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Everything posted by Ejied

  1. For the record, this was also an issue with Star Wars Galaxies. From what I understand in the next patch, Bioware will allow players to change servers. I'm hoping this will be a free service? They had to have as many servers in the begining as they had, because the demand was overwhelming. I'm assuming they now want to close atleast 1/3 to meet the demands of the current population, now that the hype is over.
  2. I do think that this game is a success. The only thing I'll point out is that Bioware has a lot, a lot, a lot of servers going. As players leave the servers are going to feel very empty. But I am glad that they are offering charactor transfers in the next patch. This is one thing that hurt Star Wars Galaxies after the New Game Enchancement hit (NGE).
  3. One reason why I left was because this game has a very WoW mentality. Light gear for healers, Med for non tanks, and heavy for tanks. I'd like to be able to wear whatever I pick up, and customize it how I'd like it to be. Second, I don't like the fact that for alot of Heroics and raids, you have to have a well balanced group or you fail (1 healer, 1 tank, 2 DPS). If I have 3 helaers and two tanks on at level 50, they can't complete things because they are not DPS heavy. MMOs continue to try to have things balanced. Well guess what, in the real world, especially in combat, you don't always get balance.
  4. Sure it does.. If you look through History, you can find members of a Good and Noble family that go very very wrong or evil..
  5. To long, and pointless in the first three paragraphs.. I stopped there..
  6. I agree with the "Don't Nerf any class based on PVP".. Also people, don't yell for any type of nerf, at all.. It just screws things up for everyone down the road.. You MMO players should know that by now..
  7. I live in Indiana as well.. When you buy online, you can still be charged taxes..
  8. I agree that the FPS is an issue, but it's not a game killer for me.. It's a large game, with rich story and content, and it had one of the best launches ever. So for me, I wouldn't dream of canceling the game. Are there issues? Sure. Was this game ready for launch? Yes. Will they add more content and fixes into the game? Sure. I don't understand people that expect a game to be 100% bug free at launch.. It just doesn't happen..
  9. Most of us that were in Beta hit level 50... So what's the problem with using the space bar when in conversation? I'm pleased that the OP made a positive post.
  10. 40,000 is not a lot of credits.. I'm a level 24 and i'm sitting on 70k..
  11. If it gave us the ability to change it to any color we wanted, it would of been worth it..
  12. I had this problem during Beta. If you right and left click several times it will eventually work..
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