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Everything posted by muhidin

  1. On my sniper, if even a half-decent assassin/shadow wants to kill me, I will die, simply put, their skills and abilities are just designed in a bizarrely thorough way to counter snipers that they can literally make all of my abilities instantly useless. It's like being drunk and trapped in an apartment with an axe murderer, you can delay him, but you can't avoid the inevitable, you will die. Only way I can seriously survive is as mm and I pop entrench on a hunch that I see a stealther, it's a simply dps race then, even better if i can keep him cced and prevent him from vanishing. That is my only viable strategy against an assassin hehe, I don't even fear operatives anymore because of them, they're one trick ponies compared to the assassin, who has an endless bag of tricks to pull out of his ***. Marauders? Pts? The poor buggers won't get within 20 meters of me if I can control the battlefield.
  2. Hey there, looking for a guild that does premades and rwz, full ewh/wh sniper, primarily engineering but can switch to either mm/leth on request. Not a serious raider but I'm open to ops/fps too, have ts/vent, no drama please, thanks
  3. hello yes how i join i very hardcore
  4. The tooltip says it only affects melee and ranged accuracy though, does this also include force/tech attacks? Compare it to the sniper/gs ability diversion: reduces accuracy by 45% for 9 seconds, it doesn't specify, unlike pacify/obfuscate, meaning we should assume that it reduces the accuracy of yellow and white attacks(force/tech/weapon damage), which it does btw.
  5. http://i49.tinypic.com/14iehy1.png U jelly?
  6. You know, on my concealment op on the pts i duelled with a sniper buddy and even with sneak he was shooting me out of stealth at 15m, the spotter ability seems stronger when you're in front of the sniper though, we were testing the parameters of it, either way, a quick exfiltrate behind him and i can get off a hidden strike even if he does see me, still pretty cool though, stealthies will really have to toe the line with snipers from now on.
  7. Tried it, loved it. leth and mm both got some great stuff in 2.0. Honestly it'll be hard for me to go back into engineering in 2.0, it's my main pvp spec but damn, mm and leth are just sexier y'know?
  8. Electro-net, fantastic ability, nasty dot and root, but if the player is smart they'll just stand still and pop defensive abilities to eat whatever nasty dps is coming their way, but it does what it's supposed to do against melee: keep them off you. The problem is that the cooldown...IS TOO DAMN LONG, I'd take it to 40-45seconds at least, and to balance it out, I would either increase the heat cost, decrease the range, or reduce the time the dot is active. Fair enough? Rocket-punch(afterburners talent) Give us back the knockback, but in addition to this, put a 3 second root/snare on the target, call it OP all you want but the truth is that mercs need a lil OPness right about now. Energy Shield Please grant standard interrupt immunity(baseline passive) while this is up, it's on a 2 minute cooldown, let it do something other than grant 25% damage reduction. IN ADDITION, make the Pyrotech talent Pyro Shield baseline as well, punish those who try to get a free kill. Tracer missile: apply the 20% armor reduction in 2 shots, as well as the Power barrier damage reduction passive, no merc has the time to candidly stand still and fire off tracer missiles without getting a lightsaber thrust down his ***, just sayin. Hydraulic overrides: In addition to knockback, root, and physics immunity as well as a movement speed buff, let it reduce the melee, ranged, force and tech accuracy of all attacking targets by 50% for the duration. Electro-dart, stop being ridiculous and make it 30m again for mercs. I think these buffs will go a long way to making mercs a powerhouse class in pvp and rateds. Bioware, you're on the right track to salvaging the merc/commando class, 2.0 is an indicator of that, but your work is not done yet: - Love it that Kolto missile can be cast with any cylinder active now -Electro-net: simply amazing -Hydraulic overrides baseline: fantastic Feedback appreciated.
  9. Hmm, I must be a different class of imp, I'll attack any pub i see with extreme prejudice, sans large groups if im by myself, if im with a friend anything goes lol. But yeah, it does take a certain breed of coward to do something like this, people like this arent interested against fighting similarily geared people, imo theres no fun in killing fresh 50s, the challenge and thrill of pvp imo comes from owning someone of a similar gear/skill level.
  10. Lol maras, even as a engineering sniper I fear los sages/sorcs far far more, with my uncleansable probe and plasma probe I can give them a chase(try chain stunning/rooting a sage inside your plasma probe, many lulz will be had), but honestly as a sniper I find that I i will never work harder to kill another class, impossible if you're mm and he humps those pillars all day, diff with leth tho. Yep i know, operatives and maras blah blah, but sages are my true kryptonite. /pops flameshield
  11. Maybe I'm biased in favor of sniper but I feel that with generous use of legshot and cc, a mara will be forced to use most of his cooldowns just to deny the sniper the ability to whittle him down comfortably, most snipers I see simply don't understand that we have the best cc in the game.
  12. c)smart actually, in most cases a sniper will always get the first hit, but ingenious use of cloak throws this up in the air for either party. d) Leg shot or knockback? In either case if you cloak against one I can just use the other on you. e) target acquired 30% accuracy boost and 15% armor pen, I love using this on maras/juggs with saber ward up, and because of the comparable cooldowns, he'll always have his target acquired when you pop saber ward. f) flashbang, debilitate, or if i'm feeling cocky enough i sit in cover with my ballistic dampeners and use shield probe or evasion(although i'd rather save the latter for lightsaber throws/ravage). A good sniper will never fall for the get out of cover to chase me los trick, he can simply legshot you from 35m if he's quick, or simply use combat roll to close the distance without leaving cover, it's cooldown is short enough for use to make ample use of it.
  13. 30% dmg absorbed from ballistic dampeners, 60% aoe dmg reduction when entrench is up, a sniper can effectively reduce a smash to cause well...very little damage, or no damage if he pops a shield probe or drops ballistic shields to rub it in. It's possible to kill a sniper as a mara, but it is also very possible to do the opposite, speaking as someone who has leveled both classes to 50 and has a decent understanding of their playstyles and cooldowns, the trick is to know what to look for: i.e don't hit a mara when he has rebuke or undying pain up, make sure to save target acquired for his saber ward, i.e. refresh ballistic dampeners and do not under any circumstances fill his resolve, make ample use of leg shot, and in the off chance that's he's dumb enough to use his escape, debilitate his ***. I swear to god as a sniper whenever I lost to maras it was because I tried facerolling him, you can't faceroll a mara, they just have too much utility for it to work, you gotta play smart and don't fall for the los trick in which you get out of cover to chase him while he's pillar humping giving him a free leap.
  14. the sniper builds up stacks of stealth detection by staying in cover over a period of time, it's actually very balanced, and goes away if he tries to move/is cced.
  15. Give operatives a break, they're the only melee class without a gap closer(stealth technically doesn't count).
  16. Honestly I am baffled by what mercs got in 2.0, nothing terrible, some improvements, but nothing really major or OP like force barrier/fade walk, or the operative/sniper moonwalk. They need a stupidly retarded OP power(s) just to catch up now.
  17. Good, now snipers won't be the only people who cry when they go up against tanks in pvp LOL.
  18. Engineering sniper/Sab slinger, a perfect blend of damage and protection as well as utilizing all damage types to a degree, so even tanks will be hard pressed to beat them. If i can chain stun/root a player in my plasma probe, when they're at 30-40% health they will not survive, simply put. That being said, it's not an indestructible class, but if an eng sniper catches you out in the open, barring vanish and oh**** cooldowns, you're essentially screwed.
  19. Madness sorcs and leth snipers/pyrotech pts will still tear tanks a new ******e though, as their damage is mainly internal/elemental, which is not mitigated by neither shields nor armor. Even as a sniper main, I'm glad tanks are getting buffed.
  20. Is this bugged for anyone else? I am unable to create an augment slot, nothing happens. Little help please? I've tried resetting my UI and logging out and back in. edit: nvm apparently the mk6 has to be in your inventory, not just in your cargo bay.
  21. Tried this, thanks. Earlier I was able to get in simply by running swtor as admin.
  22. Another maintenance? Seriously?! I had a couple of hours to kill, **** **** ****
  23. This is an outrage! I saw it in the preview so I assumed I'd be getting one...sigh, does anyone else have it yet? Can I buy it off the gtn
  24. I just bought one and couldn't find the tuxedo outfit I saw the ship droids wearing in the preview, is it guaranteed or just a biproduct of RNG? halp please.
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