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Posts posted by ElhonnaDS

  1. IKR? I'm at work and can't play anyway, so I end up just browsing the internet, and I keep coming back here. It's like when I'm home sick, and I keep flipping channels, but always end up back on the channel where Maury is telling some 20-year old that none of the 13 men that she claimed were the possible father of her baby had matching DNA, or Jerry helping mom's convince their 12-year-olds not to sleep with homeless men for double cheeseburgers. It's not good for me to look at this stuff, but I can't look away.
  2. I like the idea that you have some kind of right to being treated equally by a company you buy something from, regardless of when you buy it or whether you have enough money to order it in a certain way. That's cool- I'd like to propose that since I wait in line for concert tickets as long as everyone else, then it's not fair that I should have to have worse seats just because I don't have enough money for the good seats. Just because I can't pay for my car up front, doesn't mean that I should have to pay more for it, by way of interest, than someone who can because it's discrimination for us to pay different amounts for the same car. I'd like to say that it's unfair that my local restaurant was giving away desserts last month with their dinner specials, but when I went and ordered the same dinner this month, I got nothing- I should never receive less than another person when I'm paying the same price- if they offer something extra once they need to offer it until the end of days.


    What are these "sales" and "bonuses" that you all speak of? What is "Free"?

  3. I love the game. I liked the character creation process, I loved the voiced story, I feel much more immersed than in a normal MMO, and I love the companion characters.


    I appreciate that Bioware actually tried to go out of their way to give as many people as possible a full 5 days of Early Access by starting 2 days before the 15th. I appreciate that they worked with the majority of retailers to make sure games got to us at launch day.


    I have enjoyed the questing so far, the combat system is intuitive and familiar, with great graphics, and the "feel" of scenes created by the combat animations is very cool.


    Good job, it's a great game, a lot of us know what you were trying to do with the extra 2 days to keep people happy. Sorry the most vocal part of your fan base appear to be rabid.

  4. As a point of comparison, lets say that you hired someone to mow your lawn for $10.00 per hour, and just to make sure everything was above board, you put it in writing. When it came time for you to pay them, they got really upset and said that you owed them another $990 per hour. You show them the agreement, which they signed, which said you had agreed to $10.00, and they said that they didn't see the period there, and thought you were offering something different than what you actually wrote. Do you then owe them $1000 per hour because they didn't read it right?
  5. I'm wondering if it has occurred to people that, while Bioware offered EGA "Up To" 5 days early, they really would like to give everyone who pre-ordered the full 5 days...and maybe THAT is why they started 2 days early? Last time I checked, they had everyone in up to mid October. Considering that July was the biggest spike in pre-orders, it's quite possible that they'll have everyone in by tomorrow.


    What it looks like to me is that, because they wanted to head off the QQ from people who didn't understand the difference between 5 days and up to 5 days, they decided to start early so that they could stagger the way that they wanted, and still get everyone a full 5 days of access.


    The response was people A) Complaining that other people were getting in a day or two ahead of them, saying it didn't matter if they got more than they were promised, if other people got more than they did, and B) Complaining about how they got scammed out of 5 days of access when you won't even know if you won't get 5 days until tomorrow afternoon.

  6. Yesterday, my boyfriend and I woke up and checked to see if we got in. He was a 7/21 and I was a 7/22. He got in, I didn't. I didn't know that they were doing waves at that point, so I though I wasn't going to be in yesterday.


    My first thought was "Ok, maybe tomorrow." And then I went on to other things. Luckily, I got in somewhere between the 2nd and 3rd wave so I got to play when I got home from work, but even if I hadn't, I can't imagine that I'd be more than mildly disappointed (in the fact that I wasn't in, not in the company) and probably a little bored.


    The sad part is that I don't think it's all children who are upset. Children have to go to school. Most parents won't let them stay home because they have a new video game. A lot of the complaints referenced people taking off work. I could understand it more if I though it was middle-schoolers, or even high school kids. But I think a lot of it is about adults.


    I feel bad, more than anything else. I think that some people don't have a whole lot that they're invested in, personally, other than gaming. For those of us for whom gaming is a smaller piece of our lives, fit in around work, relationships, family, other hobbies, etc., it's not a big deal to have a delay of a day or two- it's extra holiday shopping time, time to catch up on reports or e-mails, to get that oil change done, etc. For people who don't have a whole lot of other concerns, it's a much bigger part of their lives being disrupted.


    At the end of the day, even though I have posted a few responses in other threads that were arguing the facts they were using, there's nothing anyone is going to say that will change how they feel. Deep down, most of them know that they don't really have a case, and know what "Up To" means. I think they do know that no one is actually going to get a lawyer and sue, and that very few people are going to really cancel their games over this. They just have such an investment in this game, or games in general, that the thought of someone else having even a slight advantage over them sends them into a rage. And they want someone to listen, they want to feel like they can do something, or threaten to do something, that will have an effect, and really they can't. And that makes it even worse for them.


    I guess the best advice I have, to put it in perspective, is to think about whatever game you're coming from, and what your /played is on your main. A lot of people I know have like 300-400 days on their WoW character, and that's in consecutive hours logged, not days since they made the toon. Do you REALLY think that, at end game, there will be any real difference between people with 280 hours logged, and people with 300 hours logged?

  7. And, there's a single main thread about it somewhere. They're trying to keep it all in one topic so that people can discuss other things about the game and not have their topics pushed 4 pages down by 57 threads about how someone sold their child to the circus to have enough money to pre-order their game for the 5 days of early access, and how they've been wronged by only getting 6 days.
  8. there was no change in primtime yesterday. most the pre-orders have taken work off.


    No, "Most" of the pre-orders have NOT taken off work. Some of them have. Many of them are children under 18 who are going to be ay school until somewhere between 3 and 5, because most parents don't let kids stay home "Because it's launch day". Many adults who accrue vacation time at their jobs use it for things like family obligations, vacations where you actually go someplace, etc. There may be some ore-orders who took off work, but you are not in the majority.


    And since they didn't announce these extra two days until very recently, how long ago could you possibly have taken off?

  9. As someone who has worked in a restaurant, it's more like this:


    You: Can we go in? I see that there are empty tables in there.


    Waiter: There are, but we have reservations for them.


    You: But what if they don't show up.


    Waiter: Well, they did reserve them for the whole day, so if they don't show up until later, it's still within their reservation period. Also, we already charged their credit cards, so they have paid for the right to have the spot waiting for them.


    You: But I paid too. I want their spot.


    Waiter: They made their reservations much earlier than you did, and our tables are given out on a first come first serve basis.


    You: So every table in there is a reserved?


    Waiter: No, but some sections aren't ready yet.


    You: How can they not be ready?!?!?!?


    Waiter: Well, you being able to see the table isn't all it's going to take for it to be usable for dining. If we don't have enough kitchen or waitstaff, you'll end up sitting at the table, waiting to get started with no one to service your table. Or, we'll have to divert people from other tables, and give everyone a lesser quality experience.


    Also, if we seated every single table at once, then every food order would go into the kitchen at once, and everyone would be waiting forever for their plate of food since they're competing with hundreds of other people who are all at the same exact point in their meal at the same time. It's much smoother if 20 people get started with bread and drinks, and then when their orders are being cooked, 20 more start, then when the first group is eating, and the second has ordered, we let in a third, etc.


    You: That's ridiculous- you should plan ahead for that and give extra time so everyone can get in.


    Waiter: Like maybe start the seating 2 days early so that by the time the early access to was due to start, almost everyone is already in. Kind of like that?

  10. RARARARARAAR! Ok no seriously, pipe down grandpa, these younger generation you hate so much are the ones that are going to be standing over you, when you are crippled and helpless in a bed.


    Maybe that's what he's worried about. The attitudes and rage over not getting early access fast enough would make me worry about these same people's patience if they were in my will...


    But seriously, I'm not all that worried about it. I was completely prepared to get in whenever I get in, and start from there. After all, a lot of people will be out-pacing me in terms of leveling and gear while I do things like go to work, do my Christmas shopping, make the holiday party rounds.

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