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Everything posted by Cyclonit

  1. Did you read my post? I did not say I want to turn SWTOR into WoW. Hell I'd quit my sub a second after BW does that. My point is that we need to look at all of older games IN GENERAL not at a single one and use what was good to make something better. And I do know that I am part of a minority posting here which does not change anything. If the majority does want something different than I do I'm fine with it but there is a lot to be improved and without anyone talking about it improving anything is impossible.
  2. I actually agree without any limitations ^^ I love my guild since all of the members are very nice and it's a lot of fun doing quests or flashpoints. But currently guilds are nothing more than permanent groups you can chat with and this straight away should not be the case. My priority list is the following: - Guild bank - Guild Leveling - Guild Housing (either a planetary residence or a space station, I'd prefer a residence) - Stuff large enough for whole games (Wars instead of warzones?) I'll post about this topic in detail on my blog in a few days when I collected some more thoughts on it ^^
  3. Simple: Agreed =) I'd love talking to people from other factions (maybe get friends) etc. Whitelisting them would be cool so I don't kill them accidentally. It could be handled this way: Two players are friends of each another -> They appear as green to each another. No way of hurting. One player added another one to his friendlist -> The "half-friend" appears yellow. Won't be attacked automatically but can be attacked if necessary. No relationship -> RED!
  4. I think comparing something new to something already existing is a very important step if you want to improve. How would you make something new better than its predecessors without comparing? Let me put it straight: WoW has some cool features SWTOR does not have. Aion has some cool features ... Rift ... ... The list goes on and Bioware, if they want to compete, will have to look for stuff they missed and add it. Period. However I don't judge BW for not adding all of that stuff to the game from the beginning. They focused on giving us awesome stories most of us enjoyed fully. I'll spend some time rolling other classes besides my sorc (plan roling a sith warrior next month and maybe a jedi at some point of time) waiting for improvements. Fact is: If Bioware does not improve the game SWTOR won't be a topic by next christmas.
  5. @VoXPCS: I agree that there are a lot of bugs to be fixed but I don't see any major issue regarding the game except faction imbalance and performance issues on some systems. btw: I like how you say AMD would be trash while complaining you want multi-threading... Doesn't your Intel handle the game the way my AMD does? SWTOR usually uses all 4 cores and runs perfectly smooth using my AMD 6970 graphics card.
  6. agreed I think the lvl 50 pvp gear looks quite nice. Especially the sorc one. I did not have any trouble grouping up so far (I'm playing together with a heal from my own guild most of the time which makes it easier to find groups I guess) but I do understand that there are a lot of annoyed people waiting hours just to be able to play. However this won't change over night. (Sadly) agreed Why? You can do pretty much everything on your planet capital except finding groups. Did not take a look at social gear so far. I'd like to see EA's US support... Worked perfect for me so far. They are kind of necessary. Where do you want to park 100 space ships? Having them orbit and dock if necessary is a lot easier. I like the auction house the way it is regarding the way of selling and buying. The only thing I'd like to see improved is the overall look of the interface. To big and slow. There are some other suggestions I'd have but since there is by far too much I'd ask you to visit my blog (link in my signature) for full details ^^'
  7. I'll definitly stay for atleast some months. The time leveling my sorc to level 50 was fun and I'll start rolling a Sith Warrior next month with a friend which will most likely be fun too. The game should have a lot of more endgame content (e.g.: Racing games, cantina entertainment, a way to get more companions/cult, ...) but I'll give Bioware some time to add stuff.
  8. I actually leveled together with a guild member since level 30 and our setup was like this: Sith Sorcerer Healing -> Khem Val Tank Sith Sorcerer DPS -> Ashara Zavros DPS Worked pretty well and we were able to do some Heroic 4+ till about lvl 45.
  9. Tu mir einen Gefallen: Mach dir nen Inqui und versuch mal mit 2 Tasten Schaden zu machen. Ich gucke gerne zu und lache dich bei dem Versuch aus. Um mit einem Inquisitor wirklich Schaden zu machen musst du definitiv etwas mehr machen.
  10. Well I think the game was rushed on one hand but on the other hand the game turned out great nonetheless. There of course are a lot of ways how Bioware could improve the game and I hope they are trying to implement as many features as they can to satisfy the gaming needs of as many players as possible. I myself try to think of ways of improvement and I publish them on my blog. Actually I think if all of the people "hating" the game right now would be writing down ideas in a nice manner instead, they could make a huge difference.
  11. I honestly don't care how Bioware "fixes" the current UI but it definitily has to be done. Not being able to see a large area of my field of vision because of partly overlapping, not movable or scalable windows and the by far to large quick bars are really annoying.
  12. @Lokai: Please use proper grammar, spelling and punctuation. Reading your post is awfully difficult. b2t: I have to agree in regards of the character creation. There could be far more options Bioware just missed out. Their character creation system is pretty cool and there are a lot of options but there could be more. Not saying that I don't like it currently though.
  13. I guess your right. But I still believe they have some information about when most players play and adjust the maintenance accordingly.
  14. It does impact me. I was at home while they updated the server. But I do understand why they did it and that it has to be done. If it allows the majority of players to play even though I cannot play when I'd like to I'm fine with how the maintenance is. I'm only saying that the maintenance has to be done at some point of time and it doesn't matter when you do it you will keep a large amount of players offline for a time they'd like to play.
  15. The service provided by that side is no scam. You should tell us which survey exactly you are talking about if we shall judge about it and you should tell us whether you want to know if the survey is scam or if it is official. Those are two different things.
  16. I am EU customer my self and I seriously don't see a problem. You can't expect a game to be updated frequently to satisfy your needs while on the other hand playing exactly when the game is updated. There have to be down times and sure BW could move the maintenance window a little bit but that would make another group of players incapable of playing when they would play. Bioware used the open beta weekend to monitor playing behavior and so on. I don't think they decided for this window without a reason.
  17. First of all: I would not suggest buying a game where you have to think about the minimal settings. It most of the time results in a bad gaming experience and is no fun at all. Secondly: I don't quite get why some people have such enormous problems with this game regarding the graphics. I run a AMD Phenom II X4 970 @3,5GHz, a AMD Radeon HD 6870 and 8 GB of DDR3 RAM and am totally fine with playing on highest settings. I get about 35 FPS minimum.
  18. Heard of torhead.com or the darthhater.com database? ^^ There actually are large databases already which might help you solving a lot of your issues.
  19. I like the Datacrons so far. I play a lvl 31 Sith Inquisitor and got all of the Datacrons up to Tatooine. Just the ones on Nar Shaddaa were really difficult to get to and most of them made my day by being in awesome locations where I was able to think about my success and enjoy the view ;D The only problem I see with Datacrons is that some of them are not difficult to find but they are pretty much impossible to find unless you permanently keep your eyes open while running through every little spot by yourself. I personally don't like to use Websites telling me where to go which is why I searched most of the Datacrons by myself. The only utility I used was a list which told me how many Datacrons there are to prevent me from searching ones that don't exist.
  20. Hi, I read a lot in this forums and posted a few times my self and would love to see more reasons to post in threads but it seems to me as if this forums got to a point where people keep exaggerating all the time. Little faults made by Bioware make the game as bad as WoW (Honestly is WoW that bad? It can't be if there had to be another game to make you quit your subscription.) and critics most of the time get flamed away rapidly. There is absolutely no forum I every experienced where the word "troll" got that popular and I feel sad that most of the criticism people give is just ignored. I know that those who criticize the game exaggerate often which makes those who love the game exaggerate in their answers. Additionally there are some people in this forums who just like annoying people making the whole situation worse. I'd love this forum to be constructive for Bioware and not just a "This game sucks! - No it's awesome!"-discussion. Please don't get me wrong: There are a lot of people trying to give constructive criticism and those trying to discuss about things in a reasonable manner but if you take some time and read through the first two pages of this forum you'll see a lot of good and reasonable posts going to waste because of flaming and trolling. In the end we should think about what's best for the game and the players playing it and not just show of our own emotions about the game. I was angry about Bioware when they said that I need to buy 60 days of playtime to use the 30 I already had but that anger was worthless just like most of the anger I see in this forums. We all should calm down a little and think about the posts of others before we answer them. I'd hate see this forum not getting anywhere just because those who actually care about the game ruin their only opportunity to discuss right in front of Bioware's eyes. Cyclonit
  21. I honestly am a little shocked by how extreme some of the opinions regarding this topic are o.O I personally don't have a problem with not being able to play a game for a day. It's only a game after all. Additionally there is no way to do maintenance in a way it pleasures everybody. Updating the servers one after another is pretty much nonsense because nobody has a character on every single server so they could play nonetheless and most of the time servers get updated asynchronous problems come up which require further work and further down time. The last maintenance took longer and Bioware did excuse for it. It was their fault and they apologized. I don't expect this to happen again in the near feature but nobody can guarantee that the maintenance works properly.
  22. It's normal with all of the classes. It helps keeping the client "small".
  23. For me the most frustrating part of this issue was to see that there are several lowly populated servers while the server I created my character at (I was one of the first to join the T3-M4 servers) was full. I cannot explain why some servers got this highly over populated but I do know that this must not stay this way. Till now Bioware did not seem to adress this issue properly: Adding new servers does not solve the problem of waiting time for those who already have a character on highly populated servers and telling those people to reroll at another server is no solution either since most players (me included) don’t want to loose the character they already started to like. It took me about ???? hours of playtime till I reached the current level of my character and the story did its job: It made me identify myself with my character. There are two easy ways of getting rid of the current situation: Stop new players from joining highly populated servers A lot of people think joining highly populated servers is a good idea because they do have a lot of players to play with on those servers. This main idea is fine with me but those players usually don’t see the drawback: Every player who joins a highly populated server raises the waiting queue every player has to get through. A single player might think “Waiting for one extra guy doesn’t harm anybody.” which usually is true, but since there are hundreds of players thinking this way servers rapidly get overwhelmed by high player amounts. Allow players to transfer their characters From a programmers perspective I can say that writing a script which transfers one character from a server to another is not much of a deal if the rest of the program is written correctly. The necessary code possibly exists somewhere else in the game already. The only thing the developers would have to put the code together, implement a nice UI to the game using the code and everything would be finde. A cooldown could be added as well if Bioware fears “server hopping”.
  24. Seriously Bioware allow us to transfer our characters. I play at the "T3-M4" German PVE server and we experience waiting times of up to 2 hours! It's not that difficult to write a script which moves one character from a server to another! I opened up a ticket ingame where I asked for a character transfer on December 18.. Guess what: I did not receive an answer at all until now. And I'm sorry to put it this way but if you don't do anything against those queues you'll probably loose hundreds of players because they don't want to pay every month for waiting in line.
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