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Everything posted by Xzenthal

  1. Ye it's a bit too easy for them to just spam missles but as someone said before if you just interrupt them most of them doesn't know what to do. Also I'd rather have all these abilities we have and have to use cause it makes it more fun to play.
  2. You always had the option to just ignore the bad people in the future. This is why it was so good that you got to know alot more people that you either liked or dissliked. Now wit hthis lfg tool anyone can join ninja loot or act liek **** because he/she knows it won't have any effect for that person after the group. If someoen did that before they would get banned from groups since rumour did spread. If they implemented a lfg chat in swtor me personally would just go and do some quests or go explore while I asked in chat for a group. But I can see we will never agree on this so better leave this discussion and see what others might think. Brista you have a few points but I still claim a chat with people askign to joina group builds a more live world than havign people click a button join some random group without having to talk to anyone.
  3. I remember the pug groups in beta,vanilla tbc, icecrown and I know how they are now in WoW. Pug people might not always have had the skill or gear but you coudl actually check them before you went there. Not everything was given to you for free but you would actually "shock horror" do something yourself. Also if pugs felt worse in tbc for you it was probably because instances were actually much much harder back then. But one thing was clear you knew or knew about people alot more back in vanilla and tbc than you do now. The world actually felt semi alive and it doesn't anymore and it's really boring. And why is it so horrible to have to keep one chat channel you personally don't like on a seperate bar?
  4. Nah man who cares if someone sends out a messege lfg for "athiss" once every minute? I know I don't care and i can always have a special window for lfg so I don't have to see it when I don't care. A lfg system will just ruin the community like it did with wow. Now you don't have to say a thing to a single person to do basically anything in that game except for high end raiding. It has realyl ruined what used to be a fun and nice community(if somewhat immature) before server mixed battlerounds and heroics and now raids.
  5. I see everywhere people wanting lfg system in Swtor. The system works fine but it also as so many have said creates a feeling of a dead world since peopel won't show up in chat as often. How about just implementing a server wide lfg chat? This way you can go do your daylies or whatever you want and not havign to stand on the republic fleet shouting. It worked wonders in rift so can't see why we can't do it for this game aswell. I do realise though that it might be harder to implement in this game due to planets being different zones but shouldn't be impossible.
  6. I like it and not really sure it's to keep people subbing since if you don't sub why on earth would you care about a title anyways? They just want it for people who stand by them and don't just leave after their 30 days of free time. Thanks bioware it's a nice little present.
  7. Ye I agree with this, really hard to see when your abilities are off cooldown as it looks now.
  8. Ehm I'm lv 50 and mine only crits for 500-600 damage...My overload saber crits för close to 1k on 3 stacks. My gear isn't top notch but it's aroudn lv 50 all of it anyways. Not sure hwo you do sooo much more than I do. Ah ansered too soon before I've seen all the other posts about this. But yes cauterize is a great skill which ends up at alot of damage made. The numbers are just smaller so it looks less.
  9. I tried the pillars but always ended up dying to his long cast that 1 shotted me. I decided to just kille the first wave sicne we do one shot them and then pop a defensive cd and just focus down the emperor. I used medpack and saber ward and rebuke and at the end I just used guarded by the force and killed him. I know ther eshould be a way to use the pillars to good effect but then you have to be able to see him cast his long cast or your dead.
  10. Ok so kinda confirmed what he thought then. Hope they balance this soon.
  11. Tbh is there any otehr class than sentinel that doesn't have a knockback? If im right then you will always have a tank and a healer that can knock him off.
  12. A friend is having a problem with Guardian tanking atm and I thought i would ask aroudn and see what's up. He just did a heroic quest togeather with a Vanguard. The Vanguard seemed to do alot more damage and could take alot more damage than he could. He is a fully defensive specced Jedi Guardian and he even had better gear than the Vanguard. Is it really this bad? Edit: This is at 50 btw.
  13. Ye sentinels lacks some flavor. Where are the spinning sword attacks and flashy moves we shoudl atleats get in lack of cool forcepowers? I don't even mind our abilities if we atleast could have some cool looking attacks.
  14. Ye that is really annoying and happens mostly to me on master strike. I click it he does the full thing in battle but no damage and it's reset.
  15. Then again the tooltip says builds 10 centering when trancendence ends. So for anyone it would actually seem liek a bug if you regain full centering as soon as you used it...I highly doubt that's how they wanted it to be. Iäm not takign anyones side here but you read a tooltip and had your conclusions on how it would work (focused persuit) and then bash on him for doing the same. Anyways I think both trees are equally valid depending on how you play as a person or in a group.
  16. Our offhand is alot for looks really and it does add to damage as many of our abilities adds the main with the off when attacking(i think). So the offhand saber is basically a bonus to our damage. Guardians abilities base damage on their main skills is higher than ours but we add the extra from our offhand to make up for this and the stats on it rivals their shield. Tbh only thing I dislike with this class is that Blade rush and Merciless strike doesn't have a cool animation but really boring normal strike from right to left. Like give them the animation of sweep maybe and change sweep to us jumping straight up and turns aroudn fast with one lightsaber streched out to either side(helocopter style). Tbh anythign is better than how they look now. These are suppose to be our end game lv 40 skills and should look the part. Otehrwise i'm happy with my sentinel even though I feel a but squishy in pvp but I haven't really pvped enough to warrant any calls for a buff just yet. I mostly get focused down really fast and I don't have any pvp gear so far so can't expect too much.
  17. Voice acting adds to this game ina great way. Wouldn't be the same without it. BEts leveling experience in any mmo so far for me. So yes worth it!
  18. My members won't have to use biochem to raid and that's for sure. I like diversity and I'd ratehr keep my members happy than gaining a small edge in raid content. We will just have to play better instead. Never forget that a happy player will always play better.
  19. Ok well then ill just continue to try since then i've just been unlucky. Thanks man.
  20. Is it possible to get my blue, red and green crystals better somehow? I hav been reverse engineering them now for a bit but none seems to give me a better recipie for them so now I'm curious if it's at all possible or im just unlucky?
  21. Lovely thread and we seem to have a great community going on here. I read it from start to finish excited when you guys came up with more and more theories. Sadly I couldn't be in game and try and help out since i was stuck at work. Great job guys!
  22. I wouldn't have minded if levelign was slowe when the game started since I used to play lineage 2 and kinda like having to really work hard for the levels. But it's too late now and it's honestly not that bad. I feel like i've played this game alot over the weeks and i'm only now half a lv from 50. I've done quests, space missions bonus quests, looked for datacrons and done flashpoints. So much to do and I know I will have alot to do once I get 50 as well.
  23. Ye with that armor for my sentinel i'd be hiding somewhere on hoth or tattoine while pvping and wear my cool looking modable armor when i'm doing anything else.
  24. First of nice vid Kinda was fun to watch. Anyways I haven't reached lv 50 yet and I have been wonderign where you get those "bags" from? You say drop but does that mean you can get them as drops in pvp or where?
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