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Everything posted by tormentuk

  1. Why did you not beta test? The game, honestly needs to shut down and fixed! I can pretty much guarantee you did not test pvp at all, what so ever on any kind of competitive play.
  2. Most skill player ever, i love how you keep on top on other players as they move! them fast reactions are really a killer, all these nubs are haters, they all 1 button fighters! but not you sir.
  3. i have seen sage/sorcs sat taking beats from 3 fairly good geard sin's and thier hp not falling! it seems their shield bubble skill is really broken with more the more expertise you have
  4. I was on thier team, half of us wanted to score and end! They abused the game to get extra valor, just like the lvl 13's on the end game world.
  5. tormentuk

    Ban people now!

    Really sick of joining a huttball match to find i am on the team of a premade who wants to farm valor. Dispite half the team wanting! they will Score 5 times then hold the ball against our will! WE WANT TO FINISH THE MATCH OUT TEAM WONT! this is major abuse, action needs to be taken!
  6. Too much balancing issues, faction based, class based, skill based and gear based... Why did you not invite pvp'eres to your beta tests? 1 weekend was not enough, now we are left with opness running around all over.
  7. How can you see yourself as a skill player, Thier is obv balancing issues when other players are not even scratching you... Stop thinking your a good player No life geared > unbalanced class > skill....
  8. Just too *********** op... even huttball match, we had ball 5 seconds to go. Operative just bursts carrier down though guard... healer did not even have chance to react.
  9. Brother opens 5 bags, gets 3 bits of armor..................
  10. opened 14-15 bags today, only 1 bit of armor. I just playied 12 hours non stop for that, **** this crap.
  11. You cant log two charators if thats what you mean, you could both play one by one. but not together.
  12. Well i do feel alittle stuiped, but i don't care! this thread has saved me hours in game! Is their a faster way to bring up my cargo hold?
  13. why does the game not tell people this?
  14. Mod stations, ***? why is thier next to 0 in the game, every time i need to mod somthing i have to travel to my starter area.... Or is the map broken and not showing them?
  15. Cast bars all messed up, you cast 100% of a cc and it does not cast... All range classes shooting though line of sight, your running around a pillar keeping them 100% out of line of sight, but they still hammering skills on you ***? You face someone, use a push skill they bounce away in a completely different direction?? Warfronts are just super laggy in general, too much dail up users.... even with low 30 ping still too much bs. Range classes do too much burst, have too high of fire rate. balance them...
  16. you guys are *********** crazy... why are range classes brusting so much damage, doing so much dps and have so much control... idiots learn to balance a game,,,
  17. Honestly remove companions from world pvp, here is my idea how to do it fairly. Soon as you engage a player target, or are engaged! your companion should say "this is not my battle" and recall!... So much issues with world pvp and companions balancing atm.. just remove them
  18. You need to focus heavily on pvp on the upcoming updates, the current state of end game pvp, world pvp will kill the game off very fast!
  19. I really hate it when i finish a jump and press a channeled skill as i land.. it does the animation of the skill which im locked in (cant end) and does not trigger the skill or damage.......................
  20. read the frist two lines, your just an idiot.
  21. 1 lvl 50 taking on full groups of lvl 10-20's is pure utter sadkljasdjkl... whats point joining warfronts at low lvls if lvl 50 players just have huge advantage.
  22. Why are classes with guns hitting harder on knife melee hits, than people with light sabers? :confused:
  23. Getting really annoyed at all the wow healers complaining at healing in swtor. Honestly, you guys are not pro's due to wow, it made you weak, you cannot heal, learn to heal in swtor.... Thier is no need for macro's or another self playing modifications, healing works fine.
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