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Everything posted by djrobb

  1. I would have to say more burst damage would be nice. But a side note I think a saber reflect CD would be awesome to have. Just think 3 maras and a PT come at you, you pop that and down they go lolsy. but for real we need something to help us not be the red headed stepchild of RWZ.
  2. My sage is laughed at in this game which is why i had to retire him for now. I percieve the class as very fun to play but not competitive with most of the other dps classes. A saber reflect ability is needed for the times when you have 3 burst dps on you trying to 3 shot you.
  3. I think people percieve my spec as assault vanguard to be a little OP. I think the class play fine as I can do alot of burst damage but i am also pretty squishy too. I like being able to tank but then switch to dps and i am not tanky anymore.
  4. I specced the 0/20/21 spec for utility. does good damage and i have alot of cc/stuns to work with but still not enough. I kite like a boss but se3ems i cant keep distance between me and other players with leaps/pulss and sprints as well. so for now i am done with sages and have my vanguard almost leveled. and tbh vanguard takes no skill at all so not too much fun to play but needed since no really competative team wants a dps sage on it.
  5. djrobb

    I want to thank BW

    the dps isnt the issue its being able to stay out in the fight for more than 5 seconds at a time. any healer will tell you its absolute hell trying to heal a sage dps over any other class. we need more survivability so we can do damage. the good rated groups on my server know that if you see a sage/sorc quickly 3 shot him and get back to the fight. it shouldnt be that easy. we are a glass cannon class supposedly but our 2 main dots do damage over 18 seconds and 21 seconds and minimal damage at that lol. I play with some very skilled pvpers and it has come down to sages being a liability in rateds wz groups against high damage teams. and if you had a full wh sent/PT/Sniper or sage which one would be last on your list for you to bring to the wz team? lol
  6. djrobb

    I want to thank BW

    sorc dps is fine yes but when you say learn to kite how can you kite something that can keep you in range at all times. only time kiting actually works is when a mara leaps at you first and if he does that he is a moron anyways. so kiting doesnt work too well against skilled players cause every class has a way to slow us or close the gap quick. Not too mention we are normally dead by the time we try and force run away unless by some miracle they happen to not have their cc break up. But other than that to kill a sage/sorc is pretty easy cause we get hit like we arent wearing any armor. I am in full WH augged gear and still get critted for 5-6k on a regular basis.
  7. I agree but the actual akill needed to play a PT/Vanguard dps is minimal at best. very easy class to play tbh. but the other yes they are alot of fun and take some though and skill.
  8. djrobb

    I want to thank BW

    I agree completely! I am a full WH sage dps and am getting killed so fast like i was wearing toilet paper. I have been sidelined for now in rated wz's with my guild because having a sage dps no matter how good on your team is a liability. Yes we can do damage just fine and kite a little if you happen to have all of your cd's up at the perfect time. But since we can be killed faster than any other class this makes us unattractive and dead weight in competative wz's. sure against bads we do great cause they dont know to look at us in the corner. but if you get a good group of pvpers they just flick you off their shoulder and go about their business. Very sad tbh but I hope something will give and someone will do something about it. How can a class be called a "glass cannon" without the cannon?
  9. So sages dps is obviously not the big issue as i can dps and keep up with most classes but to do so means I almost have to be ignored or at the least not focussed by more than 1 person. I am full utiliy spec and have been playing sage since beta. kiting is the obvious way to go but i still feel like getting killed in 3 seconds in full WH augged gear through my shield is a little much. I dont want any buff to my damage as it it fine as long as i can do it on some sort of regular basis. but when it gets so bad that they wait for you to respawn and just stun then kill you before it wears off is making us a liability in rated wz's. Now dont get me wrong I would not mind some sort of increase to our damage so we could keep up with the other "glass cannon" classes but its not needed right now as much as a little more survivability is. now side note i know how to LoS and kite around but seems the rated groups have more than enough tools to keep the gap close and eventually negate any kind of kiting you do. I am asking for some other sages to chime in and help. any tips or pointers would be great. Also the only thing i am really concerned about is the "good" premades. obviously playing against bad players it really doesnt matter much cause they dont know to target the sage everytime he is around. All feedback is appreciated thanks.
  10. it says an hour but only took me 20 minutes.
  11. It has not been this way since launch. at launch the republic sages were able to stack their shields on players so they would have more than one. this was not on the imp side. also project and some other mirrored abilities were hitting harder than imperials just fyi.
  12. well looks like all the talk about Po5 can be put to rest. 3 fleet instances tonight with a que to get in. On top of all that the community pwns Fatmans imo. I am very happy to be on my new server and hope the others are too. The problem i had with Fatman was it wasnt just pvp players who re rolled there making the baddie count huge. With Po5 it was nothing but pvp servers that merged and noone re rolled there cause it was dead. Good job Bioware for keeping at least 1 server pvp minded.
  13. so now i will post here for Fezikk. Fatmans pvp is just as bad as it is on other servers just more baddies to choose from. I am a dps sage and am always around 350-500k in wz's on a daily basis. yes i die alot but thats part of the game. The sage dps is the most mobile ranged dps this game has and paired with our utilities we have our purpose in pvp. And yes I am on Fatman.
  14. Well there is one thing that you might wanna consider. the build you are running used the be the best parsing dps spec single target because of the double-dip on tk throw. That being said it is no longer viable. the double-dip doesnt work as it used too. so full tk and full balanced spec are parsing almost identical now. and the 1/12/28 spec comes in a little lower but still the easiest spec to play hands down. http://mmo-mechanics.com/swtor/forums/Thread-Sorcerer-Sage-DPS-Compendium?page=15 plus the full balance root on that dot is too good to pass up.
  15. well Let me tell you real fast that i have a 50 sage on Fatman and I put up 350k-500k on a daily basis in wz's and am perfectly happy with our role in pvp. we are utility dot specced dps. we were way to OP when the game started. I was putting up 700-900k in wz's with our old OP spec and it was rediculous. I still parse around 1300 dps in raids which is about mid pack. so you guys need to do something different cause the class plays fine.
  16. I am just here to post that I am happy to see there are no changes to sage/sorc dps as of right now for 1.3. I believe our class does its job just fine and is one of the most balanced dps classes so far in this game. We do lack the burst capability for the most part but that is not our role in the game. We were OP when the game started and now seems to feel just right as to what our abilities and part in pvp/pve require. Any other sages/sorcs feel the same way?
  17. well I dont normally post on forums but I have to post on this subject. I was in 6 different wz's tonight and the group make up of 5 of them was 6 tankasins and 2 op healers. needless to say it was brutal. nothing you can do about it. cant kill them fast enough and when you do kill 1 you got 5 more to deal with plus healers. When 8 mans start I foresee this group make up as the one alot of people will exploit to its fullest. I hope for the sake of good pvp that something is done to stop that from happening but i dont see it coming. So to all the people who play their non FOTM class good job hopefully our day will come or at least theirs will end.
  18. you need to wait until you get to the talent that gives your rail shot a bonus from TM. its a little higher in the tree.
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