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Everything posted by Tourmaline

  1. Thought this was for subbers, I am so dumb. Dang. Thanks for the posts all.
  2. I dont have it on mine? Not on the mission terminal and not an alert for it?
  3. Glad it isn't just me, been happening for awhile on the client but now the forums. Today was the first time it did it. Use firefox. Hope they will look into it.
  4. Anyone else? Made me do the exact same login 7x before it let me log in. Wasn't mistyped. Kind of weird. Anyone else having this problem?
  5. The new makeups are pretty garish. Like what a 5 year old slaps on. Thick and uber bright. Love the hair though. Good work.
  6. No offense to anyone, really pretty fp and all, but I dont want to redo it tbh. Hope it still counts and we can progress later. Got the achievements and decos and such.
  7. Since I got to keep most of my names I released a few on satele and star forge that are still untaken. They are common names. There are some others I searched for in game that werent taken. Maybe try more, or get creative. Good luck.
  8. Uhm mine went to 5 different emails labeled legacy overflow etc. Are you sure they are not just still in transit for you?
  9. 1 but it was ok I had it on another server. I am shocked but so happy. Now I am keeping my sub and spending money on cartel goodies when I get paid.
  10. Same as your wife, there are 3 names I want to keep above all others. If I lose one I am dropping sub and not looking back. All the bioware buttkissers will say how dumb that is but it will be only the last straw, not the main reason. The names are the only thing I keep my sub for. Content is poor. Pvp is bad. Really will be suprised if this game hobbles out to the end of 2018. Be triggered if you want, just one players opinion my nerds.
  11. Anyone gonna address the missing cartel coin grant? Devs?
  12. Thanks much. Awesome of you to share.
  13. That is funny since they didn't answer here yet. Nice moves CS, way to troll.
  14. Gonna say this, ANY cordless mouse will not out perform a corded mouse. Even with the best processor, it is still too slow for any good gaming.
  15. Over 6 times, sub, not a coincidence. Keeping track of these. Maybe this will be like AOL and we can class action this for breach.
  16. True. I just decided to go with the flow and do some of the achievements and such for the rewards. Seen a character running around named Force Ten, assuming it is you?
  17. Gotta love people that try to do backhanded insults. No, I have had 7 a day sometimes. Where there is a delete/report option, and yes, people can use it - It is very annoying and should be addressed. Some of these people have had the same account name for over a month. Meaning they are not even freezing these accounts in any sort of timely manner, if at all.
  18. I am so tired of these. If you are that angry, do it. Don't just complain about it. The whole community can do with less of these threads. Founder and beta tester and I am still doing this event. Kinda sucks, but I am not going to go whine and quit over it. Besides just suck it up start with a low one like getting one character to 25. You might find after that you want to do some others.
  19. You can use Diplomacy. People just don't want you to know that at all. Reached 5, it went on my achievements.
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