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Everything posted by H-aTreD

  1. Would be nice to get an A-Tab, I'm so sick of looking like some black and yellow bird jedi in my champ gear... If we had A-Tab we could use whatever we wanted = solving all the problems of looking like twinkies. With LS's they could just have a power crystal be seperate than the color crystal to give people MORE options which Bye-O-Ware hates to do obviously since their "custom" player creating thing is garbage. Again, common sense doesn't not belong in this game...
  2. Kind of sick of looking like everyone else after you hit lvl 50 and get some pvp gear. Would be nice to get an A-Tab so we're not all a bunch of twinkies k thanks.
  3. Being a game tester for both EA and SCEA, it is amazing how they didn't catch this. Who the hell do they have on their testing team, a bunch of chimps flinging poo at each other!? To the Devs, who the hell is the idiot who though this would even be a good idea in the first place? You're about as smart as a small rock, much like the ones us Jedi Consulars "flick" at the Imperials. LohL @ "potential"
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