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Posts posted by Iriquois

  1. BW this is ridiculous and needs to be fixed NOW. If not you will end up loosing many more subs. People have made numerous threads complaining and posting suggestions for awhile now. Yet you have done nothing. Even after loosing tons of subs and having to consolidate servers, you have continued to ignore the issue. I had hoped with the expansion to see something happen... YET still you remain silent. Your game is broken and you refuse to fix it, so I have decided to unsub and go play other games. I had such high hopes for this game and you have completely let me down.


    You all know what I am talking about and I am sure most of you agree with me. If you don't agree with me than you are the problem. I am of course talking about all the stupid people that play this game and continually ruin it for the rest of us. All the QQ, whining, and overall l2p issues that are abundant on the forums are just getting old. So BW please nerf this... and nerf Mercs too, they are getting a little too lippy.



    TLDR, a little troll post before my sub runs out. I am actually leaving but mainly because the game is getting boring. Even with the expansion I ran out of interesting things to do in the game after the first 2 weeks. The game was fun and I might come back later, and no you can't have my stuff. My wookie is guarding it and he will rip your arms off if you touch it...later


    Your post tl;Dr from my perspective:

    "I have too much time on my hands and this game isn't adequately filling my time at every waking moment. Spend more dev time filling my time up with more meaningless sprite fantasies or you won't get any more of my $"


    This game has so much content available it's mind boggling, just because you have 30+ hrs a week to play doesn't mean it's not adequate for the majority of the non - vocal and content player base.

  2. Few things you can do to fix this.


    1. Que up, and when it pops, let the timer run out completely (don't accept or decline)...now queue up again and see if this fixes it....if it doesn't...


    2. Exit completely out of game and restart the client...before you hit PLAY...to the left is a Tools option...click it and run the Repair Function...this always fixes this issue for me if the above does not work.


    Thanks pistols. I'll check into this!



  3. Wow. If that's the best retort you have, good luck bro!


    It was a figure of speech, troll.


    Yes, I deteriorated into this because it seems that this is the only type of post any one replies to, anything else I actually put thought into, with insightful arguments... Are just ignored by those who are simply so bent out of shape that they can't see straight.


    It's just a stupid game, play it or not, but the arguments being made about "treating customers badly" are extremely subjective and in my mind only come from a mindset of selfishness.

  4. Bump, just to try and get some clarification.



    It looks like I was mistaken abouy not having the expansion, I figured since I didn't have early access (the time when the I bought mine) that the vendor would be accessible to you as well as a non expansion pack player.


    I'll PayPal you the 10$ no lie, just upgrade lol.

  5. Oh I did. I suffered through 50-55 with nothing but 140-rating gear, hit 55 with 12,000+ comms, bought a full set of Partisan, and then cancelled my subscription.


    Sorry, it just isn't fun anymore. I want something more than a forced gear train fandango. If this is what these types of MMOs are, then I won't be participating much. You're welcome to do otherwise.


    I'm sure you suffered so badly, sitting at your computer desk clicking away into star wars infinity only to be oppressed by those tyrannical game developers. I really do hope you'll recover soon.


    Yes, this is what MMOs are, goodbye.

  6. If they hadn't removed the expertise people would have complained that they weren't getting bolstered as much as pve players. (could you imagine the qqing then?) in fact! This very thing happened which is what led them to the wh decision!


    Since they knew ow PvP wasn't widely played very much at all... And that pvpers are going to get the next tier anyway (within days in some cases)... Obvious choice is obvious.


    The vocal minority here can moan all they want, but when it comes down to it, the

    effect on the player base was minimized as much as possible.


    MOVING On......


    Removal of augments from the bolster equation was also the right approach considering the pressure we as a player base put on the team to fix the exploit...


    Now that you all have had time to play,... What are your thoughts? (

  7. What's the issue?! Rather than fixing the exploit, they've created another freaking gap in gear between players who have mods and those who don't. They didn't "fix" anything, they just simplified their equation. They never seem to fix anything when it comes to PvP...they just remove it. Expertise on WH/EWH gear. Bolster on Ilum. They don't seem to really care Iriquois...if they did, they'd FIX things that are broken, not simply remove them.


    The difference is that the "new gear gap" that you're referring to is easily closed by having players do what they should be doing anyway, augmenting their gear. Aka, using game mechanics properly, instead of exploiting them. Therefore, if a player feels like they need augments to compete, they go buy them or craft them just like their competitors.


    Nothing was taken away besides code that provided a very unstable variable to the bolster equation. Here's what the dev choice was in order to release a fix in a timely fashion(because we have to assume that a proper fix, aka recalculating bolster after reaugmentation would have taken much longer to do) :


    1. Keep bolster to include augments but to never allow the bolster to recalculate while in a wz

    **this would have been wildly unpopular because this would have disallowed changing pve gear to PvP gear after entering a wz.

    2. Remove augments from the bolster calculation altogether.

    **this was the obvious correct choice since the stats that augments provide are nominal per slot AND the stats players want to augment vary from player to player, there's no way they could please everyone with which stats were boosted in place of no augments.


    I mean seriously... Players who actually care about their stats and viability in a wz know that they need to augment anyway, why not further inspire players to do so?


    In my opinion, this change strikes a perfect balance between increasing competition by way of an effective and STABLE bolstering system to lesser geared players and providing a sense of gear progression/superiority to players that have put in the time/effort/credits to min/max.

  8. Just so you guys know, I have no intention of buying the expansion at this time. I am going to finish leveling all the classes and PvPing in the low level bracket. I find the low level PvP more fair. My question was mostly how to maximize my level 50 characters the fastest with regards to the bolster system.


    I realize I will have to get rid of my Battlemaster gear, but I am trying to figure out if the 49 mods I can make with cybertech and artifice will suffice. Or if it would be worth it to grind classic comms for the campaign gear.


    I am also not sure if I should keep my BM barrels/hilts for the increased tech/force power or if I should go with lower level versions of those too.


    I haven't heard any opinions about my other question either, whether or not I should keep trying to get purple armormech patterns to wear for PvP as I level up. I am not sure how the bolster system affects the stat differences between blues and purples.


    Please go back a day carefully read my post. My process did not require the expansion.


    Purple mods from the planetary comms vendors are what you want.

  9. easy battle master gear is unobtainible any more as is WH/EWH, to make sure your not gimping yourself with the old pvp gear, get some cheap custom armor and then go to thefleet and fill it with level 50 purple pve mods suitible for your class then enjoy as the new bolster will give you expertise regardless of pve gear not having it already



    This, I had your problem when I started playing again and while getting enough wz comms to buy new PvP gear, I simply replaced the armoring / mods / enhancements / hilts with modifications that are available at the planetary comms vendors. Granted, I had to do section X dailies to get enough, it worked out very well for me prior to buying the new expansion.

  10. cmon folks. quit your b*tchin.


    you all whined that the gear gap was too great and the "hardcore" pvpers were getting gear to fast and making it impossible for casuals/new players to compete. while this was false, bioware listened to the complaint and took action.


    now we have a new form of bolster which, for all intents and purposes, removes the gear gap. and we've got people whining now that there is *not enough* of a gear gap? ffs.......


    while the bugs have sucked, the true function of bolster is working exactly as we were told it would: players will be bolstered to a level slightly below tier 1 pvp gear even if they are wearing no PvP gear at all.


    QFE sir.

  11. 22/18 on the blue augments (about 10-15k a pop) which are level 54s I believe.


    252 endurance = 2520 HP

    308 main stat


    I don't feel this is small considering the overall advantage of higher levels already. I don't particularly care about winning/losing in sub 55 warzones, but this is like augment glitch difference in stats if this is how it works.


    even the old purples were 18/12 for like 48+


    168 endurance = 1680 HP

    252 main stat


    Well Ok, I was referring to lower level augments because you said lower level earlier. But the point remains.... That you're really only taking issue with augments and what they provide player's gear at this point.


    Augment stats must stay on player's gear. The gap between players is now only driven by the player's investment into augments and is no longer driven by a broken bolster mechanic..... Which is the way it should be.


    I am really not seeing your point here. Are you saying augments shouldn't exist at all?

  12. I don't see how ignoring the slot can possibly not fix it, I'm more worried about the overall impact to balance when people have/don't have augments now. May see some significant stat advantages to augmenting in low/mid level PvP.


    The only impact to balance will be the difference that augments provide. Essentially, the stat calculation would assumingly be (extremely general sense) :


    (Gear stats + Bolster) + Augment stats = (WZ stats for your character)


    So it really just comes down to credit/crafting investment vs reward(winning wz)... Which is a state of balance that is more than acceptable imo.


    As far as creating a new extreme gear gap? We're talking low stat values multiplied by 12 so, what... An extra 120 endurance for example or something? I would expect teaming up and coordination or skill would trump 1000 extra hit points ;/

  13. Falsehoods? We're commenting on the stated FACTS from the patch notes, not wild speculation or rumors.


    And I agree with you about whiners!!! I hope they start with your whiny reply.


    The falsehood is that blues>conqueror under bolster....


    The stated fact from the patch note is that augments no longer contribute to bolster and that was the right thing to do in order to fix the exploit and not create new bugs. Any developer worth their salt saw this simple of a fix coming a mile away.

  14. They removed expertise from the wh/ewh gear so that inside of Wz's it would be more powerful than just with the low expertise it had embedded on it.


    And OMG, play the patch before *****in . You people are unbelievable. You will Not have better stats in 55 blues, as opposed to full conqueror gear, it's just straight ridiculous what you're saying. I tried it before this patch and I had *150more expertise in my 4 partisan gear than I did blues.


    I cannot wait until mods start taking action against your whiney accounts for harassment. Because honestly, that's all this complaining about falsehoods is. Pure and simple harassment.

  15. Don't you all remember!? There Was communication about a new PvP update... Duhhhh!




    Lol, in all seriousness though, I have no "credible" perception of the "bad" PvP status of this game because I am ramping my play back up.


    However, when I do play, I queue whilst doing dailies and am progressing with my gear rather quickly and am having fun doing so. There's no doubt for the current casual player that there is a lot of content for me to go through before truly becoming bored with the "ho-hum" nature that is described in this thread.


    On that note, imagining playing this game for as long and as intensely as I did swg... I can very well see how the game is lacking from a PvP perspective.


    The game has a lot of PvP potential, and rest assured the developers know it too.

    Speaking from the software development point of view, there is nothing more disappointing than to have a major feature of your product be lack luster and hated on and or misunderstood by the user base. As such, there is no way in my mind that bw will ditch PvP altogether.


    Will the final product be what us PvP enthusiasts have envisioned? Maybe not.


    Will it be robust? Possibly.


    Will the community be ready to play it when it's released? Absolutely.


    Will we still ***** out it not being enough? Absolutely, you can't please everyone.


    Just like the launch of the game, patience and understanding will be a key component to the community's handling of the PvP situation that is present now.


    It is imperative at this point that bw does two things:


    *communicate their plans so as to manage expectations of any future revitilation of illum or ow PvP.


    *carefully execute their PvP plans so as not to derail other initiatives related to other parts of the game that may piss off even more of the user base if not addressed.


    Tldr ; chill out, there's reason for concern but no reason to barrade anyone over their performance. The game's quality relative to the mmo market is self evident as top tier. Quit the game or provide constructive feed back.. Constructively. Projects like this game are the heart and soul of these developer's careers, believe me, the last thing they want to do is fail.

  16. From what I've been reading Bastion and Pot5 are the best for PvP.


    Pot5 obviously taking the cake because of the heavy Swg alumni being present ;)


    The previous post to mine pretty well covers the answers to your questions.

  17. .... Sup?


    Lol no seriously, how is everyone?


    Are there any active groups from our server of old?


    I will be playing more in the coming weeks but thought I would jump on and start schmoozing my way into WZ groups and HMs




    (didn't mean to post in guild recruitment)

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