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Posts posted by Kovaos

  1. The issue is when you keep going against the same premade. I've just about had it with this game. There just isn't enough people queueing. I disagree with the comments that pugs are herp de derp type match. I have a family and might only be online for a match or two at a time. I'm at the end of my patience for this game.
  2. I dont care about quitters.


    but i care about the crappy backfill system putting me into their quit games when its 5-0 or theres 25 seconds left in a match...


    And thats on EA/Bio... poor matchmaking, poor backfill, poorly thought out pvp.


    I've had several occasions where your typical nerd rager, like the types defending leaving here, will quit only to be replaced by someone better and we come back to win. Separating the chaff from weat :D

  3. Why would i wait until the game is over and totally lost? I leave, requeue and have much better team with people who use their brain.


    You haven't eggs sir. That's ok. Heroism isn't for everyone.


    Do you keep sitting in a cinema if a movie you went for turned out to be a complete boring crap after 15 mins.


    Yes. I already paid the money, and watching a movie is about being with my wife or my kids. It's about who you're with, not where you are.

  4. What does "in the cage" mean?


    I feel like I am not hip with the kids of this generation.


    When you die in Voidstar you have the invisible force field keeping you from pwning some noobs.

  5. It was baaaad last night. Every single WZ at least 1 or 2 would quit before the match started and a few more would quit throughout. If someone joins and the match seems hopeless they immediately drop out.


    It's just killing the experience for me. People need to grow some eggs and just finish the fight.

  6. They're fine. I beat a few good assassins with my op, and knowing it shouldn't be possible, it happened. Stop asking for everything to be nerfed and get good.


    Agreed. From my GS and Sniper I felt they weren't much of an issue.


    Nerf threads need to be nerfed. Bad players need to learn to play.

  7. i agree atm shadow-assasins are to op,they are the nemesys of gunslinger-sniper as they should be,and an good mara-sent anihilation-watchmen spec should be able to kill of an assasin with ease aswell as an sorc-sage well played in balance-madness who are the natural assasins.shadow counterpart should be able to kill with ease due to the dots and slows, atm shadow-assasins are way to op for any class. this game whas brought out with every class having theyr nemesys classes in the game but shadow assasin well played has none atm!! period


    You have some serious L2P issues bruh.

  8. Well; it doesn't have to be a game breaking advantage for the percentage. Just a slight edge so it doesn't dominate all PvP aspects of the game yet it provides a bit of a reason. Numbers will favor who wants to come out in force at the moment. Last game I was in had uneven numbers at times, but most of it was dictated by what guilds came out in force and which ones didn't more so than off the total population of the server.


    Or one thing they could do is instance the open world PvP area to where for 1 person to get in on sith side, there has to be someone waiting at the edge of the war area on the pub side so you can only enter in pairs.


    Maybe we are getting on the right track although I'm not hot on the idea of an instanced open world pvp system. The system you proposed might make it difficult for a guild to instance with each other. Maybe there should be 3 instances of Ilum. Make it so everyone can see how many players are in each instance for both factions. If a guild or group sees there aren't enough slots available in the instance allow them to queue for another instance.

  9. I kind of like this idea.


    The sad truth is the imbalance of faction population kills these kinds of ideas. I haven't seen recent numbers, but before Ilum died the imps were at a 3:1 ratio to pubs.

  10. :It did not die. The QQ brigade killed it. When the weekly reset the place was a massive 50vs50 battle. Why not bring it back for the people who actually liked it. I loved pushing them back to the turrets.


    I remember those battles. Sometimes it was fun when the pubs could actually push back. However, most of the time it ended up standing at the turrets of the republic base, the sents/guardians would jump in sweep then run back to the base, the casters would get a cast off. If we were lucky a shadow would pull an imp to us only for him to be immediately eaten alive.


    Very seldom was there an actual fight. I remember a few times we could push the imps back and those fights were somewhat fun. I guess what I'm getting at is most of the time it was a lot of standing around and like the video someone posted on the bridge there was 0 skill to do accomplish anything.

  11. If there is no reward from killing the enemy there is no world pvp. So it was never there, it is not there and it will never be there in this game until someone fire those pvp devs and hire someone capable! :csw_redsaber:


    I disagree completely. The incentive for WZs is to get better gear. The incentive for Open World PvP is to use the gear earned and mop up some noobs :)


    A good open world pvp match is just plain fun. The issue with giving handouts/incentives for killing people in the open world is that the imps will gather in masses and make it impossible and not fun for the republic.

  12. The bridge:



    That's a good example of what not to remember. What's fun about standing around in one spot with terrible fps?


    Nothing was ever fun about Ilum which is why it died.

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