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Posts posted by Nerithiel

  1. I don't follow generally anyone and thus don't pay that much attention, how does 1 tell a whiner from a troll? I mean 10000000000000000000000000000 people whining and 1 troll acting like they are whining? I mean needle and a haystack at that point.


    if you check his post history you will see :p

  2. how sages/sorcs are op can some1 explain me tht ?

    cause any half decent meele can utterly destroy a sage/sorc within a couple of seconds.


    Accusing ppl calling their class OP with silly comments cause they reported the most Vital Talent of 1 tree its the most retarded thing some1 can do.


    You are either 9years old or you suck soo bad in this game and you need to learn how to play your classes better.

  3. >OP complains about joining undermanned teams.

    >OP leaves almost half his matches.




    awesome players like the OP usually do that am i rite?? :p


    Anyways leaving WZ's even if you loose is the worst thing some1 can do,gaining Valor by farming Medals is better than leave and get nothing

  4. I think it has something to do with Dark and Light side choices. Dark siders don't get a position on the council from what I have been able to gather because darksiders don't really save anyone and generally make the Jedi Order worse off(Syo dies, hundreds of masters die after Vivicar is killed). But I'm not 100% on that.


    DS becomes Military Advisors and you can Save Syo without loose DS points :D

  5. If they remove the expertise from the gear get ready to facerolled harder than you expect playing againist players with full rakata/columi and every BiS available.


    After this you will come back here and start whine gief back expertise cause now you will die faster than the blink of a eye.

  6. i really like the consular gear the only thing that disapoints me is that orange gear with +56 mods and 51 armoring from daily give you more stats.

    I actually removed my chest and i use 1 orange one to gain more wp/power/crit and still have the set bonuses

  7. i have 2 mods and im curious which to use


    27endurance/45willpower/34power or 34/57/10


    my stats currently with the 1st mod is


    29,47% crit with 301crit rating

    77,53% crit multiplier with 198 rating

    280 alacrity rating


    Columi set gives alot of alacrity it would be wise drop alacrity/power enchantments also for crit/surge 56lvl ones?

  8. Ok, so without addons you think that WOW (im not afraid to say THE name) would bring back harder content? Because last time I checked, it was dumbed down to the point where my dog can clear DS(ya my dog plays an arcane mage).


    If they were balancing content based off addons, that content would actually become of a harder difficulty, due to the added tools one can simply download and have an easier time to down bosses, yet it is the exact opposite we are seeing, except for a few select bosses.


    I think ppl missing the old good AVR days back at ICC :D

  9. Absolutly right, specially that the said bugs didn't prevent bosses being killed, only some titles to be earned(and still, some have them). and nice to see that you are sharing the same concern as me about the difficulty of raiding in its current state.


    yea in terms of difficulty id Say Normal = LFR, Hard Mode = Normal, Nightmare = Heroic

    if we can compare em with wow thats the order.

    I hope they will change the style of raiding on next Tier to feel like more challeging atleast.

  10. i think ppl who whine about bugged bosses in Raid instance in a Vanilla state game keep forgeting the unlimited buggs 70% of WoW's bosses.


    Let me remind you


    C'thun we all know this one

    Vashj numerous ones

    Lurker this one actually did Sprout when he wwas in the water

    Algalon not be able to enter Ulduar for the rest of the week cause it 1shoted every1 from the Entrance

    And many others that needed hotfixes in order to be killed.


    You honestly expect Raids be fully unbugged at this point?

    If you were whining about difficulties ok i can understand tht cause any1 who has made decent raiding on wow he will find them joke compare to WoW's one.

  11. I have been reading for some time how people complain that project has some delay compared to shock...



    People should realize that project do 3 times more dmg compared to shock !!!


    Sages are completely overpowered compared to sorces because of project.


    Hitting targets for 3.5 - 4.5k instant dmg ( without boost from third tree ) is a game breaker.



    I am saying, give sorceres similar ability to project, because as it is now , sages are completely overpowered compared to them.


    i hope you are trolling cause project is almost useless for sages its dmg is low/drains alot of force

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