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Everything posted by muhidin

  1. lol no I meant screenshots of my characters in swtor, I've taken a lot and I can view them in my pc files, I just can't figure out how to upload them on here.
  2. I've taken a lot of really cool pics of my adventures in swtor but can't figure out how to post them here, can anyone help me out?
  3. How do you post screenshots on here? I've taken a lot of awesome pics I really want to upload.
  4. I've had a few flirt options with him and that other guy from the sis(who i let live hoping something would come out of it, nothing did lol) but does anything become of it? Now I'm on act 3(just started) finished the Are we just stuck with class-related flirt options that never go anywhere? Excluding saganu and the guy from balmorra ofc.
  5. Yeah, I did exactly the same thing you did and even as a full-darkside sniper I was glued to the screen going over my choices, I wanted to choose the lesser-ds choice that involves fighting him, I don't know why I did that, oh well, I'm going to make a operative sometime in the future and take that path,still, the end of act 1 and the beginning of act 2 are pretty heartbreaking...
  6. lol, nothing wrong with that, but did you get the ls flirt option with vector? I'm planning on making a male Operative, just so I can bang watcher 2. And temple... Kaliyo is hilarious and all but the rattatak are a weird looking bunch.
  7. Can you romance vector if you're darkside?
  8. Np...also noticed there was a flirt option for vector if you chose the lightside option...you can't romance him if you're darkside?
  9. No, setting the eradicators off in turn generates two options, betray watcher 2 and side with jadus, or sabotage the ship and kill Jadus.
  10. Interesting, option 1, letting the eradicators go off, to trick jadus into thinking you're with him, has two options, you can let all those people die and stop him ,or let all those people die and join him...I guess the latter is the more evil option, lol. I'll definitely make another agent to see it through, but I'm satisifed, I'm making a completely ruthless agent, but am I stuck being his lackey forever, I hope I get to one-up him on the future. Jadus is an interesting Sith, he's very cunning and controlled, not the mindless rage, kill everything approach you expect from sith. EDIT: I was surprised by the sudden ending, what with watcher 2 being keeper now and Darth Jadus running things and me being shunted off into Nar Shadaa...it feels sorta incomplete, is that what we should expect from always choosing darkside options though? There are times that it's really promising, like killing the Eagle, the man you had been chasing across star systems...etc.
  11. DO NOT READ IF YOU DID NOT DO THE DARKSIDE ENDING FOR CHAPTER ONE. So I chose to side with Darth Jadus, ratted out watcher 2 and told him she was hiding in the ship(man she was pissed), allowed the Eradicators to drop on imperial worlds and even killed his daughter for him, Darth Zhorrid...who I was actually surprised by how sorry I felt for her, first with the dark council disciplining her, then killing her, in her last moments she really just seemed like a pitiful child who realized she meant nothing to her father, but the darkside ending of chapter 1 felt somewhat hollow... I mean you kill the Eagle, but the eradicators still go off and Darth Jadus gets off scotfree...as apparently he's only second in power to the emperor, Keeper is promoted, watcher 2 is promoted to Keeper and I'm now his hand, but it feels like we're just going against the empire with jadus for the hell of it...while still being part of the empire , watcher 2, keeper, the dark council...I mean none of them try to make Darth Jadus answer for his crimes? We're all working for him now...I mean my ds agent didn't even get the opportunity to cleverly double cross him, and now I'm back from leave at the fleet and I've been thrust into a deep cover mission...is that it? No spoilers of anything but can I expect anything in terms of being a darkside agent but still getting to kick the *** of the people who deserve it(Jadus)? It's like finding out Al Qaeda was headed by the director of the CIA who was presumably killed in a bomb attack and you expose him and side with him and he goes back to his old job despite being responsible for the deaths of thousands of people. Even kaliyo was surprised at my siding with Jadus, KALIYO...the crazy rattatak who practically drools whenever you kill an innocent person. This doesn't feel like a darkside decision...it just feels like the coward who found the easy way out, I feel like a mercenary...not a cipher.
  12. lol the voss look alright, from what little I've seen anyway.
  13. Lol i liked her too, but then I remembered what the Old Man said about her being weak and unworthy and that they were using her as bait to lure in an intelligence cipher, so I killed her, she knew it was coming too, I was kinda shocked as to how I felt bad about it, the storytelling grips you at certain points of the story tbh...
  14. Yeah, I messed up on Sanju Pyne, I chose the darkside options, apparently it's lightside only, which seems kinda lame, romantic distractions from the mission and seduction seems far more darkside to me. I'll keep an eye out on Hoth, any paths I should take in particular, because you need to do more than just choose every flirt option you can, lightside/darkside options influence it as well...
  15. I don't want to miss a single opportunity, there was the zabrak on hutta(did that), another on balmorra whom i didn't get because i chose the ds option and , there was that fat guy on nar shadaa but I messed up and chose the poisoning option, i wasn't really aware that you could seduce him, and I know about the nar shadaa bonus series captain, but i haven't done that yet, could anyone just give me a heads up on what choices to make, i'm a ds sniper but i find that ds options almost always conflict with flirting options, which is a little bizarre. I'm on tatooine right now, any on there?
  16. How do you post pics on the internet? I've taken some screenshots i want to upload.
  17. I didn't know you could date him, my IA got one flirt option, but i chose all of the darkside options in that class mission and
  18. How do you post pics? I've taken a few on my agent but I'd like to show em off .
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