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Posts posted by Nerithiel

  1. However, it’s worth noting that despite not being front and centre as the director of Episode VIII, Abrams will still be producing both Episode VIII and Episode IX. This should offer some small level of comfort for those fans who feel that the series could use Abrams’ touch to keep things in check.


    source http://screenrant.com/star-wars-8-script-abrams-johnson/

  2. Abrams has no affiliation with the upcoming SW movies.


    On topic: At least the movie is staying on par with SWTOR in terms of redundancy.



    Abrams is Executive Producer oF the Rest Star Wars movies and ofc have a sum of Star Trek and he is the Producer of Future Star Trek Movies aswell.

    Star Trek Fans are less forgiving than the Star Wars ones im suprised he still in one piece after Into The Darkness fiasco

  3. To Clarify bit more Star Wars since Disney accuired became a Multiverse this allows the creation of more stories that doesnt affect main continuity.


    Main Universe = Old G cannon+Disney Cannon

    Secondary Universe = Disney Approved Legends Cannon

    Third Universe = SWTOR universe

  4. 1. How do you rate the The Force Awakens out of ten and in relation to previous Star Wars movies?

    The lucky number of 2 TFA rivals TPM for the worst Star Wars Movie ever


    2. Who is your favourite (new) character so far and why?

    BB-8 was actually the most enjoyable character of the movie


    3. Who is your least favourite (new) character so far and why?

    Jar Jar Binks ops sorry i Meant FN-4128


    4. Out of the returning Original Trilogy cast, who gave the best performance?

    Obviously was Han Solo cause he had the bigger role on the film


    5. What was the most awesome/epic moment for you in the movie?

    FN-4128 with BB-8 at Milenium Falcon


    6. What as the funniest moment for you in the movie?

    FN-4128 with BB-8 at Milenium Falcon


    7. Do you think Rey might be a descendant from the Skywalker line, and if so is she Luke or Leia's daughter?

    Yes cause they already going that path with Anakin's Saber passing around at Skywalker Family and her Visions of Future/past related with Luke.She already had 3 Jedi Masters Guiding Her with Voice Acting Anakin/Yoda/Kenobi.


    8. The death of Han Solo, your thoughts? Should he have died, should it have been done differently?

    Yes and it was part of the deal he never really wanted to continue playing the Character,he Survived ROTJ cause lucas changed the ending so he wont die.Since they went Darth Caedus Route what a better ending for him.


    9. How do you rate the lightsaber duel out of ten and in relation to previous lightsaber duels?

    Perfect since at that time it explained they never really practiced dueling skills and fights would be primitve and brutal.


    10. How to you rate the film score out of ten and in relation to scores from the previous movies? And if you have a favourite soundtrack/theme, which was it?

    underwhelming score for John Williams.


    11. If you could change one thing with the movie, what would it be?

    Whole movie ........ that Rehash of New Hope My God Why they tempered with Michael's Arndts Script oh yes ofc it Had Luke at the Center....


    12. Finn is featured wielding a lightsaber in the film and in promotional material, but he is never actually depicted using the Force. Do you think he is Force sensitive?

    No it wasnt they already Admited it was a trick they used to hide plot details of the movie,and its a common strategy by J.J.Abrams on his movies.


    Honestly im very disapointed from this movie not that i expected something Awesome but i hoped something atleast decent.

    Kylo Ren = Not Intimidating Villain

    General Hux = That speech made me laugh

    Phasma = Move along

    FN-4128 = Jar Jar

    Rey = SuperSayian of the setting her scenes were abit too much for inexperienced force user

  5. I don't understand how people are dying in the Heroics when playing alone, even after the reduction in the companions. o.O


    because they were zerging em without use CC/Interupt relying on very high amount of heals from their comps and now they get owned.

    The tank companion is really good nowday,it works wonders with my healer it slower than it used to be but i still get the job done without problems

  6. You can use the flirt option whenever its available with whoever u want up untill that scene.

    when u press the flirt button its the time u choose is his official relationship.

    3 choices open




    then on the private scene u get locked to that particular comp if u continue to use the flirt option.


    People overthinking too much for that scene giving real life examples as an excuse for their mistakes is bad.

    The only reason ur char gaze theron is because the convo started with him.

  7. My 2 cents


    I believe Valkorion/Vitiate is what we saw with Revan 2 split personalities.

    Vitiate who wants to consume all life in the galaxy and Valk who makes an Empire based on Order/Discipline.

    Now about the kids

    Thexan Manifestation of light and Arcann Manifestation of Darkside.

    Valkorion might sensed that Vaylin might develop a similar personality with the one Vitiate has and took mesures to restrain her.


    It seems Thexan was the key and kept some balance in Valks family now the balance has shifted towards Darkside and valk doesnt trust his children cause they abuse their power when unchecked thats why he choose the PC cause he shows restrain and put the powers in good use.

  8. just a question since u guys make VS threads againist amazing duelists/skilled with the force users from the movies wouldnt be better make the version of Nox who weilds dualsaber he is better duelist and still use impressive force powers for either enchance his attacks or attack straight with em like the 1hand version
  9. they could add to crafters these sets as as empty shells like they did with BM/WH.

    Its been a while i played WoW but didnt Xmog there required you to own the piece in order to change the appearance?

    Xmog and Swtor style modabble gear are exactly the same.

    You probably want a Vault that you keep your old gear like WoW has.

  10. Well people forgetting that MMO's are more CPU/Ram than GPU's

    Swtor client uses 4GB Ram for example.


    My AMD Six Core 1090 ST with 8GB Ram and my 5770 gives me 140fps maximum,without Vertical sync.

    i have only disabled bloom/shadows.

    The only time i had problems was when i was using fraps on annihilation droid Hard mode 16man,while he was doing the heavy AoE and we were stacked.

    Overall the game runs smoothly whatever GFX you have when you have powerfull CPU/RAM.

  11. When you hover your mouse over a mod, theres tooltip saying x% chance to learn a schematic..


    That said, Ive had 20% chance and it took 15 tries to get one once..


    there is no such thing on me ;o

  12. on my cybertech i am currently getting purple and blue schematics from RE all the time. i dont know where you think you cant RE from.


    what kind of mods are you RE cause i swear i have RE dozens of lvl58 mods and only got green mats and i got thousands of them.

  13. i know some ppl over reacting about Mara's/Sents i did yday and i still do sometimes but after looking some logs of todays PVP i saw dmg wasnt that high as some ppl claims and i was playing againist full BM mara's.


    here some logs im Rank 60 half BM half Champion Sage.




    [@ll] [@Neryen] [Vicious Throw {2145542322782208}] [ApplyEffect {836045448945477}: Damage {836045448945501}] (2694 energy {836045448940874}) <2694>


    [@ll] [@Neryen] [Vicious Slash {807827513802752}] [ApplyEffect {836045448945477}: Damage {836045448945501}] (2348* energy {836045448940874}) <2348>


    [@ll] [@Neryen] [Annihilate {808123866546176}] [ApplyEffect {836045448945477}: Damage {836045448945501}] (3740* energy {836045448940874}) <3740>


    [@ll] [@Neryen] [Vicious Throw {2145542322782208}] [ApplyEffect {836045448945477}: Damage {836045448945501}] (2086 energy {836045448940874} (2086 absorbed {836045448945511})) <2086>


    [@k] [@Neryen] [Vicious Throw {2145542322782208}] [ApplyEffect {836045448945477}: Damage {836045448945501}] (2219 energy {836045448940874}) <2219>


    [@k] [@Neryen] [Ravage {1261367470325760}] [ApplyEffect {836045448945477}: Damage {836045448945501}] (940 energy {836045448940874}) <940>


    [@k] [@Neryen] [Ravage {1261367470325760}] [ApplyEffect {836045448945477}: Damage {836045448945501}] (148 energy {836045448940874}) <148>


    [k] [@Neryen] [Ravage {1261367470325760}] [ApplyEffect {836045448945477}: Damage {836045448945501}] (916 energy {836045448940874}) <916>


    [@k] [@Neryen] [Ravage {1261367470325760}] [ApplyEffect {836045448945477}: Damage {836045448945501}] (199 energy {836045448940874}) <199>




    for obvious reasons i changed the names from the logs.

    If i manage to outlast em with my CC 's being full Balance spec they pretty much dead but that doesnt happen very often considering the cds they have and the double vanish they got.

  14. Once our CD's are used, we may as well /stuck and kill over because we don't stand a chance. No different than anybody else.


    if you could Faceroll without them whats the point for the other classes try to kill they could do the same as you claim,and really your cd's if used properly can do real dmg to enemy team at pvp.

  15. The balancing in 1.2 was a success.




    Best Class Balance Ever nerf to the ground every other classes make mara's FOTM class.

    Im guessing every class will have their patch,launch had Sorc/Sages cause ppl had no clue how to counter em next patch who knows.


    Im playing a sage and most of the changes was un needed on a mediocore dmg class that excelled sooo much cause of the double dipping bug which still happens and combined with Biochem ppl was crying about it.

    The Infamous Hybrid was the only spec Sages/Sorcs was competitive Both PVE/PVP and really whoever thinks they shouldnt have had soo much utillity and support he is fooling himself.


    Healing needed a nerf even for PVE pov since every other healer was useless 3 sages/sorcs could cover a whole 16man raid by themselfs without loosing any force.

  16. after i was seeing some logs againist 71+ full BM maras the dmg wasnt soo high and im a sage with not full BM set the problem i had even when using every CC and utillity i had i couldnt stop em most of the times.


    I did eventually killed couple of times but it was close fight.

  17. dmg is out of control as a sage with 1k expertise having force armor talented casted on me is the same as not having it and on top of that the bug with Force choke with full Resolve bar makes things even worse.


    Nowdays in my server you dont see any other classes other than juggs/mara's in WZ's with their mirror aswell

  18. Where do you get Ventress being Dooku's full time apprentice?



    Sidious, Dooku and others always called Ventress an assassin. She begged Dooku to make her an apprentice and he refused always.



    Dark Rendezvous Novel.


    season 3 when sidious asks dooku to kill ventress because he doesnt want him have an apprentice incase he tries to overthrow him,dooku replied she is too important for him.


    Then at the same episode when ventress holocall him and asks him his help he says "you fail me for the last time and you no longer my apprentice now die"

  19. It's to stop guilds stacking class's with combat rez's in raids to make the boss's easier


    well you dont even need to use Combat Rez anymore if you have classes that can stealth and ress your dead with out of combat one.

    My guild barely uses now CR only if a tank dies and we have to get him up ASAP

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