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Everything posted by Shirvington

  1. There is nothing in this game that is difficult for the solo player except for maybe "The One and Only" Achieve. All other solo content and H2 content is super easy. I'm not sure how people are saying now that the leveling experience is crushingly slow now (did anyone try leveling a toon 1-50 in 1.0? You actually had to do daily pve space missions on top of every class, planetary, and side quest to stay level appropriate.) Leveling in 4.0 with or without uber companions is still extremely fast. I took a premade 60 to 65 doing nothing but heroics in less than the time of a 3-hour exp bonus. I mean, c'mon. Now people MIGHT have to use CC in heroics (slice droid, awe, whatever) instead of barreling in like a bull. Otherwise, the game is still perfectly playable and just as easy as it was pre-nerf.
  2. Nope, no BS. I wasn't prepared for the amount of damage the Exarch would pump into a tank companion. Up until that point, tank companions were almost indestructible, so I expected T7 to do fairly well. I was spectacularly wrong. T7 died in a few hits, and I spent the rest of the battle jogging in large circles around the Exarch. When he stopped to do a long cast, ground-targeted AoE ability, I let him get it off and moved to safety so I could heal up. It took several minutes of repetitious dot/hot/kite, but I got him down. I was definitely surprised by the jump in difficulty from the rest of the SF compared to the Exarch.
  3. I'll add my own experience here: I was on my dps operative (full 208 pvp gear, augmented) for the first SF I ever attempted, Heroic just for kicks. No Alliance specialists influence, no terminal buffs nor ability boxes. I don't remember which planet. When I got to the Exarch, I set my rank 17 T7 to tank and attacked. T7 got destroyed in seconds, and I was left companionless. I was forced to dot and kite the boss while self-healing. A couple minutes later, I stood victorious over the Exarch's crumpled body. I basically soloed SF completely solo, all by myself with no companion. Long story short, if I can solo the last boss in Heroic SF with no companion, the companion nerf should have no affect on certain classes ability to solo SF. I feel this is a L2P issue, even for classes with no self-heal. Keep aggro off your companion, use your defensive cool downs smartly, don't stand in red, and interrupt the right abilities. The Exarchs use ground-targeted abilities with long cast times, and if you need health, stop your damage and move away, allow him to cast it and move out of red while your companion heals you. Edit: Don't forget to use Unity and Heroic Moment!
  4. Interestingly, there is a bug that allows 3 grouped PCs to each have a companion out, which exceeds the 4 "person" group threshold. It's happened to me multiple times so far in KotFE, but I don't know why or how to replicate it. It made group content fun and different to each have our own companion out.
  5. Title. There are several places, mostly in the last area leading up to the Exarch fight, where an invisible texture gets between the camera and your avatar, and it prevents you from targeting mobs, looting, and clicking panels. You suffer this the most in the second room where mobs keep spawning until you can loot the droids. It's very difficult sometimes to find an angle that will allow you to loot the droid, then you again have to spin your camera around to click the panel. If it takes too long to do either, loot or use the panel, mobs continue to spawn. Very annoying.
  6. This. This is how you play Lethality/Ruffian. Apply dots liberally. Apply hots to teammates. Pick at the enemies on the edges of combat with your harder-hitting abilities. Use your roll-heal for a teammate, if necessary. OR Go lone wolf a node/bunker. You will always wear down a single opponent 1 on 1 until they need help, then you can keep 2 or 3 enemies busy with some healing and LOS. Your team will clean up the other nodes.
  7. WoW ended arenas after 15 mins, both sides lose.
  8. The PvP grind has been drastically shortened in 3.3, both for starter gear and "ranked" gear. If BW keeps prices the same moving forward, new and old players alike can have a full set of starter PvP gear very quickly. They'll be able to survive and enjoy PvP much more. If anything, I'd like BW to offer more adaptive armor for Warzone comms. Once you get a full set of "ranked" gear, you don't have much incentive to do regular WZs besides the sheer enjoyment of them (I do regs b/c they are fun, and often ranked isn't popping). Fun, cosmetic things would be a great way to spend extra comms.
  9. THIS. I have played all three Op specs in PvP, and I enjoy Lethality the most. There are a few different ways to play Lethality: straight single-target dps on focus targets, dps on high armor targets/tanks (due to mostly internal damage), pressure spread on entire enemy team, and medium to long range tab-dot and tab-hot. It's not uncommon for a decent Lethality Op to pull 1mil damage and 500k heals in a single, normal warzone. And these are real heals, not Madness' self/bubble heals. I really enjoy hybrid classes in games as well, and Lethality is probably the closest thing to a hybrid spec in Swtor anymore. It's definitely underrated and most certainly underrepresented in PvP.
  10. I was on last night at around 840 pm server time for about 20-25 minutes in yolo queue with no pop. Is there a time frame in which people find yolos to pop more often?
  11. Title. Put a Bolsterizer station in the pvp area of the Fleet. There's no need to QT to Ziost Shadow, use the Bolsterizer, then QT back to pvp area.
  12. All PvPers need is a new map occasionally. And I don't mean a new arena skin. Like a new game play mode. Why creating new maps for PvP has been such an arduous task for BW, I don't know, but that's all the PvP community needs to be happy.
  13. On JC, we used /cjoin imppvp (and pubpvp on Pub side) to discuss all things pvp, be it getting people to queue for yolos and organizing groups for granked, alerting to world pvp, or just friendly chatter/smack talk between the pvp community. The benefits of using a custom channel rather than the /2 on the fleet is that the custom channel is global, can be read anywhere, and people have to opt in to it, so you don't get the normal fleet trash jumping in to conversations. Does SL have a channel like this? If not, fine. If so, what is it?
  14. When you add someone to your friends list who is offline, for a brief second, you'll see their level and last location. If that person is sub 60, there is a good chance they are inactive. I'd say, add them to your friends list on all the characters you play, just in case. In any event, you can open a ticket about grabbing a name from an inactive player, even if it's a long shot.
  15. Interesting thought. Doesn't BW downgrade comms each expansion cycle? So Ult become Elites and Elites become Basic? And they let us have over the cap for Basic comms but you can't earn any more until you drop below the cap? I remember they did this with Ranked to Unranked Warzone comms before, and I'm pretty sure they did the same thing with converting operation comms to planetary comms a while back.
  16. I know people have been echoing this fear, but it's my guess that you won't engage the KotFE storyline until you start some mission, probably from your ship (which will start a cut-scene like Forged Alliances). So you can safely log in expansion day without worrying that your companions are all gone.
  17. With the expansion still 3 1/2 months away, we have plenty of time to prepare for 5 more levels and more story! What are some ways you might get ready for the new expansion? Are you making credits? Stocking up on WZ comms? Crafting all your saved up mats? Or relentlessly rolling new toons while the 12 xp is going on? One thing I like to do the week before an expansion drops is fill up my quest log with dailies. I'll do them but not turn them in until the expac opening day in hopes of getting a nice chunk of exp. Pick up cheap Major Experience Boosts when you see them, too. Their price will definitely rise with the expac for a few weeks. Also, I've stopped PvPing on my completely undergeared toons. I'm using my dark reaver mains to farm comms so that when 4.0 hits, I can buy my half exhumed/half 162 toons a full set of 4.0 tier gear. I don't even think I'll splurge for dark reaver before 4.0 on my less-played alts; I'd rather just wait. With the 12 xp, I will be rolling a mara just to have one. Once I have my mara at 60, I'll have one of each AC at 60, ready to go for the expac. So how about all of you? What are your long-term plans to prepare yourself and your toons for the expansion?
  18. There is a lot of truth to your comment. I was reminded how off the pacing is while playing the Agent storyline again. While on Voss, there is a sequence of quests where, after each one, you have to return to your Voss friend's tea house. Like, why can't I just call him on my holo? It's not like I'm bringing him anything to look at each time. It's clearly padding as instant quick travels weren't available when the game first came out. You could quick travel the first time, but the second and third times back to the tea house, you had to hoof it back to the speeder then take the long speeder trips back to Voss-ka.
  19. Oooo I love pvp in the tunnels! Logging in now..
  20. You can't do Ziost until you are 60. At least, I couldn't get the quest for Ziost on my ship for a lvl 59 character who had finished Yavin.
  21. Shirvington


    As far as gear goes, do NOT use the Ziost gear. Or any Pve gear above 162 item rating. The game will bolster you quite unfavorably, and you'll be a walking punching bag for the opposition, especially as a mara. Get some orange gear that you'll use exclusively for pvp and put 162 mods in it or lower. The Forged Alliances gear was 162 if you still have it, otherwise go to the fleet and buy mods from the 48-53 vendors to put in all your slots. By doing this, you will have 2018 expertise setting foot in a warzone.
  22. Hey all-- With my extra warzone comms, I like to gear out some of my companions in pvp gear for those few-and-far-between opportunities like Rakghoul event when one can find world pvp. Kitting up humanoid companions is easy as they wear traditional gear. Droids use motors/sensors/parts instead. A problem arises because the armorings from pvp gear (and I'm sure set gear in pve as well) will only fit in designated head/chest/gloves etc pieces, NOT in motors/sensors/parts. As a result, droid companions can't get full expertise (which for them is 1800) and they can't wear high level pve armorings. The pve armorings isn't a huge deal in SoR due to 192 companion gear, but we aren't promised that BW will always give us a weekly to gear them out, so it would be nice to be able to use normal armorings as well. My suggestion: please designate each slot on the droid's paper doll a corresponding body part. Nothing has to change about the naming conventions of the droid's gear, just allow PCs to put armorings from, for example, chest into motor 1 and boots into sensors 2. Or however the pieces correspond in terms of stat value.
  23. I kind of agree with the OP. The Forged Alliances flashpoints, Blood Hunt, and Battle of Rishi really dissuade me from leveling. I don't mind doing the world quests, but the flashpoints are so boring and give so little exp/time (moreso after the nerf) that I really dread being forced to do them. I could skip Forged Alliances, but then I'd lose out on great starter PvP gear.
  24. What more were you hoping for with Legacy? Edit: I don't remember Legacy was mentioned by the devs before launch.
  25. The price change itself, no. But we got a patch recently that corresponded with the price change, so I'm using that as a point of reference. Point being, I've had a toon with two apostrophes in his name for a while now. Not offensive, not reportable, not someone's real life name. Now I can't reroll that exact same toon name on another server. And others are reporting that, only recently, have names been coming up "invalid." Something recently changed the naming conventions, and we are trying to figure out what and how. Wow. What you quoted. That's pretty douchey.
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