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Posts posted by Kovaos

  1. I have to say of all my alts, Sage, Shadow, and Gunslinger, the Commando is by far the most challenging to play efficiently. I could be doing it wrong, but I'm comparing my experience with my other alts. None of the other classes I play have the type of energy management that commandos have. It is just painful to play.


    I wanted to say kudos for those of you that have stuck with the class! Congrats and hope you get some real love soon.

  2. Well when u post something as stupid as that it makes u look like one of the infamous monitor lickers, or arguing just to do it. I am more than willing to assume the latter, but...



    So let's review, we got one psycho likening this to rape, two people arguing just for the sake of arguing, and plenty of PuG butthurt..


    Just when I thought it wouldn't be possible, I think the advocates have reached a new low....


    Reading your posts is tantamount to watching a court jester try on the crown.


    You've evolved on these forums from whining and crying all the time to belittling and insulting others.


    Oh well... that's life of a jester.

  3. Much more so then the opposite scenario.

    Objectives aren't accomplished without, you know, actually killing your opponent.


    I don't discredit dmg but I do discredit bloating you're ego by topping a dmg chart with only 5 kills. There's another noob on his team with 1000 more objective points and 1 more kill than the noob op.

  4. There is no reason for name calling. You, and several others in this forum, dismiss anyone who does not meet your standards as a waste of space. You call them, "window licking mouth breathers" as if your success in a GAME is somehow an indicator of your mental status. You have lost all touch with reality, and for that your word here falls on deaf ears.


    Well said buddy. See you in game.

  5. There is no reason for name calling. You, and several others in this forum, dismiss anyone who does not meet your standards as a waste of space. You call them, "window licking mouth breathers" as if your success in a GAME is somehow an indicator of your mental status. You have lost all touch with reality, and for that your word here falls on deaf ears.


    Well said buddy. See you in game.

  6. Sure it is.

    I myself have solo queued way more then group queueing. The 'lazy' moniker applies to me when this happens.


    Thing is, just by adding ONE good player besides yourself and duo queueing, your success rate in warzones SHOULD go up a long ways. When I solo queue, an average night is 50-60% wins. When I queue with just one other friend, that rate goes up to 67-75%. When I 3-4 man queue, then 67% win rate is a subpar night.


    Have you ever solo queued while on a republic toon on Pot5?


    If I'm not on my Seer Sage the night can be HORRENDOUS. I am lucky enough to pat myself on the back most games, but sometimes guys are dying at a much faster rate than I can keep alive. These nights are not fun.

  7. you know what premade groups are thinking when they form the premade? "i want to make sure at least 3 of my teammates arent going to start licking the monitor to check its flavor during the warzone". it has nothing to do with making you bads cry, and everything to do with making sure as few of you crying bads are on our team as possible.


    So you support solo queuers as long as they are not on your team. Noooooow it all makes sense!


    Why not just play at a more competitive level? If all the premades are so tired of carrying bads start queueing for RWZs. Instead, you're bringing your buddies along in hopes of getting stuck with decent puggers and to go against less competitive players. If you are after true competition you'd be in the "other queue we don't like to talk about".

  8. 1. According to solo-only queue advocates, playing against a premade isn't about losing but rather they have no chance at winning, yes or no?


    Hey, if I can dodge a wrench I can dodge a question.


    My answer would be no. I'm not an advocate of solo queues though so I might not be the best to answer without assuming what they want.

  9. but also because players have the responsibility to up their game if they want the rewards of PvP, not the competition to step down.


    "buzzer sound" WRONG. The person who can right click that thingy at the bottom right of the minimap and click Queue the most will earn the most rewards for PvP.


    So if Solo-queue were possible, I assume being the decent and fair hearted player that you are, you would agree that the rewards need to be less than regular too. I'm thinking maybe 40 comms (including from medals) for a loss and 80 comms for a win?


    No, but...thanks? Why does someone who is in a group deserve more comms? RWZs are already in place to get better gear AND provide a higher level of competition.

  10. i made absolutely no assumption. i solo queue, and know plenty of players considered "good" that solo queue.


    i am absolutely tired of carrying bads, but separating the queue only partly solves the problem of removing them from my sight. a much more thorough (and better IMO) solution is for players to take personal responsibility for their performance. if they do badly, figure out what they can personally improve on; not just whine that the other guy clearly had some unfair advantage. or skill based matchmaking, which would also do the trick quite well.


    if every player tried to correct 1 mistake they make each day, the quality of PvP would drastically improve. instead, the overwhelming majority of folks that PvP in this game want a welfare state: if they lose, its clearly b/c the other guy had an unfair advantage and a) they want that advantage given to them easy mode or b) they want that player nerfed/removed from facing them ever again.


    You did make an assumption by calling out bads. I'm sure you weren't talking about premades so it must have been the puggers. I don't believe the solo queuers are as bad as most make them out to be.


    I also don't support the solo queue only as I think that will drive up the queue times (unless we get x server queues). I do support pairing 4 man premade against another 4 man premade then using a matchmaking system to fill the other 8 spots.



  11. 6 players beating on a guarded sage with two scoundral healers free casting on that same sage...Makes perfect sense to me.


    Funny I wanted to say the same. I think some people are confused on how much armor mitigates damage.

  12. Seriously every MMO I know has better PvP. I don't like the stun, heal, interrupt based PvP and obviously I am not the only one. There is a reason why SWTOR ended up as the biggest failure in the MMO history.


    I know it's not the ideal style, but I can't find anything better at the moment. To say it's for care bears to support your contempt for the game isn't quite fair. End game PvP is very fast paced, strategic, and there are some serious ballers out there.


    The games' biggest failure was/is content. Content doesn't determine how good you are though.

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