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Posts posted by Calibretto

  1. Nope. I'm already starting to wrap it up to be honest and I just hit 50. I play a Jedi Guardian and along with the host of bugs that affect questing and my class mechanics (ability stuttering ftl), the PvP hasn't been as smooth an experience as I'm used to. I understand that the game is new but still, it's been choppy.


    I plan on finishing my character's storyline (2 quests to go) and then seeing how I feel but I already see myself slowly checking out other games and my interest waning. Diablo 3, Guild Wars 2 and Mass Effect 3 will be the combined end of this game for me I'll bet.

  2. I don't know - I like it a lot. A single GS and a single talented SS and I've got 5 stacks rolling on my target. Plus, once those stacks are built and I hit again it hits pretty hard. The only change I'd like to see is the cooldown lowered a bit on it.
  3. In my personal opinion the Vanguard's Assault tree plays the closest to the 1-10 leveling experience. You have to mix some melee with your range attacks (Stockstrike, Ion Pulse, Ion Cannon) but you have access to several powerful ranged attacks. Incendiary Round, a talented High Impact Bolt and Assault Plastique all become part of your bread and butter rotation. You'll never reach the ranged damage of the Commando but you get several things in exchange. Toughness, better options when caught in melee combat, etc.
  4. As a Defense specced Guardian I pretty much handle people in 1v1's. Sorcerers, Mercernaries, Marauders and DPS specced Juggernauts are all pretty easy. The only fight I've had so far where an equal level player beat me in a straight up face off was against a Powertech. We both jumped in and started hitting each other, both realized about the same time that we weren't getting anywhere with our healer companions healing us up, and we both switched to each other's healers. Despite dropping Taunts on him he dropped my healer WAY before I was able to hurt Mako (his healer), which basically slanted the fight in his favor big time and that was all she wrote.


    I rezzed and tried again and luckily random help swung by, but in each of the subsequent fights I could tell he had the stronger character. This wasn't at max level and I'm not sure what state his gear was in but overall I was really surprised at how hard the Powertech was rolling me.


    I haven't had the opportunity to square off against too many Assassin's in 1v1's; I beat one who was a level higher but got the feeling the player was terribad.

  5. I run a Vanguard DPS Hybrid 8/8/25 and I do as much dammage as anyone in the raid. To be fully effective you need to fight at 10m and in (stock strike 4m). I am highly mobile and have great short range AOE.


    Vanguards put dots on the target also, they have interupts and greater survivability. I am 4/5 EV HM and 5/5 Hutt Palace HM. Really the choice is :


    Vanguard = Tank or Mobile Melee DPS

    Commando = Heals or Stationary Range DPS


    I enjoy being able to move and kill.


    What gives a Vanguard "greater survivability" outside of speccing in the tank tree? The Commando has all of the same defensive cooldowns and has heals, so I'm genuinely curious what makes a Vanguard tougher.

  6. So, I'm currently playing a Vanguard and really enjoying it but I've been flirting with the idea of swapping over to a Commando. My question is this: I keep hearing people say Vanguard is the more survivable of the two but the Van specialization really doesn't get any additional surival tools that the Commando doesn't also get (if the Van specs dps). In fact, if the Van doesn't go tank spec than the Commando has heals to boot. What am I missing?
  7. Ever since getting Doc I use him exclusively. I think the major problem is that the Jedi Guardian is just too darn squishy. I'm fully tank specced and and am decked out in top modded oranges, purples, and a few blues. Even then I take too much damage to justify dragging Kira out there. I keep Doc around so I stay topped off and don't have to swap for hard modes.


    My Vanguard on the other hand has Jorgan almost always and only swaps to Elara (healing companion) on rare occassions. I've even solo'ed champion mobs with Jorgan out by line of sighting the champion. My point being is that my Vanguard feels much tougher and is able to clear groups of mobs without losing much HP meaning having a healer out with me is superfluous. I believe it's a combination of factors: Multiple Trooper abilities knock mobs down completely eliminating their damage; Troopers can attack from range meaning they don't have to face tank enemy damage; Troopers have slows and combined with ranged attacks they can completely kite enemies and receive 0 damage.


    I feel the inherent issues lie less with the companions and more with the class mechanics. Jedi Knights need to be given a higher base toughness in compensation for the fact that they're forced to face tank enemies while doing their damage. If my Guardian wasn't taking so much damage in each fight than I'd happily swap out to Rusk (I really like that guy). Until then Doc is with me 100% of the time.

  8. I'll say this. I've leveled my Guardian up to 48 - 49 where I'm holding off from hitting 50 until I get some PvP points stored up. I started my Trooper (Vanguard variety) and was blown away by how much stronger he is. My Trooper actually feels like a monster who destroys mobs and owns all. The Jedi on the other hand feels gimp. His lightsaber feels like one of those plastic replicas LED lightsabers you get from Books A Million. It's lame.


    I've got a couple friends who are looking to play and I was basically trying to explain to them that while it's a good game the Jedi Knights/Sith Warriors are the weakest class in the game. They just couldn't understand that.

  9. I will give you the best example of 5% damage this bioware says. So me and my friend are both 50's and he is an assault speced commando and I am an assault spaces vangaurd. At he end of the war one he had about 237k damage, I had about 236k damage. Bios are doesn't lie, that is inside the 5% right. Assault is the best fps spec by far. I get 3k ctiz with high impact bolt. 2k Curtis with stock strike and 2.7k fritz with assault plastique and if u get good fritz and reset high impact bolt u can spa so well. I nearly took out an operative but even with all the great fritz he stilled had 20% up left but I lost 30% of mine in 1 shot. But if u want dps with ur awesome bunker braking trooper go vanguard assault. Bad ***


    For the love of all that is good and holy... Bro, you didn't manage to spell "crits" right one time. You used "ctiz," "Curtis (LOL!)," "fritz" three times - Get off the drugs dude. Crits - it's short for critical hits.

  10. I went with Artifice and overall it was pretty lackluster. It was nice being able to stay on top of the curve with the latest and greatest saber hilts and crystals, but at the same time it felt like a huge money dump and there were long spans of time where it wasn't bringing me diddily-squat. If I were to reroll again I'd strongly consider Cybertech as it's making me a boatload of money on the GTN and it's keeping all my moddable armors at their peaks. Throw in grenades with Cybertech and it's a very strong skill - The money you'll rake in easily allows you to purchase whatever you want from Artifice.


    Biochem has never impressed me. Leveling I rarely used stims that weren't given from a quest or random drops, and I think I've used a total of 10 medpacks from 1-49 (excluding PvP specific packs).

  11. I saw a Jedi running around recently (we grouped for awhile) with an orange vibro blade and it looked awesome. I'm not sure if I want to do the same thing because it's not very Jedi-y but it definitely looked way cooler than the standard lightsaber.
  12. I've been leveling as Assault and it's absolutely easy mode. I keep Jorgan out at 90% of the time (unless I'm soloing heroic 2's) and have next to no downtime. Basically, just take advantage of the fact that your Plasma Cell (through Assault talents) slows the enemy and you can kite them to death. I've taken on gold mobs and haven't taken a point of damage by just kiting them. In the meantime your overall damage is pretty high and you can always tank flashpoints just fine (as long as you keep your gear up). Me and Jorgan are putting down mobs so fast it's hard for me to play any other character.
  13. I play a Guardian and am level 48 (or 49, can't remember) and I don't have any self heal ability. The only thing close is if you talent Resolute to give you 10% of your total health (Tier 2 of Focus, costs 2 talent points). Soresu stance increases your armor and damage reduction but doesn't grant health.


    The Trooper (Commando or Vanguard) gets a self heal ability at level 32 called Adrenaline Rush that heals for 15% of max health over 15 seconds.

  14. I want an Imperial Royal Guard, or their blue counterparts from the sequels. You actually get to fight them in the Jedi Knight storyline so there are already models and armor in game. I think it'd be fun to have them as a dual weapon class switching between blasters and those force pikes they carry.
  15. I like it a lot. I'd probably give it a 7 out of 10 overall. I like the B-Wing a lot so the similarity is cool and I actually really enjoy the interior. I'd say my few gripes are I wish it flew vertically and not on its side and I wish there weren't so many laser cannons on the exterior that do diddly squat. Overall I'm a fan though.
  16. I absolutley agree about removing expertise from the game. Still allow PvP'ers to acquire competitive gear through Pvp'ing, but don't put a pvp specific stat in the game. It fragments the community and has been stated makes it difficult to get into pvp at 50, and causes you to look at all the gear you've acquired in flashpoints and wonder why it's not nearly as good in WZ's.
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