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10 Good

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  • Location
    State of Paranoia
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    Blowing up internet Baddies.
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  1. I've been running into the bug where occasionally, as I try to activate various abilities, it decides to do rifle shot instead. I find their lack of consistency... disturbing.
  2. Completely asinine. I'm not going to say whether or not I agree with you. I'm simply going to say that someone who pays money for a product or service ALWAYS has a right to complain, criticize, or offer feedback.
  3. 15% running speed talent? Doesn't that just apply to stealth speed?
  4. Playing a lethality op has really been a bit of a letdown. It seems a hodgepodge of ranged dots with a dependency on a 4m ability (shiv) to achieve any kind of burst. An idea -- why not add a talent that switches your ta generation from shiv to overload shot (also giving overload a cooldown) to break the 4m shackle to be at least consistent with some of the other lethality abilities -- giving a nice medium-range (10m) dps'er? Anyway, just a thought.
  5. Ya, just be a healer. Way to skip 2/3 of an advanced class. Please suggest something helpful next time.
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