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Posts posted by Zarahemla

  1. 168) Give more conquest points for harder content.  Completing a MM Operations is more difficult than the "rampage" conquest objectives.  That difficulty should be rewarded, by giving more conquest points.

    169) Mounts and pets, and companions should give prestige.  You can place mounts and pets and companions in your stronghold (wish they were not holograms) so they should also give prestige.  

    170) Incentivize grouping in am MMO.  Have more daily areas like the black hole, where there are instanced quests that group members can split off and give credit to each other.  Doing the story missions for KOTET and KOTFE in a group should give achievements / conquest points for all party members, and not just the group leader.  More emperor casino chips drop when you are in a group.

    171) Be able to buy bundles for others.  There is currently a "Firebolt Edition Bundle" on sale, for about $100.00.  That is a lot of money for some people, but not a lot for other people.  Allow people who want buy bundles for other people (birthday presents or guild prizes or whatever) to do so.

    172) Non-cartel market items should be able to be unlocked in collections, i.e. mounts, pets, companions, companion skins, ect.  Rather than requiring players to get items from operations or seasonal events on every character, offer them the opportunity to spend cartel coins, to unlock those things for their account.

    173) Don't have any hidden achievements.  It is annoying to have to look up hidden achievements on third party websites.  Just have all achievements revealed, so achievement hunters know what they need to do.

    174) No lockouts for operations.  There are already no lockouts for story mode operations, do this for veteran and master mode operations as well.  Lockouts are a relic of the past.

    175) Pay credits to skip bosses in operations, like the heroic on Dantooine (Reactor Ransom).  For teams that are progressing on an operation, for their to be no lockouts, having to spend their limited time clearing bosses they already killed, just to get to where they are progressing would be a drag.  So have a vendor outside every operations, where the raid leader can interact with them, and pay credits to skip the bosses they already have the achievement for already clearing.  By having the raid leader be the only one who can skip bosses, it will prevent trolling.  This would allow progressing teams to skip to the bosses that they still need to clear.

    176) Add companions that are worth doing date night with.  Right now, there are no companions that I want to do date night for.  (I think you should remove the "points" from achievements for date night, as there are some companions that players may never want to romance).  Forcing players to romance companions for achievements feels wrong.  I am looking for human companions that are force users and attractive to take to date night.  They also need better hair than what Lana has.

    177) Be able to convert golden certificates and cartel market certificates into emperor tokens.  I currently have 733 Golden Certificates and 583 Cartel Market Certificates.  There is nothing that I want to buy with these currencies.  While the Gambling event is going on, allow players to talk to a vendor to change these currencies into Emperor Casino Chips, so they can continue to play.

    178) When guilds link their hyperlink, to recruit, the hyperlink should show what conquest yield they are currently going for.  Conquest is a way to see how active the guild is.  If the guild is not a large yield, but still active, potential guild members can check the name against the top 10 guild list, for medium or small yield guilds.  

    179) Try to remove "Fear of Missing Out" (FOMO) from your game.  You can add a vendor per Galactic and PvP season, with all the vanity things purchasable from those vendors.  The currency to buy those items could be 1 season token and universal prefabs, to make crafting have value again.  Right now, Cybertech makes money by crafting grenades for PvP.  Armormech and Armstech, and Synthweaving make money by crafting augments.  Biochem makes money by crafting medpacs, adrenals, and stims.  Artifice makes dyes, but all the good dyes are from the cartel market.  By including prefabs as a currency to combat FOMO, it will give players a reason to craft again, or at the very least, buy from other crafters.

    180) Have a "collection" of mounts and pets, with achievements for collecting the full "set."  When you collect the full set, you get a "Golden" mount skin of that mount's collection.  That way mount and pet collectors can more easily show off all the mounts they have.   Having the same mount / pet with a different skin is a staple of MMOs.  You have already implemented "Pay to Win" achievements, like "A Hutt's Best Friend" and "Throw Owner."  So just make achievements for collecting all the "sets."  For example:  there are 6 "Ando" mounts in my collection (A-R6, Firewasp, Locust, Mantis, Saberwasp, and Windscorpion).    So once you have the full collection, the player is awarded a mount with the "Yarvok's Gratitude" skin (something flashy to show off).  That way when players want to show off how many mounts they have, they only have to show off the golden mount / pet.  Makes it easier to have a mount show off competition.  

    181) Make being able to buy levels in either Galactic Seasons, and the PvP season be sustainable.  I am sure you are able to track how much the average player loots in a given month.  The Average player doesn't care about both PvP and PvE.  They will usually only focus on either Galactic Seasons or the PvP season.  Figure out how much a player makes during that season, and charge 1/2 of what they earn for Galactic Seasons, and 1/2 for the PvP season.  That way if a player doesn't want to do either of the seasons (they just want to play the game the way they want, to have fun) then they can fully unlock both season rewards with the credits they earn from playing the game.  Those who focus on just one Season, will still have credits (after they buy the season rewards that they didn't care to play) to buy things off the Galactic Trade Network (GTN).

  2. 34 minutes ago, TrixxieTriss said:

    It would certainly help others to know how they did this. Then we could all avoid this stupid 4 hour quest chain.

    Maybe they could write out what they did in their native language & we could use google translate to try & follow 🤷🏻‍♀️

    I referred him to this post, so he can speak for himself, but he said you need assassin and Jug on the same toon, so 2nd spec is Jug, with first spec as assassin, or visa versa.  You run through some lava, and you jump to droids to get out of other lava faster is what it sounded like.  I'm still confused.

  3. 34 minutes ago, TrixxieTriss said:

    How did they get the datacron if they hadn’t done the quest chain? 

    I don't know, English is their 2nd language, when I asked them, they said they did do the quest (after telling me that they didn't).  When I asked how long it took them to do the quest chain, they said 40 minutes.  When I asked them how it took me around 4 hours, and the Youtube video guide almost an hour, (with movement and other boring parts speed up, or cut out of the video) they said that they QTed while I walked to locations on Kessan's Landing.  Doesn't make sense to me, as I walked where the video said to walk, and I QTed where the video said to QT.

  4. Broadsword's first datacron (the +10 Endurance on Kessan's Landing) is the worst datacron so far.  I spent 4 hours doing a quest chain, so I could get an achievement, and a buff that allows me to walk on lava for 5 seconds... however, I only get the buff on that one character, which was not my main.  I will now have to do that 4 hour quest chain again on every alt if I want to walk on lava on my alts.  There is a fine line between making an achievement that makes you work for it and a game that doesn't respect your time.  As part of this 4 hour quest chain, I had to go to Iokath twice, since the character I was doing the quest chain on (a stealth tank) had not done the Ioktah storyline, I had to be summoned to Iokath twice.  Broadsword wanting you to do their class quest chains, was really hammered home.  Broadsword requiring you to do your class quests can be forgiven, if Broadsword didn't also require you to play a certain spec.  

    Everyone already plays DPS, so why incentivize playing a DPS even more?  When you are on the quest to get the datacron (Lava Problems), you have to kill a droid in 2 minutes and 30 seconds, plus open a door.  My stealth tank is in 336 Hyde and Zeek quest gear, with 340 set bonus implants.  I was unable to survive the large droid's damage when my companion was set to DPS.  So I figured I would play it easy mode and have the companion set to healer, like every other casual player.  However, I would get the droid to 8% life and he would despawn.  I tried to LOS the droid so I could AOE the two grapple adds down, and the boss would despawn because he was pulled off his spawn point.  It became clear, after an hour and a half of trying to kill him, that a tank could not solo him.  Luckily, since I main a healer, and have tank alts, I had friends I could call on.  

    Sadly friends cannot enter your phase.  I asked a friend who had already gotten the datacron, but not done the 4 hour quest chain, and they couldn't enter.  I asked a friend who already got the datacron, and had done the 4 hour quest chain, and they couldn't enter either.  Finally I asked a friend who had not done the 4 hour quest chain, and had not gotten the datacron, and they couldn't enter.

    So it appears that Broadsword wants their player base to do your class storyline, and play a DPS, to get this datacron.  I hope that in the future, they make a datacron where you have to get hit by an explosion, and you can only survive if you are a tank, and another datacron where you have to heal through enviromental damage (companions despawn when you enter the area) so it isn't just DPS who can get Broadsword's datacrons.

  5. After the third Galactic Seasons (Battle Pass) I was burnt out, and needed a break, from doing the battle pass.  The Fourth Galactic Seasons started so soon, that I wasn't able to catch up on story.  But I figured it would be interesting to do the Fourth Galactic Seasons to see if Bioware's efforts to get inflation under control would effect how many credits you earned from doing the battle pass.  So, one more time, into the breach. If you are interested in reading what I earned / learned from doing the First Galactic Seasons or the Second Galactic Seasons or the Third Galactic Seasons:  those are the links.

    I learned that if you don't collect all the rewards, from the battle pass, you now get them mailed to you after the season ends.  This works for both PvP seasons and regular Galactic Seasons.

    I learned that you earn less Galactic Seasons points for doing the objectives if you are Free-to-Play (F2P) than if you are a subscriber.  Objectives that would give subscriber 8 points would only give F2P 6 points, and objectives that would give 10 points to a subscriber would only give F2P 8 points.

    The objective Reflections of the Cold Moon, where you meditate (pray) at a shrine and then get a debuff that is in-game time, not real life (RL) time was not fun.  If it had been RL time, you could get the debuff (had to do this four times to complete the objective) then log out, play an alt, then come back and pray again.  But because it was in-game time, it caused players to stand around the shrine, watching Netflix or doing some other activity while they waited for the debuff to fall off.  This is not fun.  At one point, there were eight people standing around the shrine, waiting for a debuff to fall off, while one person prayed.  I tried to make the waiting effective by talking to my fellow waiters, and see if there were any other battle pass objectives we could do together.  Across the four servers, only one person responded to me, and no additional objectives were done together.  Not sure which Bioware employee though standing around for a debuff to fall off would be good content, but they may want to reevaluate what fun in a video game is.

    I learned that group members still don't get credit for doing the seeker droid objective together, that it is only the person who finds the object that gets credit.  Was really hoping this would have been fixed by now.

    I also learned that it is possible to get the same thing in multiple packs, on the same server.  On one server, I got the Hunter's Planning table in all three gold packs.  Disappointing, as the hunter's planning table was only selling for around 1 million credits each.  This also seems to show that the gold decoration pack had a very small pool.

    As before, I got many duplicate decorations across the servers which seems to mean the pool of rewards in galactic seasons packs are different than the normal packs, which again is dissapointing.  I also saw some duplicates from the last galactic season, so they are not changing up the pool between seasons.

    Here is that list of how many times I got duplicate decorations, see if you recognize ones you also got (this is how many times I got the decoration, not how many copies I got in a single pull):  
    x3 Topiary Tree (Hedge)
    x2 Banner: House Rist
    x2 Tuk'ata Research Table
    x4 Emergency Celing Light (Red)
    x2 Reliquary Vase
    X2 Small Statue of Ancient Horror
    x2 Small Holo Table
    x2 Office Devider
    x4 Arrangement: Cafe Table
    x3 Computer Station (Emergency)
    x2 Selkath Chair
    x4 Engraved Reliquary
    x5 Banner: House Thul
    x4 Oriconian Standing Torch
    x2 Gigantic Crystal (Cyan)
    x2 Selkath Kolto Tank
    x2 Rakata Security Monitor
    x3 Republic Voss Embassy Sign
    x2 Planter: Large Mushroom
    x2 Networked Lamp (Orange)
    x3 Segmented Lights (Purple)
    x6 Hunter's Planning Table
    x2 Voss-ka Street Lamp

    I also saw that the achievement to get max reputation is still only for getting that reputation while the battle pass is going.  Was hoping this would change too.  Something I think Star Wars: The Old Republic (SWTOR) does well is they don't have the fear of missing out (FOMO) as much.  If you were not playing at launch, and didn't buy the collector's edition, you can still buy an unlock to access the collector's edition vendor, although you will have to pay to do so.  If you were not playing during a specific time in the game's life, you can still get Z0-0M, although you may have to spend cartel coins to get her.  If you were not playing during a specific time in the game's life, you can still get Shea Vizla, although you might have to participate in a battle pass, to turn in your galactic seasons coins to get her.  I feel bad when there are achievements that are time locked, as some players will never get those, because they were taking a break, or hadn't even heard the game existed at that point in time.

    I also learned that I have more galactic season tokens than I know what to do with, had some mailed to me, after the seasons ended, as I was already capped at 15.  I recommend that Bioware add a vendor for things that are no longer obtainable in the game, like the Colicoid manned blaster turret, so that players who might have missed out on those things, can buy them.  Also, if they have decorations for sale, players can more easily spend tokens knowing that it helps their prestige, so even players who have played non-stop from the beginning can still progress by spending their galactic season tokens.

    Now that I have the title "Conqueror of the Galaxy," and I see that Bioware is not giving us a six months on, and six months off rotation to recuperate from the last battle pass, I don't think I will be doing the battle pass on every server anymore.  I am way behind on the storyline.  Also seeing that it takes around 24 hours to finish a battle pass on a server, and you only make $20 worth of cartel coins, I just don't see it being worth farming the battle pass on every server, if you only care about the cartel coins.

    As far as the break down for the different servers, here it is:

    The first server I finished the battle pass on, was my main server of Star Forge.  Because I played multiple characters on that server, to finish the battle pass, I wasn't able to time how long it took, or how many credits I earned.

    The second server I finished the battle pass on was Darth Malgus.  It took 1 days, 2 hours, and 56 minutes of /played time to complete the Galactic Seasons Four.  I earned $651,509,054 credits from doing the battle pass on that server.  Because Bioware changed it, so now you have to pay a fee, when you give credits to another player, that guild stopped giving credits as a reward for earning conquest.  I had a gear score of 333 by the end of the battle pass.  A valor rank of 34, and an unknown amount of achievement points (as I had transferred a character to my main server and back again to get the achievement points on my main server, and my heroic moment abilities / datacron stats on this server).

    The third server I finished the battle pass on was Tulak Hord.  It took me 1 day, 6 hours and 0 minutes of /played time to finish the battle pass on that server.  I earned $1,714,246,473 credits from doing the battle pass on Tulak Hord.  I had a gear score of 336 by the end.  A valor rank of 33, and 5,850 achievement points.  

    The fourth server that I finished the battle pass on was Satele Shan.  It took 1 day, 4 hours, and 55 minutes of /played time to finish the battle pass on that server.  I earned $878,449,799 credits from doing the battle pass on Satele Shan.  I had a gear score of 335, valor rank 38, and an unknown amount of achievement points.

    The fifth and final server that I finished the Fourth Galactic Seasons on, was The Leviathan server.  It took me 1 day, 5 hours, and 16 minutes of /played time to finish on that server.  I earned $1,853,511,676 credits from doing the battle pass.  I had a gear score of 334, and a valor rank of 26, with an unknown amount of achievement points earned.

    You can see that the amount of credits earned, has drastically gone down, which seems to indicate that inflation is going down.  However, as i said before.  I do not plan to do the battle pass on every server unless Bioware (or Broadsword) decide to drastically increase the amount of cartel coins you earn from Galactic Seasons and reduce the amount of time it takes to complete the seasons.  IMO if the company in charge would value the player's time, the would give cartel coins in relation to at least working a minimum wage job.  Working over 24 hours for $20 of cartel coins, just isn't worth it to me.  In addition, no job offer from Bioware has been forthcoming from the result of my forum posts.  So I leave the stats torch for someone else to pick up and carry.  Good luck.

    The order of servers that I finished the battle passes, reflects how active the server is, in terms of finding groups for the group-oriented objectives, like flashpoints and world bosses.  

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  6. 21 hours ago, black_pyros said:

    Nope. There are 25. Your math is wrong.

    19 out of 25 wouldn't be as much help as 19 out of 20. You could regonsider this, as well.

    Your right, with 25 tiers, buying 15 tiers is even less worth it, as by the time you can buy the 15 tiers, there isn't enough time to get the other 10 tiers, since there is a cap on 1,000 points per week.

  7. 20 hours ago, SteveTheCynic said:

    But that is not "in a group".  The existence of other players can help, but there's nothing to be gained for crafting by grouping, but your initial statement implied that there was.

    You used two different names for the same thing, which made it sound like you were talking about two different things when you weren't.  That does not aid comprehension.  (And above all, the specific names aren't important.)

    Alright, I changed the first sentence to explain that the Galactic Seasons is also a Battle Pass for people like you.  Let it not be said that I don't try to make others happy.

    6 hours ago, Samcuu said:

    I got some nice gold armor sets from the packs. Got both the new Obi Wan armor set and the Anakin armor set. So im not hating the cartel packs. Plus I love the decos cuz those are expensive on the gtn and if u get duplicate it's fine for me cuz I have plenty of strongholds to use them in. Less cartel coins does suck but can't argue all that much from their reasoning as it just contributes to the inflation in the economy. Still tho if ur smart about how u play u can still gain around 6k coins with minimal effort if ur smart and plan accordingly. 

    One way to make the GTN prices for cartel market items go down, is to increase the supply of cartel market items.  By giving players more cartel coins, the supply of cartel market items will go up, and with demand for those items staying the same, the price will go down.  Glad you got some good things from your packs.  

  8. 4 hours ago, JediQuaker said:

    What the heck is this BS about "not worth your time"? SWTOR is a game - it's not worth anyone's "time". That's not the point - the point is to enjoy the 'game' not the 'rewards'. 

    For instance, I don't do any "Swoop Rally" stuff because I don't enjoy it. It wouldn't matter how 'shiney' the rewards are. It's not a matter of being 'worth' my time, but rather just a lack of interest.

    So worth your time, is referring to opportunity cost, and rewards.  Would you rather spend two and a half hours doing seven of the regular Galactic Season (Battle Pass) weekly objectives, which would progress you several tiers on that track, or would you rather que for PvP and do five regular warzones, and two arena matches, earning you 87/7,000 points in the PvP Season.  For casual players who only have three hours a week to play, I would hope that you would agree that at the end of the Seasons, getting the rewards from all 100 tiers of the regular battle pass (even if it is less cartel coins than last time) and billions of credits are more worth that player's time than completing three out of 20 tiers, as the rewards are less (no cartel coins) and less credits from doing the PvP seasons.

    That is what I mean by Bioware valuing our time.

    • Like 1
  9. 5 hours ago, DWho said:

    No restrictions for non-subscribers

    All players, regardless of account type, can participate in PvP. During previous seasons, non-subscribers were restricted on the amount of matches they could play. With 7.2, free-to-play accounts will be able to participate in PvP; however, they will earn PvP points at a slower pace than Subscribers.

    from: https://www.swtor.com/info/news/article/20221209

    Oh perfect, that will give F2P players something to do.  Sadly F2P has less weekly objectives, and as I pointed out, you really need to do the weekly objectives to progress the battle pass.  

  10. 34 minutes ago, SoontirMorillo said:

    This is wrong.

    F2P are free to do as many WZ as they want. That was a recent change.

    And honestly i'm quite shocked how long this statement about F2P can only do so many FPs in a week is circulating on the internet till this day. It's also just wrong. Since years. F2P are restricted in looting the Endboss Drop. They can only do it 3x a week. Since it is a purple gear drop, it doesn't even matter, because they can't wear it anyway. Nonetheless... F2P could always run as many FPs as they liked. They only can loot the Endboss 3x in a week.

    Edit: I have to correct myself... F2P is limited on 10 Endboss Rewards per week. Not 3. They still have unlimited access to as many flashpoint runs as they want though.

    Do you mean they can do as many WZ as they want if they are grouped with a subscriber?  If so, I was going off of solo players, as there are many solo players.  My understanding is a solo F2P player can only do 10 WZ per week, unless they are grouped with a subscriber.  If that is not the case, please link your source.

  11. 153) The Seeker Droid quest should count in a group, and when you find it, assuming you are close enough to your group members, both of you should get a copy of the found item.  Both of you should also get credit when doing this objective in Galactic Seasons (Battle Pass).  This incentivizes group play in an MMO.

    154) Killing enemies (mobs) in an area where your seeker droid detects something should have items that improve you finding things with your seeker droid in their loot table.

    155) Players should be able to have an unlimited number of reactions on the forums, and not have a weekly cap.  

    156) When players go to their abilities page and hit the "vehicles" or "pets" tab, there should be a number at the top of that tab, that shows how many mounts or pets that character has, and how many of those mounts are "favorited."  This way players don't have to manually count to 578+ to know how many mounts / pets they have collected.

    157) When a player gets the achievement for clearing a flashpoint 25x for whichever difficulty mode they are doing, if they do that flashpoint, on that difficulty, again, they should have a temporary ability bar ability similar to predation, but stacks with predation that allows the whole party to run faster in that flashpoint, to allow for faster runs of content they have cleared that many times.  In this way, veteran players are able to further help new players, and new players can see that an experienced player is in the group, and learn from them.

    158) When you earn levels of Galactic Seasons as a subscriber, but don't collect the rewards before your account goes back to F2P (preferred), you should still be able to collect any rewards you earned while you were a subscriber.

    159) Add /played time to forum posts, not just when the account was created.  That way when someone posts on the forums, other players can not only see that they made their account 11 years ago, but they have actually been playing the game for that long too.

    160) Bring back ranked PvP, but make it so legacy ignoring a player prevents you from being grouped with or against that legacy. This will make it so the problem players will not get ques, making the ranked scene less toxic.

    161) When a player has been identified as a win trader, hard wire ban that player, otherwise they just make a new account.  This will incentivize fair play.

    162) Now that the game allows you to have 32 outfit slots, increase the personal bank storage space to hold all of those outfits.  32 outfits x 9 outfit slots (weapon, off-hand weapon, head, wrists, chest, gloves, boots, belt, feet) = 288 bank slots.  Make it an even 300 for dyes and other vanity items.  This is important because if you character transfer a character to another server, it deletes all of the outfits in your outfit designer.  Right now you have to rebuild all of your outfits, including repurchasing dyes, unless you saved those outfits with the dyes in your personal bank, when you transfer the character.  Give us enough room in out personal banks to do this for all 32 outfit slots.

    163) Add GSF to the weekly objectives for the PvP Seasons, as some players like GSF but don't like the "Ground PvP."

    164) When Allowing players to buy tiers, for Galactic Seasons and PvP Seasons, allow them to buy a set number of tiers, instead of buying up to level a specific tier level.  For example, right now players can buy up to level 95 for the Galactic Seasons and level 15 for PvP Seasons.  This benefits people who play at the very end of a Season (Battle Pass).  As they can "catch up." and then do a few objectives and complete the entire battle pass that way.  However, players who play at the beginning of a Battle Pass and then stop playing at the end, are not able to finish it.  Allow those beginning players to buy tiers before they go on vacation.  So if right now you can buy 95 levels of Galactic Seasons, then it shouldn't matter if they are the first 95 or the last 95 or the middle 95 tiers.

    165) Say on the PvP Seasons Tab how many days are left for the PvP Seasons, as some players will not know that it ends the same time as the regular Galactic Seasons.

    166) Change the achievements in the regular Galactic Seasons for maxing out that season's reputation faction, during the event, to just being maxing out the reputation, so it can be earned after the event is over.  The reputation tokens still drop, so you can still max the reputation, it just takes more work, as you can't get the tokens from doing weekly objectives after the season ends.

    167) Add more characters for the outfit designer names, so when players want to type out "Best in Slot - Level 80 gear" They don't have to settle for "BIS Level 80."  Or if they want to type out "Eternal Championship Outfit," they don't have to settle for "Eternal Cham."  Or if they want to type out "Frogdogs Away Huttball Outfit," they don't have to settle for "A Frogdogs."

  12. 46 minutes ago, SteveTheCynic said:

    How exactly would the ones for crafting or sending companions on crew skill missions be made easier in a group?

    Also: suddenly switching from "Galactic Seasons" to "Battle Pass" does not aid comprehension.

    Crafting is made easier by being able to buy mats off the GTN from other players... if you don't know that Galactic Seasons is a Battle Pass by now, I don't know what to tell you.

    Oh yes, @Farlo, I will have to edit my original post about the PvP seasons, as that is also ridiculous for a F2P player.  I qued for PvP for both regular warzones (WZ) and arena matches for two hours, while I was F2P.  I got four regular warzones and one arena.  I won half of the regular WZs and lost the arena.  After subscribing, I did another regular WZ and another arena, where I lost both. Quing and doing those seven matches took me two and a half hours and netted me 87 points, out of the required 7,000.  Because F2P has less weekly objectives, I would say it is prohibitively too difficult for a casual F2P player to complete the PvP season.  Remember, F2P players have a cap on how many WZ and Flashpoints (FP), Galactic Star Fighter (GSF) and regular space battles they can do per week. 

    I was sad to learn that you could only buy up to level 15 for the PvP seasons, as that would have offered another credit sink, and so many people hate pvp, that would have taken advantage of paying credits.

    My suggestion is to add GSF to the weekly PvP season objectives, and allow players to buy up to tier 19 (Regular Seasons, you are unable to buy all the tiers, so I guess you shouldn't be able to buy all the tiers for the PvP seasons either).

  13. When I first saw that you got half as many cartel coins as the other Galactic Seasons (Battle Pass), I decided to unsubscribe (among other reasons) and was going to not even bother with the Third Galactic Seasons, as I was confident it wouldn't be worth my time, as the other two were not worth my time.  However, since I had already made a "What I learned from the First Galactic Seasons" and "What I learned from the Second Galactic Seasons" post, I figured I would do the Battle Pass without being a subscriber, in the off chance making this post would help someone out (or convince Bioware to hire me - LOL).  I could then resub for the last month of the Battle Pass and get all the rewards on the bottom track.  I had some time on my card after I unsubscribed, and got a few levels of the Battle Pass, enough to get cartel coins.  However, I am in the habit of not looting any rewards (beyond the companion you need to get, on the first level), and I learned that even though you earned the Battle Pass rewards on the bottom track, if you don't loot them before you unsubscribe, you can't get them after your subscription time runs out, even though you earned them while being a subscriber.  That was annoying to learn.

    One of the Battle Pass objectives was to find some things with the Seeker Droid.  While wondering the sands of Tatooine, I found another searcher, and we grouped up for speed.  Sadly, when one person found it (them) the other person didn't get credit, and the Seeker Droid no longer detected anything.  IMO as this is an MMO, all battle pass objectives should be made easier in a group, this situation was also true, I found out, with the searching for cheaters at the slot machines objective.

    This Third Galactic Seasons had half as many cartel coins, but the cost of unlocking the rewards from the battle pass (like the companion, weapons and armor sets) was significantly increased.  So the worst of both worlds.  However, I am sure white knights and the devs will point out that you got ultimate cartel packs (1/30 of a hypercrate) from the battle pass instead.  Sadly like the other battle passes, these are not a grab bag of every item in the game, there is a specific pool that the items will come from.  Even though I didn't keep track of weapons and armor (although I did notice duplicates) I did write down when I got duplicate decorations.  As stated above, I was able to keep track as I opened all the rewards from the battle pass, at the same time, after I completed the battle pass on every server.  

    Here is that list of how many times I got duplicate decorations, see if you recognize ones you also got (this is how many times I got the decoration, not how many copies I got in a single pull):  
    x3 Octagonal Computer Station 
    x5 Minefield Marker
    x2 Emergency Ceiling Light
    x2 Starship Republic Striker
    x4 Tuk'ata Research Table
    x4 Selkath Chair
    x3 Banner: House Alde
    x3 Selkath Kolto Tank
    x3 Planter: Large Mushroom
    x3 Oriconian Standing Torch
    x4 Engraved Reliquary
    x2 Statue of the Serena Pilgram
    x3 Czerka Ceiling Light
    x2 Gigantic Crystal Cyan
    x2 Temple Chandelier
    x2 Segmented Lights (Purple)
    x3 Corporate Lobby Rug
    x2 Shackled Crystal Scone

    I also learned that the achievement to get max reputation with the Battle Pass faction while the seasons is going on, is not worth it.  I finished the battle pass on my main server, and I was 77/100 for the completing weekly objectives, but only around 28,000/70,000 for the reputation achievement.  You can say I was playing hard core, since I was doing the battle pass on all five servers, but if you consider I didn't budget my time on one server, my results for a single server could be considered what a dedicated casual player could accomplish.  When I saw that I was so far behind in reputation, and I would have to resubscribe anyway to get the rewards on the bottom track, I resubscribed after finishing the battle pass on my main server.  I did this because I needed the extra reputation you get as a subscriber, as the extra reputation from just being in a guild was not enough.  I also was able to run operations, to get the tokens, used to buy the reputation items faster.  I also used the reputation boost buff that you get from log-in rewards.  I felt like I had to bend over backwards for this achievement, which I should get on the last week of the event, just in time.  However, at what cost? I had to resubscribe sooner than I planned on, and I had to run many operations to get the required tokens, and the opportunity cost, of not being able to use those reputation tokens for easy conquest points, once I am capped on reputation.  I was getting conquest on three alts, that I didn't enjoy playing, just from using the reputation items.  Those characters will not be getting conquest once I am capped on that reputation.  I recommend Bioware change the achievement to just getting capped on reputation with the Galactic Seasons faction, but not put a time limit on when you get capped.  That way I would not be pressured to farm tokens before the event ends, and alts can still get easy conquest.  (Tokens used to buy reputation still drop after the event ends, if you have the corresponding companion active, I learned).  I know I would rather have easy conquest on three characters for the next six months than to have a skin on a companion, that I will never use, forever while also having to pay cartel coins to unlock that skin for my account.

    Doing the Galactic Seasons on every server, did have the perk of helping me get the "Conqueror of the Galaxy" without having to join a conquest guild on my main server.  I was able to join conquest guilds on the other four, get the titles on them, then use cartel coins from the Battle Pass to transfer a low-level alt to my server, to get those achievements on my main server.

    I learned that when you transfer a character to another server, it deletes all of your outfits in the outfit designer.  This means you have to rebuild all of those outfits, including dyes, if you didn't save them in your personal bank when you transferred them.

    I also learned that the first PvP Seasons coincides with the Third Galactic Seasons, so I will include what I learned from that here as well.  I qued for PvP for both regular warzones (WZ) and arena (for faster que times) for two hours when I was F2P (preferred).  I got four regular warzones and one arena.  I won half the regular warzones and lost the arena.  Later, after I resubscribed, I qued for another half hour and got one arena and one regular warzone, where I lost both.  So queing and doing those seven matches cost me two and a half hours, and netted me 87 out of the required 7,000 points.  To compare that to the regular Galactic Seasons (Battle Pass), in two and a half hours, I could get five, six or even all seven weekly objectives done in that time.  For the PvP Season, I didn't get any weekly objectives done.  Because the PvP weekly objectives take so much longer than the regular season objectives, I would say that Bioware doesn't value the player's time.  Because F2P players have less weekly objectives than a subscriber, I would say that is prohibitively too difficult for casual F2P players to complete the PvP season.  

    I was also sad to learn that players can only buy up to level 15 in the PvP season, as that would have offered another credit sink.  Since so many people hate pvp, there are many who would have taken advantage of buying more tiers.  

    I decided to buy up to level 15 and see how hard it is to get the objectives done, now that I am a subscriber.  Getting 8 metals in a single match must be much harder.  I used to PvP before the changed the weekly, so losses didn't count towards the weekly.  But before that, I would frequently get 8 metals per match.  I have now done 9 regular WZ and 3 arena.  I only got 8 metals in one of those 12 matches.  I have captured the two doors in Voidstar, with 5m+ in healing, 7 metals.  I have thrown the huttball for a score, while healing - still 7 metals.  It seems to mee that they have made getting metals a lot harder.

    I also learned that you need twice the Arenas as you do regular WZ, for the objectives.  16 matches played for arena, and 8 matches played for regular WZ.  8 matches where you get 8 metals in arena, but only 4 matches where you get 8 metals in regular WZ.  6 wins in arena, but only 3 wins in regular WZ.  

    It looks like something is off with the PvP seasons points.  There are 20 tiers, and require 7,000 points, able to earn 1,000 points per week.  7,000 points divided by 20 tiers is 350 points per tier.  After buying 15 levels, and queing / playing PvP for 2 1/2 hours previously, and grinding / queing for PvP for another 5 hours on the second to last week, I am a little less than 1/2 way through tier 17, but have 4,663 points.  4,663 points divided by 350 points should be tier 13, so not sure what the math is per tier... maybe you need more points as the tiers go up?  Can't tell by mousing over the bar on the tier list.  However, because you can only earn 1,000 points per week, I know I will not finish the season in time, no matter how much I play on the last week, unlike the regular Galactic Seasons.  

    It also appears that you can buy, with credits, in the regular seasons up to tier 95, then spend one week doing the objectives, and you will complete the regular seasons 100/100.  However, it looks like with PvP seasons, that you can't do that.  You can buy up to tier 15, then have to spend three weeks doing all the weekly PvP objectives, and earning another 600 points from grinding out matches, as there is a weekly cap of 1,000 points per week. I spent five hours queing and doing PvP in one day, before I realized that it was impossible for me to complete the 25 PvP tiers in two weeks, and in that five hours, I got one weekly objective done (win 6 arena matches).

    I would say that the PvP seasons is not worth doing.  It took five hours to get one weekly objective.  That is over double the time it took to do all the regular Galactic Seasons weeklies.  

    What makes it even worse, is that I resubbed, and started running 10+ operations a week, to get enough G.A.M.E. modules to buy the purple reputation tokens, so I would just finish in time to max out the reputation to get the achievement for maxing out the Third Galactic Seasons' reputation faction before the event ended.  Because I was so focused on grinding PvP, to get as many weeklies before the second to last week ended, I forgot to max out the purple reputation tokens, and only used one token per day for the conquest.  Because I failed to remember to use all the purple reputation tokens on the last day of the second to last week, I ended up at 67,926/70,000 reputation.  I could have had easy conquest on three toons until the next Battle Pass, but because of one mistake, and focusing on PvP, I will once again miss out on that achievement.

    I have once again learned that maxing the reputation during the event, is not worth the hassle.  One final thing that I learned is that if you don't collect your rewards that you earned in the battle pass, before the battle pass ends, you will never get those rewards.  They are not mailed to you in the mail box, like log-in rewards are.  They are lost, so make sure you loot your battle pass rewards.

    My suggestion is to add GSF to the weekly PvP season's objective list, and allow players to buy up to tier 19 (Regular Seasons does not allow you to buy all the tiers, so I guess it is only fair that you can't buy all the tiers in PvP seasons either).  As well as to make getting metals easier again.  I know you get metals for winning, but there is already an objective to win.  Finally, I suggest that the arena objectives are the same as the regular WZ objectives.  I know that arenas are shorter, but some players do not que for arena, because they prefer objective based PvP (regular WZs).  I also suggest that on the PvP Seasons tab, that it says how many days are left, as some players will not know that it ends the same time as the regular Galactic Seasons.  Also, I suggest that Bioware changes the achievement to be that you max the reputation, not that you have to max it during the event.   I would also suggest that the countdown for when the pvp season ends, be on the pvp tab, so players don't have to go to 3rd party websites to find out when it ends.

    As far as the breakdown of the stats for the servers, here it is:

    The first server I finished the Battle Pass on was my main server, of Star Forge.  Because I have multiple alts, and I craft on that server, I was not able to determine how long it took me, or how many credits I earned from just doing the Battle Pass.

    The Second Server I finished the Battle Pass on was the English European Server, of Darth Malgus.  It took 1 day, 1 hour, and 16 minutes of /played time.  I earned $2,853,808,861 credits, after selling all the tech fragments, and cartel market items I earned from doing the Battle Pass, as well as collecting credits from the guild I was in, as they paid you credits for earning conquest points, which I earned from doing the Battle Pass.  (This was the only guild / server that paid me for earning conquest points).  I had a gear score of 325.  Valor rank 34.  An unknown amount of achievement points (as I had transferred a character to my main server and back again to get the achievement points on my main server, and my heroic moment abilities / datacron stats on this server).

    The Third Server I finished the Battle Pass on was the Satele Shan Server.  It took me 1 day, 8 hours, and 48 minutes of /played time.  I earned $4,609,566,184 credits, after selling all the tech fragments, and cartel market items I earned from doing the Battle Pass.  I had a gear score of 326.  Valor rank 38, with 5,570 achievement points.  This was interesting, as I actually earned more than the credit cap, and had to put 3 billion credits in my legacy bank before I hit the cap.

    The Fourth Server that I finished the Battle Pass on was The German Server, Tulak Hord.  It took 1 day, 3 hours, and 50 minutes of /played time.  I earned $3,817,452,458 credits from doing the Battle Pass.  I had a gear score of 327.  Valor rank 33, with 5,310 achievement points.  

    The Fifth, and final Server that I finished the Galactic Seasons on was the French Server, Leviathan.  It took me 1 day, 3 hours, and 20 minutes of /played time.  I earned $3,486,194,573 credits from selling all the tech fragments, and cartel market items from the Battle Pass.  I had a gear score of 326.  Valor rank 26, with an unknown amount of achievement points, as I again had transferred a character from this server to my main server, and then back again.

    So why did I earn so many more credits during the Third Galactic Seasons, compared to the Second Galactic Seasons.  Was it all due to inflation?  I would say no, many of those additional credits were from selling the items that came from the ultimate cartel packs, which I got instead of cartel coins.  I was not able to use those cartel coins for my own purposes, like in the First and Second Galactic Seasons, because I was forced to get these loot boxes during the Third Galactic Seasons, which turned into GTN fodder. 

    Hope the time I spend doing this research, and writing up this report was helpful to you, and others.

    • Like 2
    • Thanks 3
  14. On 10/15/2022 at 1:48 PM, Nee-Elder said:

    When you get a chance,  you might wanna add those important details to the existing  'Known Issues' thread here:  https://forums.swtor.com/topic/923999-game-update-71-known-issues  .... which  somewhere in that list shows  what might be a related issue:  https://forums.swtor.com/topic/922336-underworld-exchange-items-not-unlocked-in-collections/

    The achievement specifically says that it must be done during the battle pass.  I didn't read that until it was too late, hence I learned to check achievements before it is too late.  I tested it, and yes, you have to get max reputation during the event to get the achievement.  It is not a bug.

  15. On 7/4/2022 at 11:58 PM, Chryptyk said:


    I know how the achievement is stated. However, with the vendor still being there, you can still earn rep. I asked the other day if achievements would still be awarded. I did not get a reply. There is no harm in trying though, if you have enough tokens stored up to complete it.

    I hit max rep toady, as I heard Galactic Seasons 3 is on the way, and worried that I could turn in rep tokens during Galactic Seasons 3, and I did not get the achievement.  The vendor was there, and you could still buy tokens, but you could not get the achivement to get the companion skin.

  16. Guild Information

    Mission Statement

    • <Something Something Darkside> <Something Something Pubside> is one guild in Star Wars: The Old Republic (SWTOR) on the Star Forge server whose mission is to be a family friendly community that focuses on growing the active player base by teaching new players and completing a variety of endgame content.  <Something Something Darkside> <Something Something Pubside> enables a fun and engaging environment by recruiting respectful and helpful community members that enjoy activities of all kinds.

    Vision Statement

    • <The Imperial Allegiance> & <The Republic Alliance> desires to grow guild member knowledge through facilitating mentorship of new players and hosting weekly activities of all difficulty levels.  We hope to continue to grow into a tight knit community that enjoys playing together in Star Wars: The Old Republic (SWTOR).


    • Founded on the forums before the servers went live, with the goal of using the Gold Dragon Kill Point (GDKP) loot system for our operations, then ported into the game when the servers went live.
    • The guild started out on the Mind Trick server, then was moved to the Shadowlands server in the first mandatory server merger, then moved again to the Star Forge server in the second mandatory server merger.


    • 60+ active guild member logins in Imperial and Republic guild factions.
    • 16+ guild members online during primetime (8pm CT) 
    • Multiple weekly guild events
    • Family Friendly and Not so Family Friendly channels in the guild Discord, for your personal tastes


    • 15% XP Bonus and 15% Reputation Bonus for all guilded characters.
    • 1x Active and 5x Passive weekly Imperial and Republic Helpful Perks to make you rich.
    • 100%-unlocked Imperial  and Republic Guild Ships with convenient Stronghold utility rooms.
    • 100%-unlocked Imperial and Republic Strongholds 
    • Earn weekly Imperial and Republic Large-Yield Invasion guild rewards via Planetary Conquest.
    • Receive expert advice about combat roles (Tank DPS / Healer) from experienced Combat Style Mentors.
    • Learn Operations mechanics, strategies, and tactics in Operations lead by Guides.
    • Progress in challenging endgame multiplayer content by joining a guild team lead by Team Captains.


    • Communicate - Members should communicate questions, comments, or concerns via Discord.
    • Engage - Members are encouraged to participate in guild events, teams, and other activities.
    • Learn - Members should learn from veteran players and accept advice or criticism.
    • Patience - Members should understand content proficiency requires time and effort.
    • Log in - At least once every threee months.


    • Discord server providing real-time voice/text communication, collaboration, and direct messaging.
    • StarParse raid groups providing real-time combat log analysis in multiplayer content from SWTOR.


    Guild Events Information

    Social Mode Operations

    • Description: Learn Story Mode Operations and casually socialize with guild members.
    • Requirements: Commitment, DiscordStarParse.

    Veteran Mode Operations 

    • Description: Learn Veteran Mode Operations mechanics, strategies, and tactics.
    • Requirements: Commitment, DiscordStarParse, Story Mode Completion.

    Master Mode Operations 

    • Description: Learn Master Mode Operations mechanics, strategies, and tactics.
    • Requirements: Commitment, DiscordStarParse, Dummy Parse Checks, Veteran Mode Completion.

    World Boss Hunts

    • Description: Defeat multiple World Bosses and casually socialize with guild members.
    • Requirements: Commitment, Discord.


    Guild Requirements and Policies

    Guild Membership Requirements

    • Log in- Characters should log in at least once every three months.
    • Be Respectful - Don't type out swear words in guild chat, and limit swearing to the NSFW channels of Discord, overall keep the chat family friendly.
    • Discord - Members are encouraged to use a Discord.
    • StarParse - Members are encouraged to use StarParse for real-time combat log analysis and performance tracking.

    Guild Membership Activity Policy

    • Members may be kicked due to inactivity or the inability to participate, after failing to log in at least once every three months.
    • Members are required to be active on alternate characters in guild (100,000 conquest means you are active).
    • Inactive characters may be removed due to the maximum guild character limit.

    How to Join Something Something Darkside or Something Something Pubside

    • Type /who Something Something in-game and whisper one of the people who come up for a guild invite.  If they cannot invite you, they should be able to direct you to someone who can.
    • Direct Message (DM) Zarahemla to set up an invite, or to ask additional questions..

    Guild Team Membership Requirements

    • Combat Style Proficiency - Indicated by adequate TPS / DPS / HPS output in combat.
    • Dummy Parse Checks - Training dummy parse requirements defined by Guides.
    • Endgame Skills - Effective communication, situational awareness, and continuous improvement.
    • Mechanics - The ability to learn and adapt to boss fight mechanics

    Guild Team Leadership Policy

    • Guides shall manage teams as autonomous groups within the guild.
    • Guides shall define and enforce team requirements and policies.
    • Guides shall be responsible for team communication and organization.
    • Guides shall communicate to the team members loot distribution before the raids, when applicable.
  17. Best way to "fix" the inflation is to take the credits out of circulation. If everyone quits SWTOR, then your credits are taken out of circulation. If you have 90 billion credits in your legacy bank, and you unsubed today, those 90 billion credits are out of the in-game economy, the same as if they were deleted by giving them to a vendor. If you are not willing to do your part, how can you ask Bioware to do other suggestions (like my suggestions numbered 142 and 151 in this thread).


    That being said, let's talk about the value of players selling runs. This game has been out for 10 years. If you have spent the last 10 years playing this game, and you don't have the mount that drops from Story Mode (SM), and Hard Mode (HM), and Nightmare Mode (NiM) Explosive Conflict (EC), how can you call yourself a gamer? You have wasted your life.


    There are some dedicated players who have played this game for 10 years, but they don't have every achievement / vanity item they want. Maybe they couldn't find 7 other friends to help them clear those objectives, maybe they themselves are not good enough. Maybe the cleared the content but didn't get those vanity items to drop for them. For players like that, should they never get the chance to get these vanity things? If that is the case, they might as well quit the game, and find something they can do.


    That is why I like sales runs. If you are not currently killing a NiM boss, you can be preparing to kill a NiM boss by earning credits, credits you can use to give to other players to help you get those objectives. Let's say someone killed a NiM boss with 7 other friends, and the wings (or some other prestigious mount) dropped, and their friend got the mount, and they paid their friend to give them that mount. What is the difference between them and someone who paid 7 strangers to carry them to kill that NiM boss and give them that mount? Is the mount really that prestigious if the boss can be killed with 7 people, and one carry?


    The game company (Bioware) should either make the boss so hard that you can't carry people (making the mount prestigious) or allow for casual players to get NiM clears. Casual players can do this by buying sales runs or using NiM crystals. Bioware got rid of NiM crystals. So if the only way a casual player can get 100% achievements is by paying people, that is on Bioware for making the game too easy. Want to unsub yet?


    If the only way a casual player can clear a boss is by paying for a sales run, and inflation (caused by exploits, not sales runs) has gotten so out of control that the players selling runs are no longer accepting credits as payment (now taking hypercrates as payment) and they are requiring 15 hypercrates for one boss kill (about $750 of Real Life money) to carry you, then that is Bioware's fault for not rolling back the servers when credit exploits were discovered. Still want to sub to a gaming company doesn't roll back servers, allowing inflation to get out of hand?


    Now if you are a NiM raider who can carry people, and you are breaking ToS by selling your credits for RL money to credits sellers, should your account be banned? Yes. You then use your RL money to buy a Master's Datacron and Equipment Bundle, and do it again until it is no longer fun or profitable. Should the credit sellers be banned for breaking ToS? Yes, and they will use their RL money to make a new level 1 character to keep posting in general chat, until it is no longer profitable.


    Now if you are a casual player who wants to get achievements you can't get on your own, and you don't have the time or energy to find 7 other players to help you kill NiM bosses and get vanity items, you are either forced to pay the raid sellers $750 worth of hypercrates per boss, or you can quit the game.


    If you are an MMO developer, you should have a department dedicated to the in-game economy, banning credit sellers, and others, and rolling back servers when credit exploits are discovered. This should be your most important department.


    It seems like only poor people and dumb people (but I repeat myself) complain about Capitalism.


    Or you could be cynical and say Bioware is making their money when casual players buy hypercrates to give to raid sellers, who then break those hypercrates down into hyperpacks to sell them on the GTN, where Bioware takes 8% of those credits as a GTN fee, and then those raid sellers sell those credits to credit sellers. Bioware wins. But do you really want to subscribe to such a cynical idea?

  18. 135) Allow a toggle for Light Side / Dark Side corruption when using the Appearance Modification station. This will allow players more knowledge when spending real life money on how they want their character to look.


    136) Remove the option to give bronze keys to guild members for guild strongholds and flagships, and start with the silver key, so guild members can use the crafting nodes in the guild flagships and strongholds. Some players don't want to decorate their personal stronghold, and guilds can place the crafting node decorations in the guild stronghold, for those players to use. However, it is annoying having to go through hundreds of names to give every character a silver key every week, especially with turnover for this game.


    137) Allow gear to be imprinted and then shared with alts, like with the outfit designer, so when changing loadouts, you don't need the gear in your inventory, to equip it, you have the gear stats imprinted, so you don't have to keep your gear in your legacy bank, and share it with your alts. You just imprint it, then imprint the upgrades as you get them. Players no longer have to keep gear. Players may still want to keep the gear, but it is no longer required to keep gear, vanity or stats.


    138) Give special mounts for every 25 mounts collected, so players who are mount collectors, can ride around on mounts that show off their achievements of collecting a bunch of mounts.


    139) Give players cartel coins for doing objectives in the PTS, like how you reward players for doing galactic seasons. This will increase engagement in your PTS, and players will get something even if you don't implement their PTS suggestions. You can give cartel coins for submitting a PTS feedback forum after X amount of hours played.


    140) Make more operations that have little trash, where every player counts, and are quick to complete, and have a short walk back if you wipe. My favorite operations have been EV and DF because they have little trash, and every player counts (like in EV's dueling boss and DF's six pack phase), and they both take less than an hour to complete, and both have a short walk back if you wipe. Gods of the Machine and Duxon have not been like this.


    141) When players link their guild hyperlink, and other players click on that hyperlink, have an option in that hyperlink to visit the guild stronghold / guild flagship. This will allow prospective recruits to inspect the guild strongholds before joining.


    142) Have a vendor outside every operation, which sells the vanity items that drop from that operation. Players can only buy those vanity items if they have the achievement for killing the boss who drops those vanity items. This suggestion will help with inflation, as players how have a credit sink. If you have cleared Hard Mode (HM) Karagga's Palace (KP) then you can go to this vendor and buy the hat. I know players who want the hat on not only their character, but all of their character's companions. This vendor would make that goal easier, and would take out many credits from the economy. Same thing with the mount from Explosive Conflict (EC) maybe you did that operation a million times, but you never saw the mount drop, or maybe it did drop but someone else won it. Now you can go to that vendor and take out billions of credits from the economy by buying that mount. You cleared the raid, got the achievement, why not also have the mount. You are taking out credits from the economy by buying vanity items. (Can't add cool vanity to other vendors, or the company would miss out on credits because they could have added those vanity items to the cartel market and sold them for real life money, but by charging credits for vanity items already in the game, it can curb inflation without having the company sacrifice earning real life money).


    143) When buying things from the Jawa vendors, have an option to buy the max amount of something, based on the number of Jawa Junk you have in your character's inventory, so players don't have to pull out the calculator every time they want to buy a bunch of solid resource matrix.


    144) Increase range of out-of-combat rezes to be equal to the in-combat rez. Sometimes after someone dies, you can't find their body, but they are in range of an in-combat rez, but not the out-of-combat rez. Then the person who rezzes has to play a game of hot and cold trying to find the body. Just make the range for both rezzes to be the same, long distance so players can get back to raiding faster.


    145) Rotate which operation is the "easiest" two operations, every major expansion. This game has been out for over 10 years, but some players have still only completed hard mode Eternity Vault (EV) and hard mode Karagga's Palace (KP) as the hardest content they have done, as those are the easiest operations to pug. To help low skilled / low friend players see more content, rotate which are the two "easiest" operations with every expansion. So make EV and KP harder, one expansion, but make Terror from Beyond (TfB) and Scum and Villany easier.


    146) New Guild Perks (See This Thread for specific suggestions).


    147) Make an achievement for killing an operation boss without anyone in your group using a NiM crystal, also bring back NiM crystals. There are very few people who can clear Nightmare Mode (NiM) operation bosses without a NiM crystal (used to be obtained from the gree world event). By removing the NiM crystal there is less of a reason for new players to do the gree event. Also there is less of a demand for flagship plans, as those were required to make the NiM crystals, which in turn makes there less of a demand for completing conquest. Bring back NiM crystals so the demand for doing conquest goes up, and more players are able to clear NiM content. Add a special achievement for those few players who are able to do NiM content without the crystals.


    148) When buying account unlock items from the cartel market, if a player already has that account unlock, have the item grayed out, so players don't buy multiple of them not knowing, like with the HK account unlock.


    149) Be able to buy cartel items directly from the collections window (with cartel coins). This will allow all cartel market items to be obtained at all times, with cartel coins.


    150) Have separate outfit designer slots for duel spec, effectively doubling the number of outfit slots a character has.


    151) Have a credit sink item that gives a lockout, so raid groups that only have time to raid once a week for one hour don't have to waste time on bosses they already cleared. This lockout token could be bought from the same vendor that is outside every operation which sells the vanity items from suggestion #142. If this group who is skilled, but has very little time to raid is stuck on the third boss, they would need to buy two lockout tokens to skip the first two bosses. This gives them the full raiding time to spend on the boss they are progressing on.


    152) Reset the cooldown on battle rez if the character rezes at the med center. That way players don't have to wait for the battle rez cooldown before pulling the boss again, after a wipe.

  19. I was going to play each slot machine (Smuggler's, Kingpin, Emperor, Max Bet Smuggler's, Max Bet Kingpin, and Max Bet Emperor) 100 times each, to get an idea of the Max bet slot machines found in the VIP area of the fleet were worth it. An expensive endeavor as the max emperor tokens are 150 million credits each. I was planning on sharing my findings with the community for free, like did with the First and Second Battle Pass events.


    Most likely learning that like the battle pass events, it is not worth going out of your way for, and then getting ridiculed by the community for spending my time analyzing the game.


    However, it appears that the VIP vendors are bugged, as I went to buy the max tokens from the vendor, and bought one max smuggler token for 20 regular smuggler tokens. I used the max smuggler token machine, and got 10 regular smuggler tokens back. I thought that was strange, as when I "won," i actually lost. I went back to the vendor to confirm this, and got the error message, you can't interact with this vendor right now. So it seems my research was doomed. I put in a bug report, and we will have to wait and see if the developer fixes the issue before the event ends in September.


    I'll keep you posted if I am able to do the experiment.

  20. It looks like with 7.0 some of the guild perks have become redundant. For example: Operations Profiteer ranks 1,2 and 3 increase experience in operations, but you have to be max level to even enter an operation.


    So, if a SWTOR developer read this thread, and you could suggest any guild perk for them to implement into the game, what guild perks would you like to see?


    First an organizational requess:


    Say what set bonus your suggested perk should fall under (for example Glory Set Bonus is more for leveling guilds, as they focus on XP boosts and reputation boosts, Might Set Bonus is for guilds that want to be more offensive, Vitality Set Bonus is for guilds who want to be more defensive, the Zeal Set Bonus is for guilds who want to go faster, and the Fortune Set Bonus is for guilds who want to make or save credits.


    I have already suggested that all guild perks should be available for purchase at all times, in all ship compartments in my thread here: as suggestion number 54. So don't worry about specifying what compartment of the ship your suggested perk is in. Also, since most guilds are level 64+ at this point, don't worry about specifying what level your suggested perk is unlocked at. Also don't worry about suggesting how much your suggested perks should cost, as inflation will make your suggestion obsolete by the time your suggestion is posted.



    Here are a few I have:


    Glory Set Bonus:


    1) Increased XP when in a group of more than one person (which stacks with the XP perks when doing GSF and Flashpoints, and Warzones and all sources, which are already in the game).


    2) Increased XP from quests that reward reputation tokens.


    3) Increased affection from giving companion gifts and doing dialogue choices (stacks with the legacy perks).


    4) Increased XP from doing your class quests (stacks with legacy perk and consumable XP boost)


    5) Flashpoint Profiteer should be moved to the Glory Set Bonus.


    6) Warzone Conquest should be changed to the Glory Set Bonus.


    7) Guild Ship Summons now have no cooldown.


    Might Set Bonus:


    1) Increased damage on enemies that are Weak difficulty (does not work in PvP or operations)


    2) Increased damage on enemies that are Silver difficulty or weaker (does not work in PvP or operations)


    4) Increased damage on enemies that are Gold difficulty or weaker (does not work in PvP or operations)


    5) Increased the damage of your companion. (May want to split this perk into three perks, at 3%, 5% and 7% tiers)


    6) When an enemy attacks you, while you are mounted, they are knocked back if you take damage (doesn't work in PvP or Operations).


    Vitality Set Bonus:


    1) Increases the healing of your companion. (May want to split this perk into three perks, at 3%, 5% and 7% tiers).


    2) Fortified Stagger should be moved to the Vitality Set Bonus as that is a defensive perk.


    3) When an enemy attacks you, while you are mounted, their attack heals you to full, if you take damage (doesn't work in PvP or Operations).


    Zeal Set Bonus:


    1) When an enemy attacks you, while you are mounted, their attack makes your mount do a short burst of speed, if you take damage (doesn't work in PvP or Operations).


    2) When you have an active companion out, you run faster. (Stacks with the Sprinter guild perk, but does not work in combat).


    3) Efficient Crafting should be moved to the Zeal Set Bonus.


    4) Add a 2-man Heroic Conquest objective, for doing a planet's weekly quest in a full guild group (Fortune Bonus has GSF, Vitality has Flashpoint, Might has Operation, now Glory has Warzones, so give Zeal a Conquest objective).


    Fortune Set Bonus:


    1) Harvesting Yield should be moved to the Fortune Set Bonus.


    2) Change Operations Profiteer to give a chance to drop a grand chance cube from the last boss of an operation, to every player who has that guild perk, regardless if they are in a full guild group or not.


    3) Efficient Repairs should be moved to the Fortune Set Bonus.




    Please add to the list, so if you have a suggested perk for the Glory Set Bonus, please add it as number 8 as I have already suggested seven, that way it will incentivize potential posters to read through the whole thread, and not suggest the same thing.

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