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Everything posted by Bouncy_Hunter

  1. I lol'd....but hey I liked Tron so I can't complain. This thread was just a positively fragrant candle I wanted to light in the dark smelly cave that General Discussion tends to be. it was more for me than anybody else because looking over the pages made me frown.
  2. haha omg...this is gonna end up being a new meme
  3. Seriously I mean come on...I've played this game since Beta weekends, experiencing crash bugs, graphical bugs, sound bugs, chat bugs, appearance bugs, ugly....colicoids bugs. I've had login bugs forum bugs... Class story bugs where I couldn't advance for over a week.... cartel coin bugs where i couldnt even receive my CCs, Warzone perma death/fall into ground bugs... and the list goes on...and I've had to call BW MULTIPLE times. I took about a month or so break just now and went back to kill Pandas cos some of my friends wanted me to, and I realized something. No matter how many bugs I've had to experience and bash my keyboard from, no matter how many times I felt cheated from my money (student making minimal wage part time) No matter how many times I wanted to quit for good and never look back.... Each time (sometimes taking their time) BW came through...SWTOR came through for me. The fun times I've had since the start of this game, the WZs the RP events (NEERRRD) Killing SOA the first time....Wiping on SOA (i know...) All outweigh the bugs and glitches (some of them also memorable and hilarious) for ME. So thank you Bioware for fixing the bugs, for answering my calls, for the amazing game you've created and I know I'll take a lot of NEGATIVE responses to this post but I've been through these problems as well but I still think BW is doing their best... My subscription expired and I'm happy to say I'm resubbing to SWTOR, and call me a fanboy but I just couldn't look at Malgus without shame in my eyes while playing WoW.... lol KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK BIOWARE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. lol I've had this too and I don't want to think about how many characters i leveled up in MMOs half way or all the way and decided to play something else... It's hard...but I'm getting over it now and focusing on what I am trying my best to keep my main
  5. ^ this is my last reply, this thread should be locked/deleted.
  6. You aren't being forced to do jack. I don't like playing alts either and therefore I won't hit cap unless I choose to do it on another char . Which I won't. I'm sure there are more important issues that need to be addressed/fixed than reputation "balance" so you can hit cap on one character because you don't like to play on alts.
  7. I like some of them....but some others are...too skimpy hahaha at least for me... But i think we should have this.
  8. I want this I want to be able to sit down with some friends and play some Sabacc...but I'm more of a Pazaak guy . Of course I would be a happy camper if we had swoop racing in swtor ...ok sorry I didn't come here to make a list
  9. I agree with this, and also that usually the people insulting others are the ones that aren't doing anything for their team or they just think they're better than they actually are. Another thing I realized is when you are dominating someone in PvP they tend to spam /lol and such emotes on you...I guess to try to piss you off which kind of lacks logic but whatever... I get good laughs from that.
  10. Nice vid man and great song selection Vinnie paz all the way, I usually got some AOTP going when I'm PvPing.
  11. I usually vote for whoever I believe did the most in my eyes to achieve victory....This could be someone on the bottom of the scoreboard that did a clutch move to score the only goal....or stop someone from capping/planting. I do often times vote healers if I see them actually working with the team...I've seen a lot of healers pump out crazy healing but never leaving mid for example in Huttball to help carry and we ended up losing because of the lack of heals. A good healer not only sits around pumping out heals but works with the team towards the objective. Heals, CCs, Pulls, Cleansing etc...
  12. haha this came up in my mind too before...like damn I understand a lot of languages. I wish you could have HK translate for you ))
  13. She'd only work as a companion if you you're into angry dominant women so I dont..... wait.... BW can we please get her as a companion?
  14. I don't see the problem here... You can reach the cap if you run multiple chars...which I think the majority of people do anyway. Don't complain because you can't reach it on one character...you don't have to reach it. It's a choice...if you want to, go do it on the alts. You have the means to do it but you chose not to...there is your answer
  15. I had the same Issues but then switched to Vector as soon as i got him. I hate Kaliyo anyway....like actually...
  16. Thanks for this guide man, The first walls of text I found worthy of reading for a while. Appreciate the time you put into this!
  17. Every DPS class has the boss or situation they don't shine on. I would agree trying out field respec but I'm the kind of person to pick one spec that i like the most, stick with it and master it. So that's not an option for me... I know it's weird but whatever. If you have a good ops group aka guild or you managed to find other competent people this shouldn't be a problem, because if you suck at one fight there will be other Dps in the raid that excell at it. You may be doing less than other fights but you're still doing a lot of damage. Unless you guys are wiping and you know it's because of the DPS, that's a different story, check what the scrubs are doing wrong in your Ops or respec xD. I never had to do it though before. Thankfully my guild is skilled but also laid back.
  18. The abilities I have on my cover bar are pretty much my main attacks I use for my rotation. I got my normal shot, charged burst, followthrough, aimed shot, and then vital shot and dirty kick, and then i also have vital shot on the out of cover main bar with normal shot, vital shot and dirty kick. Other things like quickdraw, sabotage charge, etc... I have on the bar UNDER the main/cover bar and I have them keybinded. It's nice to have sabotage charge on the bottom because this way you can always see when the cooldown is up even if you're not in cover. I also have all my defensive cooldowns and knockbacks/stuns/root on the bottom one so I can activate them either in or out of cover. Oh I also have hunker down on my cover bar as well.... lol sorry trying to remember. Armor debuff is also on the bottom quickbar and binded.... and then there are things I can just click if I need to like the giant shield to protect the raid etc...which I have on the extra side bars but I used the editor so they're small and next to the 2 main quickbars on the bottom.
  19. Hey, no matter what anybody tells you, a commando can't outdo gunslinger in DPS unless the slinger is really bad. My main has been a commando for a long time and I'm just nearing 50 on my gunslinger to replace him. The reason I'm doing this (and these are my opinions) is becaue for one, I think Commando DPS is EXTREMELY boring, the rotations you use as any of the 2 DPS specs are very very simple and in my opinion boring. Even though they do good damage, raiding with my guild I've come to the point where I'm getting sleepy and feel like I'm going to fall asleep using my commando. The option to become a healer is great though but still I'm glad I'm replacing it with my gunslinger. The gunslinger is also much better at PvP vs a DPS commando imo, we have waaay better cooldowns and survivability even if th commando has heavy armor. We have a knockback, leg shot (root), Dirty kick (stun), Flash Bang (stun) our shield probe, dodge, the giant shield thing which decreases damage taken byy 20% done to everybody that's inside of it. If you're going to DPS I'd pick Gunslinger BUT It's not for everybody. A lot of people get tired of the cover system and find the class boring just like I find commando boring. I love my gunslinger and have a lot of fun with my spec...so....yeah just my take on it. Not to mention Smugglers in general are so much cooler than troopers xD
  20. There is only one theme song for my smuggler and it's : "Push it to the limit" by Paul Engemann Nothing that suits my gunslinger more than this song plus I love scarface!
  21. I pretty much used every single root/knockback/stun i have on my gunslinger and did dirty kick finishing him off while he was stunned by it.
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