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Posts posted by Kenlonis

  1. Patience is a virtue???


    Ok, by that you mean for me to use patience as the rest of you attack me? Yeah...right, ME needing patience? Take your own advice.



    Allowing only 5 waves in a day SCREAMS admittance by the dev's 8 hour shift.



    Do I need to start reporting you hecklers for, as BW puts it, Rude and Unwelcoming Behavior???


    I'm doing that now...thank you for the feedback.


    Your whole Topic was rude and unwelcoming now you're just mad because people are being more mature about the EGA and they understand how it works..


    I'm sure if everyone would have come in and jumped on your Bandwagon about how ''mistreated'' they where by Bioware you would have been as happy as a clam

  2. i dont think gamestop knows what they are doing 1/2 the time. its like they are not well informed on the games they sell


    I agree i have went in to gamsestop before and half the time the employee's haven't heard of or don't know anything about the game you're asking about

  3. Same here Preordered in Sept. (before the cut off date that was stated by them by the way)from Gamestop never got a code canceled and ordered from Orgins.


    Now i'm at the back of the line with ya guys lol


    But oh well not Biowares fault just showed me never to order anything from Gamestop again.

  4. You need to cancel your preorder like I did. Put your money where your mouth is.... and not only that.... ask that they do the right thing here and allow EQUAL ACCESS for everyone... reset ALL SERVERS on the 19th at 2359.


    if you canceled your pre-order why would you care about them not restarting everyone on the 19th ( which they won't you know kinda defeats the point of early access)





  5. I know right and we should have totally all been let in yesterday. I mean come on its two days earlier than we were told it would be and that's just not fair it should have been last month. And how dare they try and make sure our beginning play is as smooth as possible by spreading g out the waves. It's a greedy corporate plot.





    Thanks for making my morning entertaining.


    I know right!!! i mean cause fun for me is as a JK running around with 25,000 other JK JC trying to kill the same 20 flesh raiders in the quest area!!! Good times!! lol

  6. And this is why the fanboi's just don't get it. They think that just because Bioware told them something, that it makes it the correct way to launch a game.


    F- to all the people that have to refer to those not whining and crying like them as a fanboi


    We want in just as much as you do we just don't see the point of crying about it in 5,000 threads that all say the same thing.


    Like i have said before i hope many of you are teenagers or kids cause if you are a adult i would feel ashamed with myself if i had conducted myself on the forums they way some of you have.


    But meh that's just me.

  7. Not to mention that the game doesnt really "Start" until the 20th. This early access is just a bonus that BW is offering. While I am still not in, I am grateful that I will get to play at least a few days early for free. :)


    ^ this...i know everyone wants to play.. me included but some people really need to act there age... unless they are really children... then please continue carrying on with the crying and tantrums ... lol

  8. if they were going to take the date you got your preorder code entered they should have said so from the start ... and now if they don't get all that have preordered in by thursday then the current preorder vid is not correct and is falce advertising as it says that you might get 5 days of early access and well if none do then they are poof well


    they did say this from day 1 of pre-orders... lol also the may get up to 5 days head start is not the same as you will get 5 days head start.


    I'm not in either and i would love to be!!! but i'm not taking it as a OMG bioware this is a bad launch or that they lied when they didn't.


    If SWTOR does not have these things or something similar then I do not see myself or anyone playing it as much, therefore atm SWTOR is the weaker game right now and I'll be surprised if it lasts more than 2 years.


    I am sorry a game you loved got shutdown it's always rough when that happens but... you know what they say when you assume.. saying you might not be playing is fine... saying no one will play is just dumb.


    Also it was nice for Bioware to even give SWG players a forum to vent/talk in might wanna be a little nicer and show some respect they didn't have to you know.

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