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Posts posted by Naizgrel

  1. FUN FACT: Ony my server right now at 9 PM local time on a sunday, (which is pretty much the absolute gaming primetime of the week right?) there are 0 (!) lvl 50 players online and 0 (!) people on the fleet.


    And total population of my faction: 22.


    Go look for yourselfes, server: Senator contispex.


    Rofl come on! How can i do anything but change to other released games with those numbers?:confused:


    Free transfers are coming.

  2. GW 2 - unlike Swtor, is a true next-gen mmo. Especially for pvpers it will be THE mmo to play for the next years.


    Imagine if a game takes all the best pvp elements from Warhammer, Age of Conan and WoW and then combines them - then you get GW 2. The pvp is fantastic, I did some sieges this weekend and the world vs world events findly remind me of my days in Shadowbane - but unlike Shadowbane the game works and does not lag. Defenders can build up their castles and attackers can place siege engines and fire them.


    Also in terms of graphics it pretty much blows Swtor away. Compared to the epic castles in GW2, like the human's capital, the Swtor cities seem small, stale and liveless. Also the client does not crap itself when there are dozens of players on screen - and this is a beta version, the live version will be even smoother and faster.


    And on top of that you have way more customization for your character in GW2. In Swtor you are bound to a single weapon and maybe 2-3 different specs. In GW2 you can have different weapons for a class and each weapon is not only cosmetic but has it's own unique skillset. Add traits, gear and stat points and you have way more variety.


    Sounds like a super mega grindfest to me.

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