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Everything posted by Tiduslol

  1. Yea i get that bug all time. Basically it usually happens after Force Sprint - can't cloak/shroud or stealth. It pisses me off, and unfortunately it has been like this since beta with no fix. /sigh
  2. Oh right, hold on. Let me take off my gear while I do WZs because people might not have the same gear I have! I'm sorry. Welcome to MMOs. I'm sure once rateds come out people will also be QQing because the people at the top work together for a common goal. /shrug, but your trolling is fail. Back to Marauders and Sents.
  3. Where in my post did I say I solo win PvP matches? I clearly stated that It's because of teamwork, and ONE PERSON cannot win by themselves. Learn to read troll. Toppings, yeah. Semester over = tons of time to play. Prolly got like 2-3 hours a day now with a buzy semester coming up next week -_-
  4. I let my gaming do the talking. I queued up solo from 50 to 60 many nights while grinding. I think i paid my dues. Not my fault I actually have a group of people that likes to do some teamwork. Last I remember you can't win a WZ by yourself. I'm sorry we're working as a team, and you are not. You should try it:)
  5. Hi. I normally don't reply to any threads, but several people pointed me towards some Sentinal guy mentioning me with some false information. First of all, I don't even know you. I know a few Sents on the server and you are not it. Second, we have NEVER 1v1'd. Sure maybe one day you killed me while I was at 50% health running around without stealth, like I usually do. That does not count as 1v1. Third, don't assume because there is Battlemasters in my Warzone group that they were my "pre-made". I am flattered that you actually remembered winning against a WZ I was in! woop woop <3 Oh and btw, I've never been tank spec for more than 4 hours. So stop flattering yourself with your little 'we can't kill each other when he is tank spec'. I've never tried going for you, and probably won't bother with you unless you are doing something important. I respect a few people in your guild like Keymu, Slix, Fred, but you are probably one of their worst players. Give Felon a call and ask him how to play a Sentinel, I'm sure he'll teach you a few tricks. Anyways, go Sents + Marauders!! good ones are tough to kill
  6. http://www.justin.tv/tiduszx Going live right now! Come check it out and have some fun!
  7. http://www.twitch.tv/tiduszx# I'm not a good player or anything and def not the best. I do all sorts of things you'd consider maybe bad.. But I love pvp and i kill people... plus I'm very competitive! About to hit rank60 hopefully sometime tonight! So come check it out - I usually stream 18+ hours a day (maybe except holidays!) http://www.twitch.tv/tiduszx#
  8. http://www.twitch.tv/tiduszx# I'm not a good player or anything and def not the best. But I love pvp and I'm very competitive! About to hit rank60 hopefully sometime tonight! So come check it out - I usually stream 18+ hours a day (maybe except holidays!) http://www.twitch.tv/tiduszx#
  9. Love low slash - which i keep on calling gouge - it saves me and helps me pretty much every fight longer than 6 seconds
  10. I actually swtich my spec around quite a few times. Those last points, or the question going 31 points into deception is not that relevant imo. It doesn't make THAT much of a difference. I'd say it's just personal choice and what you feel like you need to do. But back to the question, I do change my spec often.. just trying to find the best one that suits me. Will try Madness and Darkness very soon too.
  11. just used it on the default settings, i don't know much about the technology behind streaming - just started doing it for fun - few of my very young cousins like to watch it:)
  12. 8pm east - going live - rank 57+ --- almost there!
  13. 2am east - going double assassin rank 56 and 57 - double the fun
  14. yea i do believe you guys get better CC tho and obv, the self heals, which 'might' make up for it ;p anyways.. 10pm east - rank 55+ gunning for an all nighter non-stop PVP - LIVE
  15. Operatives, if you been watching my videos you'll notice that I have trouble getting bursted down by good operatives. I think that might be my first alt!
  16. nope i just mash keys alot, still getting used to the gcd on this game - it's 1.5 secs, more than prolly any other game i've played i think. oh yeah those msgs on the screeen are annoying, wish i could turn it off
  17. no rest for the wicked... hahaha Bizi logged in, no more soloing warfronts!
  18. stop trolling him. You dont get to choose tbh. Centurion is the lowest pvp gear, champions the medium and Battlemaster is rank60+ only pvp gear. SO you farm for pvp gear, but the best one is Battlemaster but like i said, u have to be Valor Rank 60+ to be able to open the bags.
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