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Everything posted by Woodspoon

  1. + 1 Well done OP my sentiments exactly If I had cake, I would give some to you.
  2. So lots of bright colours make it better? I think your missing the Teletubbies.
  3. People are already complaining that the worlds aren't big or open enough. If there wasn't large amounts of travel can you imagine how tiny the worlds would be?
  4. I seem to remember that there are a few external usb graphics cards available on the market designed for laptops, but there wont be many or easy to find.
  5. I feel I must strongly complain about the lack of complaints in this complaint thread and if bioware doesn't do something about the lack of complaints then I will be forced to un-subscribe from this thread very soon.
  6. It's BS That e-mail is all sorts of shopped wrongness The subject heading for an account warning would not be "An important announcement regarding your SW:TOR account" It would more likely be "Your SW:TOR account has been suspended" or " important information regarding your SW:TOR account". Using the word "announcement" implies that it is information that will be told to everyone which it wouldn't be, account admin's are usually very careful about their wording of e-mails to avoid confusion or anything implied.
  7. And yet many other people complain that the world is just too small. Bioware can't win
  8. Not just this game but all games. playing for shire entertainment and fun is a concept long forgotten that only "the ancient ones" can remember from their Amiga 500 days. Yeah, over competitiveness and lazy people are wrecking games.
  9. Name 1 game that was perfect at launch You can't because there isn't one Every game has flaws, every game. Luckily SWTOR can be patched and those imperfections can be fixed over time.
  10. If you're getting upset about losing 16 days out of a possible 365 days then you really need to get out more. Buy another game to play while maintenance is going on, go for a walk, talk to people, you know do something else. Maybe I shouldn't point out that you're going to lose at least 100 days because you're asleep and an entire day sitting on the toilet. I live in England and have no problem with the downtime at all.
  11. A cockney Darth Vader Slightly off topic But I thought I'd add this for anyone who hasn't seen it. WARNING Contains very bad language But is very funny. Snatch Wars (snatch vs Star Wars) Put the kettle on, Errol
  12. I'd say the Jedi are actually worse in some ways. At least the Sith were always honest about wanting a fight, unlike the Jedi "no no we don't want a fight we like peace, well ok we'll try to kill all of you then". It would be kind of like America (republic) deciding to destroy England (Imperial) because they thought cockneys were a threat.
  13. Maybe you should consider playing on one of the dedicated RP servers then. Just a thought
  14. Stick with DVI every time I've tried using an HDMI cable on my normal 22" 1920x1080 I've noticed a drop in quality.
  15. This is the way the game was designed This is the way it was meant to be played This is SWTOR, not WoW, or Rift, or EvE, or LOTRO or any of the others Play the game for what it is and not what you want it to be. Stop making comparisons and be happy
  16. Nasty, nasty, nasty video Buy a graphics card AMD or Nvidia either will be better than the on board Intel nastyness.
  17. It's your game, play it how you want. But it is very story driven.
  18. Ever considered that you might have just really insulted someone?
  19. Clearly you've never crossed a woman Playing a different gender just adds an extra dimension of change to a character you might normally play.
  20. Patch notes say nothing about body changes and to be honest I've noticed no changes either. Some of your settings have probably got changed by the patch I would guess.
  21. give them some rubbish weapons or send them off to do a job then
  22. Ok well if it's so easy and you have all the ideas, why don't you rock up to a publisher the idea and get an advance to get into production? After all having your own business gives you a proven track record and knowledge of how business works. But then that's something a real business man would actually do. Your comments are probably the most arrogant and ignorant comments I've seen on these forums and that's really saying something. Even though you say you own a business I strongly suspect you are lying and you have no idea how businesses work, I would guess 14 and delivering newspapers for money more like. Yes businesses copy each other but then they also sue the pants off each other for copyright infringement, no publisher is going to want that for a new game.
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