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Everything posted by Gereorth

  1. Before I report people for their name I am always sure to talk to them before hand. So they understand why I report one of them. I got a huge ticket list already, and many have been handled. I've been recieving private messages in which they either thank me or insult me. But some names don't fit the Server. My tickets have always been taken seriously, and I find it a shame lots of people couldn't care more or less about it. I can understand the fact people randomly choose a server to play on, without actualy thinking about what kind of server it is. For specefic zones, I don't think you should be flaming/complaining about non-RP behavior. For example mostly at the Fleet. People come there to do the business they want to do, wait for the warzone or flashpoint to pop up. If you actualy care to RP on the fleet, I am pretty sure there will be several people joining in, but don't hate the ones that are just doing their usual MMO-business. In Cantina's or other planets, also mind the people who are passing by as they are on their mission towards glorious power. Leave them be, and don't ruin the game for them by saying they ruined YOUR RP. They don't do it on purpose. I am even sure most of them didn't even notice you were in a RP session. What we did on my previous guild, we made sure we had locations that weren't populated. So you won't get bothered by speeders flying into Cantina's or stores. The game is big enough to find a peaceful place, and even with the game being more populated, even on the Fleet you could have it all to yours. Be lucky enough there are enough players, and just transfer yourself to "[Fleet 2]". So, keep reporting the inapropiate names, keep on the RP, and may I see you in-game!
  2. This would've actualy been a nice followup from the Kaon Under Siege and Lost Island stuff. "We've found out who sent them here.. But where did they ever come from? How can we stop them overall?" I would like that. But furthermore.. I am not THAT interested in this idea. I'd first like to see new content, real fresh new content, before we go re-visit stuff. EDIT: I am also pretty sure we will see a comeback of Revan. Well surely he might've vaporated, but he also could've teleported away. We don't have any clear evidence of killing him. So we never know what truly happend. And I am guessing we will see him coming back. As for that, we don't need any re-visit that has to do with Revan.
  3. I just don't see it happening at all. You can spec into giving a knock-back with Rocket Punch, and have a major knockback. I can easily kite people, not a problem. You just have to know what to do. It's fine as it is. Giving a form of Disengage, would only make it more overpowered.
  4. I am sorry, might be a stupid question, but uhm.. "Dpsmeter"? I asume you mean looking into the combat logs, after the fights? Or did I just horribly miss something, and Bioware allows addons?
  5. Well, I am realy interested in why Luke can defeat Kyle?
  6. Would there atleast be someone who could defeat Kyle then?
  7. I've seen several "... vs. ..." now, so I thought I'd ask one aswell. As I had a discussion with a friend once, and he said Kyle would easily beat Revan. But I am just not that sure about that. What do you guys think? I don't even know that much, so I would love to get to know a few more facts!
  8. The reason it made myself think it was an enrage, is becouse it's impossible to get past it. Unless you have the best gear available in the game, but even then it would be near impossible.
  9. It's funny becouse I thought like "Could this be the enrage or something?" But it always happend when he was at 30%. Guess I should take different DPS with me then. Becouse, as healer there isn't much I can do
  10. And I bet some people will also complain after this that there should be a system where only loot drops, that is actualy useful for someone in the group. Aka, class-based loot. I don't think you should complain that much. If you have 2 Bounty Hunters in your Ops, Powertech tanking and Mercenary Healing, I wouldn't mind 2 drops of a BH token. If you only get 1, there will be complaining and ************ over who would get it. I think people like you are never satisfied.
  11. Commando/Mercenary healing ain't that bad if you ask me. I can still keep everyone alive. The minor thing is is that you have a Heat cost on Kolto Shell. Which is somewhat fair enough, but the heat cost is a bit too high. Still, I can manage every heals. And they did improve a few things. We even have an in-combat Resseruction now. So I don't complain. (:
  12. So much pages to read, I realy couldn't check all pages, just basicly share my opinion. (:
  13. Check my post, I told my kite path in there. It works perfectly, untill we got to 30%
  14. I kept trying LR-5 Sentinel for somewhat 3 hours. We had quite a good group, but on HM it's impossible. I got full Columi with 4 Rakata items. The setting we had was: SI Assassin (tank) SI Assassin (DPS) SI Sorcerror (DPS) BH Mercenary (Healer, which was me) I can easily keep them alive, that's not the problem. We even figured out the tactics ourselves, but at 26% we keep dying. For some reason he gets a buff which tells us that he "Lost control over the machines". So the Lighting Bolts on the floor are being placed as big ones without a warning. The Lava from the floor goes on all Platforms. So pretty much, we aren't save on any spot. We kited him very well, and I can Cure the tank as soon as he got a Incinerate DOT. -The way we were kiting was as following: The ranged stand on the middle platform, while the tank brings the boss to one of the side platforms (where the adds come from). When we get a Lighting Charge on our spot, we move to them, but we stay behind the boss. After a second Lightning Charge he moves the boss to the top or bottom platform. Again we repeat the same thing, when there are 2 charges, we move to the next platform. And when the middle one is free, the ranged stand on that one. But when on 30% or so, we cant stand anywhere. I'd give a vote to Downtune him a bit. Makes the damage from the Lava less, or the Lightning Charges not so big. I don't know.
  15. I wouldn't mind having a tool which will make it easier to find a group. Sometimes it is quite annoying and hard to find a full group, by spamming the General chat. It would make it somewhat easier, and fun for the players, to have a tool where you queue up for a dungeon. It creates a group by itself, from the roles that have been selected. While waiting for a group to be made, you can do some stuff on Corellia or anywhere you would like. Now you have to keep spamming in the General chat of the Fleet to look for people. Cross-server dungeons aren't needed in this game.
  16. Actualy, I can't find it to change the colors? Where can you do that?
  17. I am quite satisfied that they will be this swift on repairing the bugs they accidently left in. I'd rather have this then to live for a few more weeks with some bugs. I also quite hope they maybe downtune LR-5 Sentinel Droid in the new Flashpoint, Lost Island, on Hard-mode.
  18. I am DEEPLY in search to find the same blaster as Boba Fett.. Why? Sorry, but it just looks awesome. Nothing more to it.
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