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  1. If you guys wanna do crazy dmg in pvp, ditch arsenal. I'm pyro and alwasy seem to get double the amount of damage all the arsenal players get in warzones. I go incendiary missile, rail, thermal, thermal sensor (if available), power surge (if available), fusion missle, and unload. In short, the thermal and fusion hit at the same time, and it's a HUGE hit! On top of that you have to dot going from the incendiary missile and fusion. After the combo, you'll notice you've drained a significant amount of their life. If I have rail, i'll hit them with that again, but I'll always try to get a few rapid shots in too to apply the consumable gas dot. Most of the time, I'll actually try to rapid shot them before hand if their not targeting me.
  2. I'm pyro, and I'm starting to hate it too. First, I'm ok with my dps, but the melee sith warriors are ridiculous. That shield they get reduces dmg by like 99% while also doing dmg to you (I think, it could just be a dot they get). On top of that they do crazy dmg. Why can't our shields reduce the same amount of dmg? I'm not asking for a raise in dmg, but it sure would be nice to have a better exit plan. I wish I would of rolled a powertech instead. Ya, we do good dmg, but you have to stay alive to do it. With everyone having leeshing or jumping abilities, theires really no point. Once someone gets on you, you're done for the most part unless it's a sorc or jedi equivilent. I really don't like my merc at all and wished I rolled a powertech instead. Also, half the people you are about to kill either spring away from you, or cloak. What ever it is, they have exits, we don't. To me, it seems like our heavy armor was the reason we didn't get these abilities, but from how hard others are hitting me, it doesn't even matter that we're wearing it. Everyone chews right through it.
  3. I've noticed a lot of times that when someone comes out of a stun, I can't restun them. Also, I've noticed that people will have the Huttball and they don't seem to be effected by my electrodart (stun). I need a little clarification on this. Are people immune to stuns after they've been effected from it after a few seconds? If so, that doesn't seem to happen to me. I can be stunned over and over indefinitetly. With that being said, are their abilities that "prevent" being stunned, or is there a certain grace period where you can't stun someone that I'm missing?
  4. It's been pretty annoying. It's not so bad for pve, but it's critical for pvp.
  5. It's really starting to get old that the abilities have a lag time. I've never had this experience in an mmo. I don't know if it's just me or my ping to the server. Sometimes I swear I see the annimation of it performing an ability, but it doesn't do it. Is this only me? Do I need to find a different server?
  6. LOL you're the one the started this thread and you're calling others upset? Who is really upset. Also, when they do nerf them, it doesn't mean the pve part of them are getting the nerf. It might just be the pvp part. You're also not the only customer. I think a lot of people here are sick of this class just rolls everyone. Seriously having one of these classes on your team in a warzone is a game changer. I see these guys getting 400-500k dmg on Huttball, and you want to say they don't need to be nerfed?
  7. I'm having issues seeing the circle sometimes. It's mostly in warzones or in clusters of things. It would also be nice to have a tall arrow or something that sticks up off the ground to center our aoe attacks up better. Don't know if anyone else is having this issue or not, but it just seems somewhat to light in groups or players or npcs. Thank you.
  8. Ya, I don't like nerfs either, but it's better then the alternative which will be mass population of covert ops and smugglars if it doesn't get addressed. If they don't fix it, I'll be roling this class for my next toon just for this dmg and ownage. No sense in trying to beat them if you can join them.
  9. That pretty much sums everything up right there. 1 click, 80% of life gone. You guys really think thats fair and doesn't need to be nerfed?
  10. I don't care if I get taken down, but they shouldn't be able to take a whole team with just two of them.
  11. I don't think Inqs need to be nerfed, and no I don't play one.
  12. Please stick to the subject. If you don't think they need to be nerfed, then explain why. I'd love to hear your reasons. Do I think I'm the best player? No.... However, it's not rocket science when you enter a pvp match and see two of these classes running around destroying the team and no one can do anything about it. The only way so far to even have any chance againt these classes are to stick with rest of the theam. However, some of these guys on my server will just sit next to the spawn pick people off as they come out. Can't do anything against that. Good tactics I admit. They just need to give us a fighting chance aginst them.
  13. You could post reason why they shouldn't be nerfed instead of trying to troll.
  14. Probably because you're an agent, smuggler, or assasian yourself.
  15. tone down the burst dmg so we at least have a fighting chance. I don't care if they hit hard. Either that or get rid of the knock down crap and give them one stun. I can break away from the knockdown, but then I get stunned. Not even worth using the cooldowns at this point against them. Maybe give them light armor instead if they go covert instead of medium? I don't know, just something other then what they are now. From what other people say, once they use their cooldowns, they can't do anything for a little while. If that's true, just tone down that initial burst dmg and give them a few other abilities that do decent dmg so they can hang in the fight.
  16. Ya, because you say so troll? Just doesn't take a genius to figure out they always get top dmg and kills in every pvp match. Go troll elsewhere. I must suck eventhough you don't know my toon, or played againt me.... Hmmm mmmm your absolutly right, what was I thinking by posting this thread.
  17. WAAAAAAAY op. Two of them can destroy a team in pvp. Their burst dmg is ridiculous. On top of that, if you manage to survive the initail blow and get them pushed back and start wailing on em, they just use an escape ability. Come on already, please nerf them. I have 15k health, heavy armor, and pvp gear. My life gets drained in only 2-3 seconds from these guys. Also, how many stuns, knockdowns, ect do they need coming out of clock? I don't care how much dmg they do in pve, but they seriously need an ajustment in pvp.
  18. I wish this feature was added to the game. I don't know how difficult it would be to put this in, but I'd really love to see it in the game. It's time consuming having to sort all the stuff and duplicates of stuff in your inventory just to make space for other stuff. I literally had 5 stacks of one item. Took about 20 mins to go through and sort everything out. Here's hoping Bioware adds this feature soon.
  19. The op doesn't know what he's talking about. We have serveral stats to work with. I highly doubt he even knows all the stats he needs to be working on for his character to boost his stats. My toon has 4 attributes he utilizes to boost his dmg output ect....
  20. I don't know how to get it back at all. I tried reset the UI to default and that didn't help either. Anyone ever have this issue, or am I bugged? Need feedback please.
  21. I haven't even had any issues getting into a group at all. Doesn't seem like a tool is really needed in my opinion. Ol well.
  22. Keep on getting disconnected from The Harbinger. Sadly, I get thrown immediately into a que right after. I don't mind ques, but I'm droping and quing more then I am playing at the moment. I hope they get this fixed soon. I don't what happened between open beta and launch, but something got screwed up a long the way. Didn't have any of these issues in beta what so ever.
  23. You are contradicting yourself. First, you make claim that WoW built upon Everquest and improved it. In short, you're pretty much praising WoW for doing that and making improvments upon Everquest's mmo sytle. I could be wrong about the praise thing, but that's what I get from your message. Now you're saying TOR isn't new and it just copied WoW? Were you just not saying WoW copied Everquest too? Also, how can you not say this game hasn't brought anything new to the mmo world? You don't consider companions, and the voice over new ideas and features for an mmo? In my opinion, I think Bioware has done some fantastic things with this game and has set a new expectation level for mmos. Lets also not forget that mmos constantly evolve. This game is great as it is now, but I bet in a few years it will have a bunch of different features that will make the game that much more enjoyable. One last thing, if you're going to make references comparing this game to WoW and bash it, you can't expect people not to say go back to WoW.
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