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Everything posted by Burtlebe

  1. I know I still giggle everytime I remember asking someone why they didn't call out and they said they was stunned. I do hope the person misunderstood what I was asking but I was always too afraid to seek clarification of how stuns stopped typing. I guard all the time, mostly cause I know at least I will call out and not fall asleep. I also try to explain things as much as possible when I am op leader. But no matter how much you try I have learned that some folks just don't get.
  2. I never unlock my hotbars but the game sure loves to do it for me. I am having the same issue of the lock shown as locked yet they are not. Maybe we should move that lock mechanism and drop it up on the mini map so it isn't close enough to the buttons to make it tempting for it to pull pranks on us during ops hehe.
  3. I feel your pain and agree with you. Its not too late but someone needs to get this big rig tween the lines soon.
  4. This is true but getting them to guard is another issue all together. I cant even count all the times my healers have been left guarding nodes due dps hungry folks running off or not even attempting to cap. Only thing I can suggest is do what I do now, I only run with at least 1 or more guildies so we can split up responsibilities.
  5. Sadly a good number of folks feel this way. Its mostly why folks take the post as serious due to the fact the folks who mean it sound pretty much the same way.
  6. I just want to say a very awesome post. You covered a lot of my current fustrations. I burnt about 3 mil credits the first week running missions on 15 characters to get all the mods and such purple so I could start gearing out my guild mates. I knew there were issues and figured that 2.01 would solve them but honestly its still bad. I am actually getting less purple mats across all the missions since they fixed it. Yes I am getting more per crit but overall per credit cost of the purples have gone up for me. I really do appreciate you taking the time write this up. One other thing is set gear. Basic comm gear for vanguard Is pretty much worthless due to them only adding 1 tank stat to the gear and then stuff like accuracy and alacrity as the other stat. This is something I posted elsewhere. Just adding the stats up off the MH, OH, Ears, Implants, Glove, Bracer, Pants, Belt, Chest, Helm and Boots these are what I got. Arkanian has: Aim 1529 End 2391 Absorb 423 Shield 690 Def 325 Underworld has: Aim 1776 End 2344 Absorb 470 Shield 632 Def 531 Accuracy 79 Alacrity 79 The one thing about this game that bugs me is they seem to just splash stats on gear, gear progression in most games are linear, here there is at times no rime or reason for what they do. Lets say you have a helm that has end aim shield and absorb and you get your new next tier helm. Most games it would have the same stats just more of it. But here you are laible to have completely different stats which in the past once you got the whole set you were ok but it wrecked you until such time as you could get all the pieces. Looking at the numbers above, what does the end game gear set have so much aim and less end?
  7. One of the biggest issue to gearing I honestly believe is the fact that they just seem to randomly slap stats on pieces. In other games if you had a certain set of stats on say a helm then as you progress you would just get more of those same stats on helms as you increase in gear rating. With Swtor gearing totally screws up gear replacement since stats are all over the place. All that said Vanguard is for sure "feeling" better at this point than the shadow. Our Main shadow tank is more geared then my vanguard yet I seem to have a lot more survivability than he does.
  8. Ya I have all my toons max with max effection and running only on the companions with the bonus to it
  9. I was doing a glance at the stats on the gear and really wish bioware would be more consistent in how they assign stats to allow you a cleaner gear progression. Just adding the stats up off the MH, OH, Ears, Implants, Glove, Bracer, Pants, Belt, Chest, Helm and Boots these are what I got. Arkanian has: Aim 1529 End 2391 Absorb 423 Shield 690 Def 325 Underworld has: Aim 1776 End 2344 Absorb 470 Shield 632 Def 531 Accuracy 79 Alacrity 79 Endurance went down across all the underworld pieces cept for a couple piece whereas aim went up by a lot, and then they threw in those two stats for giggles I guess. What you have looks pretty good, just thinking of maybe min/max some of my mods tween Arkanian and underworld if possible to adjust things some. Got a long way to go before I get there.
  10. I am still getting them but its taken twice as many mission to get the same amount I was before. This could be a RNG issue. Before I patch I made 10 augments since patch 2. Will have to see how things go over the course of the next two weeks. At least Akavi is a crit mistress when it comes to making my armormech augments. Kinda off topic but what is up with all the hollunim and perfect crystals we keep getting. I am also not getting anywhere close to the same amount of purple biochem grade 9 mats either. I think they did fix the amounts you get just seems like they are not critting anywhere near as much as pre patch
  11. All they would have to do is the same thing they did to bright wizards. First smash hits, any others don't hit same people for a certain amount of time. But honestly since 2.0 while I have seen killed by smash a good bit on my screen, smash wasn't what took me so low so that a 8k smash could kill me, it was the sniper or gunslinger sitting way over there. The smasher was just the guy who noticed someone with low health and pounced.
  12. If you will reread my post I was referring to the things I am hearing from my guild members. Myself while I dislike the costs and think they are still too high, I am ok money wise due to selling a lot on the GTN but not everyone does that. For people leveling and doing HM fps ands reg ops I could see this being an issue. As far as progression goes, we run guild repair to cover everyones repair cost on progression costs.
  13. I rarely complain but for the last two weeks have been thru the worse experience I have had due to all the bugs that released with 2.0. I have been waiting patiently for todays patch. While I appreciate the fact they pulled this patch to prevent things from being worse, It still doesn't change my mood. All I am hearing from folks is complaints about the crafting missions being broke and costing a lot to be able to do any. Also the issue with the caps on comms and the stupidly high repair cost where folks are loosing money running hm fps and ops. So having to hear that all the time as a guild leader its going to muddy my view and make me not so happy. Also does anyone have any idea what the plans are for the rare blue items dropping from scavenging and archaeology that we don't have any recipes for atm. I think persoinally these bother me more than anything since I Have 7 to 10 stacks of em instead of the items I can be using to craft with. But even though I am disappointed I will say it again, I appreciate them not putting this patch out in the state it was in.
  14. I have both a VG and PT and I knew it was going to happen. I played both for a bit pre 2.0 in pvp and parked them cause it was stupid easy and honestly was boring as heck. I am extremely happy with them now as tanks, I can finally play them the way I want as a tank, A guildie still runs dps and he still seems to be doing well as a VG. I think once bolster gets fixed and people start gearing your still going to see good PT/VG DPS, its just going to take some skill and planning now. People keep referring to derpsmashers as being left alone. Honestly they are no where as strong, I die more to snipers or gunslingers now than to smash
  15. Ya my crit is in that range, I am just augmenting for aim rather than power.
  16. Yeah I run gunnery so usually go with aim since I get the bonus to it from the tree which also gives a bit of crit. I have been trying to get my accuracy and alacrity up for raids also
  17. lol there have been days I felt like they had.
  18. I am still trying to figure out if at 55 the new stat changes taking effect are out of whack. Still testing this out but as you level your percents will drop due to the changes but just seems like at 55 it drops hard. Certain classes are going to get harder by this than others until they get new on level gear. Currently with the issues with bolster (which they are suppose to fix Tuesday 4-23) I am taking a wait and see issue to determine if the effects at 55 are hurting some classes more than others.
  19. Dang man they are using empty equipment shells aren't they? dang leetz
  20. Burtlebe

    lol bolster

    I agree criticism is needed and warranted but read some of these post, folks act like the end of pvp is upon us and that nothing short of a complete reversal will fix it. I started out playing BBS games then Genie, The first true graphical MMO of sorts was The Realm. Since then I have played about 30 different titles, all of which had massive issues either in pvp or pve. Several mainly SWG and EQ2 had issues so bad they reworked the whole systems multi times and due to Sony's poor response I left. Age of Conan was probably the worse experience I have had in a mmo. Warhammer was probably the most fun I had in a largely pvp focused game since DAoC or SWG but they had issues with only being 2 factions and honestly dropped the ball on fixing it early enough cause folks to leave. I can tolerate a lot from a gaming company If I (note I said I) feel that they are truly trying to fix an issue. So far even with a lot of the negative experiences I have had with MMOs, nothing Bioware has done so far has caused me to feel the least Like jumping ship.
  21. What about the lvl 54 orange shotguns with mk-7 slots when you crit instead of mk-9 slots? Havent tried any of the other orange gear or weapons yet but will do so once the changes hit for the missions.
  22. There is a difference, when a shadow/Assassin got the ball first they were already moving forward and if your team all dropped down toward acid then he was already up top heading to score. Then stealth in endzone and score score score. I played em that way and seen em played that way. Now with scoundrel/Operative they get ball first then have to run back toward their goal to pass. I ran against some ops last night doing this and we scored 3 times just off killing him and taking the ball on. I am sure with a premade team and all the right classes then yes they are going to be a bit op but what perfect combination in the past hasn't been.
  23. Burtlebe

    lol bolster

    I guess I just take a longer view of the game and honestly am not having issues, once the bugs were noted I adapted as did many others I know who are far better pvpers than myself and are currently still enjoying pvp. People comparing this to a service are naïve or new to mmo's, after 19 years of mmo's I have learnt to roll with the changes and bugs and have fun otherwise its time to walk away from them.
  24. Cool, I have a severe form of arthritis so I am pretty much stuck to clicking and kb turning so I have to kinda pick and choose my specs to better suit my disabilities but I really love to pvp a lot ( I try to breathe through my nose though). I suck at the sentinel and maurader though but for some reason do really well considering on the jugg and guardian.
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