyway you folks can extend it 1 week?
  22. I've reset my password, and it's still not working. I have a security key as well. I don't know if it's a security key issue or an account issue. anyone else experincing this issue?
  23. Sorry, I hate to break everyone's bubble, but they're still worthless in PVP. You're better off with a PT if you want the stealth detection as the merc is still a hinder to the team. Look at the abilities all these other classes got, and look at the abilites the mercs got. How do you guys even think this is going to buff us against some of these classes?
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