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Everything posted by Atma

  1. Multiple instances has rendered this a non issue a long time ago
  2. They should change it to Jedi Wizard
  3. What pedestal? Think you've got that backwards. I'm not the one threatening to quit a game because I think my character names are so important I get if you have an attachment to it but there are thousands of other players and your rights to a name aren't any more special than their's. End of the day it's just a name. Simply telling you to chill.
  4. ^^^ Star Forge = Ebon Hawk, Jung Ma, POT5, Shadowlands, Jedi Covenant Jung Ma and POT5 are graveyards. Shadowlands and Jedi Covenant aren't much better. Ebon Hawk is the only one going strong. That means the majority of the population will be RPers, and I'm sure more will flock there.
  5. Tavus and Darth Jadus were fleshed out and interesting, and made the final fights worth it. Zash was fun. Taro Blood was just a dork.
  6. Don't know why they removed them, especially when a few still exist
  7. Attitudes like this won't help to prevent RPers from getting griefed, lol
  8. How important can your RP community be to you that'd you abandon it cause you have to rename a character? So silly. Those that leave in a huff over this will return eventually anyway. Get real.
  9. Different instances help a lot with this, and with merges there will surely be plenty. Instance 1 on the fleet might have 150, but 2 and 3 have <50 and <20. I like to chill on the quieter ones.
  10. I play on The Red Eclipse and the situation isn't nearly as grim as you're making it out to be. If anything, the community here is pretty chill.
  11. An RP instance just like they did with PVP/PVE would be the best way to go
  12. No, sorry. You can keep your friendly advice. That statement was ridiculous.
  13. Yes I'm sure we lost out on an entire raid tier because of this change
  14. Minor tweaks to make the starter zone more appealing and up to date vs. a misleading starter zone that's nothing like the rest of the game Yeah totally like Tortage! Think before you write, doofus.
  15. Who actually subbed for 5 years straight? lol
  16. lol, I'm used to non-combat puzzle sections in RPGs so that part didn't bother me. Reminded me of something out of Final Fantasy. Dumb reason to ragequit.
  17. Totally forgot I even had the attuned lightsaber. I fought him with my main weapon. Think all the attuned one does is give you a few temp abilities. KOTFE quests gear you up. Plus it's easy. The blue starter 60 gear is fine.
  18. Torian's cool but Vette's been with my Warrior since day one, I couldn't let her die Enjoy Valhalla little Mando brudda
  19. Damn, people just love whining about anything It's an optional fun event. No one's being screwed out of anything.
  20. What part are you stuck on?
  21. Gifts should never be "refunded" though. That's ridiculous. It's whiny posts like this that led to companion deaths being scrapped in the first place. GG thanks now we're all stuck with Quinn forever
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