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Posts posted by Nerithiel

  1. A healing class being able to tank a single DPSer is the right way to go, in my opinion.


    a healing class like the sorc i met 10mins ago with almost 0 expertise could tank 4 ppl on him hitting him is also abnormal they need to do something about it, currently healers are almost unkillable.


    id love to hear some IA defend this, no warzone buffs etc, not vs a lowbie with no gear


    old news is old and besides if you had bothered to look that video is taken before biochem nerf when you could stack stim+adrenaline for max burst but no you decided to post just for the sake of it.

  3. Punishing players for playing by their rules....Please BioWare, explain to us players how we're supposed to be able to read your minds and know that attacking an enemy factions base wasn't your intent.






    so by your logic if some1 discovers a bug he should exploit instead of reporting it to get fixed and then when he gets discovered and gets punishment for his actions its company's fault right??


    Nice logic you got there continue thinking like that,time for you to grow up i think

  4. Really when BW gonna fix this issue when 1 team gets facerolled in WZ they leave we get the msg that it will end then another team joins and when WZ ends we dont get credit for win.


    Sometimes when my team wins too fast it doesnt count aswell

  5. A 4 second stun from one player is not an eternity unless you're an incredibly impatient five year old. If you get stunned for 8 seconds, that would require 2 people, and your team must be AFK to not be dealing with it.

    lol, and yes you need to kill healers in this game. Your inexperience is showing.


    Actually, showing how hackneyed your argument is, in other games not everyone has a stun. Your rhetoric is not applicable.


    you do realise that stuns need DR cause you can get Stunlocked to death without be able to do anything ? and your post shows how ignorant you are telling him your team must be AFK when for eg you are at hutball carrying the ball and get chain stunned,and have absolute no chance even to pass the ball to a friendly target.

  6. there are many sorcs because it became very popular,many ppl wanted to run everywhere shoot lightning thats the main reason you see alot of them.


    I have seen very bad sorcs and good ones,its all depend how you gonna play againist him,personally i havent ever lost from sorc on 1v1 my class is Sage.

  7. Tharan is absolutely horrible as a companion. His damage is pathetic, his heals may as well not even exist.


    theran healing me for 1k and his hot around 200 keep him gear with up to date mods and he wont be horrible.

  8. How did you guys beat him? What Campanion did you have with you at the time? I'm lvl 35 and he's lvl 34 Elite.


    i did it at lvl30 have already posted a vid how i did it actually couple of days ago he is insanely easy.

    use theran and start kiting him around the room it works like charm :p

  9. i had 105k credits and had already bought the 20k slot really money is no issue in any lvl in this game unless you powerlvl your crew skills then i dont see any issue not having the amount of credits you need to buy the speeder skill.
  10. Most likely.. :rolleyes: There are way too many sages anyway, need more rerollers. I've been in several games where the whole team was sages... Yes, that's right - 8 ppl - 8 sages. Needless to say such games were pointless, pretty much everything dropped as soon as it gets targeted. Which i find ridiculous considering that even as a squishy in light armor a sage can take serious beating before going down. Shield, sprint, "OH, S#!T!!1" buttons, massive amount of CC, our main spammable skill is a damn snare... If anything this class needs a nerf. Crying for sages buffs is beyond ridiculous.


    if you time shield properly to mitigate alot of dmg for the first few secs to get the advantage,otherwise it wont be easy.

    They really dont need nerf cause the game fresh and many ppl makes mistakes on pvp plus we dont know how things will turn out when every1 will be at lvl cap with full expertise thus mitigating ALOT of dmg.

  11. hmm lets see how consular sucks i play a sage .


    1) ranged stun

    2) slow

    3) knockback

    4) the force lift

    5) main nuke spamable

    6) a shield that absorbs dmg

    7) force speed


    yes clearly sages are weak.learn to play the class properly you shouldnt had any major issues at all.

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