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Everything posted by ObiWanBaikonur

  1. How about those old moves that you could only use on stunned or incapacitated targest like Headshot on the gunslinger. I so enjoyed the animation on the Sage's (Same as the Knight's interrupt). Getting your ship for the first time and having that musical intro and pan around. Plus the first ship tour by C2-N2 or 2V-R8. I remember first thinking, "Awesome! I got a second companion!" before realizing that they weren't true companions. Feeling slightly disappointed at seeing a higher level play of your class with a spoiler-y companion out on fleet. Well, getting Risha as a companion felt spoiler to my Chapter 1 Gunslinger at the time.
  2. If you hover over your XP bar it will have a little note under your progress that says "Currently class missions are boosted to 12x." Or something to that effect
  3. I recall him commenting on House Organa upon approaching their Palace and from the top of Gravity Hook 7 on Makeb. Alderaan is Act I, and it's probably not the only place in Act I that he comments. I would wager that Tython and Coruscant are too early for him to be commenting as they seem basically reserved for Starter Companions.
  4. All I could find in a quick search of Dulfy's site was the videos for them: http://dulfy.net/2013/06/12/swtor-archons-contraband-pack/ I guess maybe go in ascending order?
  5. I'm 66 791! I participated in 3-4 open Beta weekends and have been subbed since Day 1 with I think...4 days of early access at launch.
  6. These two died on Corellia. Darth Arachon is killed while the Republic Heroes are activating the Ion Wall against the Legislature and Darth Hadra is killed inside where she was guarding the Corellian Council in the Hold Out Room.
  7. Maybe Shan is the Old Republic equivalent of Antilles!
  8. You could make two: Trainee and Expert. The expert one deflects the shots, the trainee gets hit in the arm (a la Luke). Maybe with a randomizer! Adding another layer of complexity, you could change the animation per class. Have blaster-wielding classes dodge incoming shots before putting down the remote or (for heavier classes like Commandos or Powertechs) just let the shots hit their armor, to no effect.
  9. I haven't finished the knight story, yet, but I liked them all. One thing I will add, The Smuggler is the only character for whom it felt epic and deserved to get your ship at the end of the Prologue. S/he starts with a ship, something happens, and reclaims it at the end of Coruscant. Everyone else is like, "Good job on Task X. Here, have a ship." It made the musical cue reveal all the sweeter. (Glad it was my first character for that reason, too.
  10. Twelve times XP. Rapid leveling. For some, problematic. *Sniff* Consequences unforeseen.
  11. I didn't buy her with CC, but with the 1,000,000 credits. I recall it's 300,000 credits for unlocks after that. Buying with CC might have a different price scheme though.
  12. I was thinking about this as well. It doesn't really have to impact your enjoyment of the missions and stories, if you don't mind outleveling content really quickly. You can still experience all the regular missions as intended, just with a mondo injection of XP at the class missions. I'll play though my final two unplayed classes as I originally intended, and missions will just become easier and easier. For the two replays I started, though, this 12xXP will be great!
  13. I solved my dislike for Skadge by removing one of his legs. (Giving him cybernetic pants). Seemed a fitting treatment!
  14. Had a nice time in Manaan yesterday when a Sentinel advised our Shadow to stealth through to hit the computers. But he just said "Stealth" and didn't provide any additional explanation. The Shadow Stealthed, cced one Selkath, and then opened the attack on the other side of the mob, so me (gunslinger) and the Commando healer jumped into the fight while the Sentinel said "I'm not going to participate because that was unnecessary" and /sleeps in front of the Elite selkath. We cleared the fight no problem, though the commando went down. The sentinel then proceeded to lecture us on what a good teacher he was, making us learn to stealth properly.
  15. I've been generally pleased with the quality of their updates. Yes, the delays can be frustrating, and the staged rollout of GSF and GSH feels like a cheat to get three "content patches" out of one mini-expansion, but generally I think BioWare is doing a good job. As to the point that GSF and GSH are cash grabs--I think that's partially true. They took concepts that were very popular (free flight, housing) and implemented them in a way that maximizes opportunities for CM additions. That's not a bad thing. Developing the two mini expansions required a lot of work to create systems that didn't already exist in-game. (I do wonder if GSH is basically how the game was initially built by the devs. Not a criticism, just something I wonder as I run around now) Similarly, with Makeb, they included the Seeker Droid and the Macrobinocular mission chains. I hate that little droid and still can't find a group to complete those final H4s with me, but as far as content goes, it's original, creative, and engaging. It's also a completely new mechanic. With 3.0 touted as a "Makeb-sized" expansion, I optimistically hope that means a Makeb-sized story portion with another GSI-sized side package. More interestingly, it'll set the stage for a series of Oricon-sized content updates, as well. I hope. We only got one of those (Oricon) since Makeb. My fear is that the announcement delay is because they don't have their ducks in a row. My suspicion is that the announcement delay is so they can put together a real attractive pre-order package. They surely have some surprises in store for us. As a side note, I've only barely gotten into raiding and just finished Dread Palace for the first time last night (Still never quite finished Dread Fortress so I haven't properly finished Oricon's storyline ). It felt pretty danged epic taking down the Dread Masters for the first time! All this build up, all their intimidation and (rightful) posturing finally put down by me and a team of 7 others. All the dread they wreaked upon the galaxy, finally put to rest! As long as the new content bears a stronger qualitative resemblance to that than to Legacy of the Rakata, I will be very pleased. (Though the storyline and cutscenes of Rakata were quite good.)
  16. Was doing a hardmode of Czerka Labs the other day as my main gunslinger with a guardian tank, a sage healer, and a dps scoundrel. Something fishy seemed to be going on in terms of damage, but I paid it no mind. When we had to get the datacards on the different levels, the scoundrel just kept running through to the next mob every time. Which meant we couldn't activate the cards and eventually wiped because he had collected too many enemies and then backpedaled to where we were cleaning up. We get to the Corellian wardroid fight and it was taking forEVER because there was effectively just the one DPS (me). We even managed to see the droid enrage. Never saw that before in my life! The sage did a little investigating and found that our scoundrel was way undergeared and so we kicked and replaced him, explaining that he should try tacticals or level 50 hardmodes for a while before jumping into 55 hardmodes. Poor guy. We got a good sentinel after that that made our lives a lot easier.
  17. I would agree with Consular. If you want to approximate the Good-Bad Revan in SWTOR, then become a Dark leaning Consular. If you want to approximate Canon KOTOR Revan, then I suppose you'll need to be mostly lightside with a smidge of darkness from time to time (Somewhat of a pragmatist, if you will).
  18. The story about the Rep-Imp cooperation on Alderaan reminded me of two of my own cross-faction co-op stories. The first one was a few weeks back when I was digging for the dread seed on Corellia. My Juggernaut is walking around, digging everywhere when a smuggler shows up. Turns out the smuggler is in the same guild as my main and we got to /say ing a lot at each other while we dug for the seed. Took us forever, but the smuggler even stuck around after she had got hers to keep chatting with me. Our inattention earned us both the Unlucky title, if you know what I mean. The other was last night on my juggernaut again. Heading up the watchtower steps when a group of 3 republic players come running by. We all waved at each other and went on our merry ways. After a bit, they jumped me and Quinn carbonized one of them. I set him to passive and chose not to fight. I got a /say from two of them apologizing and wishing me a nice day!
  19. Yeah, Jace Malcolm directs the Bonus Quest Series on Alderaan and Makeb! You can meet him a bunch, if you want! Malgus and Satele are the quest givers for most of the flashpoints (via holo) in addition to Satele being present in and out of both Jedi stories and Malgus being the ultimate villain of the original flashpoint story chain.
  20. I like this idea! I live in the republic of Georgia, known to Georgians as Sakartvelo, Russians as Gruziya, and Turks as Gurjistan. Or for a better known example: Germany vs. Deutschland or Great Britain and the United Kingdom. Lots of places have different names. If someone said, "Yoda is going to learn about ancient mysteries of the Sith in the far off land of Germany," you wouldn't have people demanding that the country retcon its name from Deutschland. You'd have people scratching their heads as to how Yoda wound up in Germany...
  21. I just finished a round of Kuat Drive Yards and I found it to be vastly less laggy! Didn't really experience any, in fact! Over the weekend it was awful, but today it was very smooth! Admittedly, I'm just one person. Could've been for any number of reasons, I suppose?
  22. So, My main is a gunslinger and I loved the Hell out of the story. Lots of laugh out loud moments. I was a male, so I can't speak to the female voice. I've also tinkered with each of the others--Finished a Sage, Chapter one on an Assassin, and barely started on a Sniper. I really like the mechanics of the Sage better than the Assassin. Plus, despite what I'd heard all over the place, I thought the Consular story was pretty alright! Lots of diplomacy and basically doing what I feel a Jedi should be doing. Negotiations and Aggressive Negotiations. Inquisitor story seems pretty intriguing, but I'm not crazy about the stealthing around mechanics. Those're just my opinions though! Like the person above me said, Play the most fun one!
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