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Posts posted by Naizgrel

  1. Let me clarify,


    You get the new War Hero Gear


    You pay a large amount for crit crafted gear


    Swap mods etc


    All the players who do not have the gold to buy crit crafted gear lose out and are at a huge disadvantage in pvp.


    With rated warzones approaching this handicap is going to blow up the forums with people complaining.


    Stopped reading when you said gold, get back to wow.

  2. I hope BW take space away from teh arcade game it is atm, and open it up...with diferant space zones. I would love for there to be SPace PvP, and some form of Ground to Space PvP, like the Atmospheric Flight in SWG.


    I do find space in this game a nice chance from the grind grind of ground combat....but gawd I wish BW Expand on it sometime in the future, and bring it "more in line' with planents....open, and give us the aility to explore Space sectors, do Space Quests, Space PvP, and be involved in some form of Ground to Space pvP.


    I know, the actual railed space system feels like it can be unrailed in a future, hoping in a bioware confirmation tho

  3. I was thinking about it a few days ago, what if bioware unrailled the actual space combat system, would that be good for an space system?


    Cause it loos like in the future they might unrail that for pvp. Who knows.



  4. A thread QQin' about bads and QQers.



    Interesting indeed.



    Keep contributing to the thing you despise. That will make it go away....


    Hating on the OP isnt gonna make it go away either.

  5. Would it be a good idea to add a repair bill for your ship everytime you fail an space mission ? This way it would make the game a little more difficult, the bill would have to be around 500k, cause repairing a ship is not cheap.


    Forgot to mention, if your ships broken and you dont repair it, you cant use it to travel planets until its repaired.


    Thoughts? Yes or no and why ?

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