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Everything posted by Mubark

  1. Hmm... I was really hoping there would be some response on this today. I won't know if this is an actual bug or a mechanics issue until I can get some form of official confirmation.
  2. I didn't find any useful information related as to why my character transfers failed on swtorista.com or help.ea.com sites. I just submitted an email to support@swtor.com. It may take a few days to get a reply/response. You're response wasn't perfect, but it was the best information so far. I thank you.
  3. Because as I stated on my original post: That's why... However, it would be nice if a DEV would give some feedback on this so... Change the word "it" for "they".... EDIT: Also, I don't need a "guess". I need information and a confirmation from more than one person who actually knows the answer. Or just one DEV response.
  4. Last night, I tried to transfer several characters from Satele Shan to Star Forge servers. I did everything as directed by the prompts and all my transfers failed. I have 24 characters to transfer and each cost 1,000 cartel coins to transfer. That's a total of 24,000 cartel coins. That's almost $200 cash in RL money. I think 1,000 cartel Coins per character is really expensive. It should be a great deal cheaper to do. I've been a subscriber endlessly since launch. I thought I had a few free transfers available since launch considering the fact that I'd only copied characters to the test server and not once transferred any actual characters from one actual server to another. But I didn't have any free transfers available. And I'm pretty certain that at one time, I did. Well, today I tried to work on transferring more while hoping the others had went through ( I got emails saying the transfers were being processed ). And it said there were no servers available for me to transfer from or to... Last night, I checked the forums and did a search and nothing came up about a bug. But the transfer service is "clearly" bugging out.... So, it would be really, really a good idea to get on that, right? EDIT: Do I have to have open character slots to transfer a character? Just curious. If that's the case, it makes transferring characters far more expensive... Because I'll not only have to buy the cartel market Additional Character Slot" for each character I want to transfer, then I'll have to pay for each character I want to transfer... 1,600 Cartel coins for each character. x24 characters = 38,400 Cartel Coins... I don't understand why this function/service is so expensive.... 2nd EDIT: I just looked over all the requirements for a character transfer. Nowhere in either list (there are two of them) does it say anything about having to have open slots. Not even once. Because if it did, I'd know. It does say that the destination server must have been open for over 90 days. And that seems to be the only requirement listed in respect of the destination server....
  5. No Idea. I always thought it was a DEV that kept that updated...
  6. Does anyone plan to update / maintain https://swtorcalendar.com/? And the twitter account. Last update on these was on August 23, 2022.... It would be awesome if someone took that over... I'm pretty certain the guy who did that left the company ( apparently.... )
  7. I'm liking most of it with exception of the bugs. I never got on test center to see what they did/were doing. And yesterday I patched (9 hours), then jumped in, set up the weekly conquests/perks, etc. Then I was about to select my 2nd combat thing and saw a warning of a sort in fleet general chat, so I backed out of it. So, I proceeded to try out the new storyline stuff... It took me a few minutes to "find" all the specials I'm used to using. I hated that my saved keymapping wasn't "sticking" and that my UI was "emptied". Every time I changed maps or moved from one instance to the other, I had to re-paste my saved UI keymapping. Over and over. Autotargeting was bugged too. I hate having to click on an enemy to shoot or attack them. But even with all of the bugs, I still completed the new story and flashpoint. Most of the bugs had easy workarounds, but I hope the devs have or will fix them. Most of the bugs are "game killers" for most players. I'm a pretty dedicated player, I've been here since the original beta testing. I've been a subscriber for all of that time with exception of 2 days when my sub ran out because I changed credit cards. If these bugs aren't fixed real soon, I might actually unsub my account(s) (I subscribe to 2 accounts) The average gamer won't be as patient as I am. I know every new expansion to every game is really, really buggy. I expect that. It is important that every expansion, additional patch be as bug free as possible... But it's far more important to get any and all bugs with a new update, no matter how big or small, fixed/repaired ASAP. I loved the changes and the storyline. But those bugs really need fixed as soon as possible....
  8. Interesting... I ran heroics again tonight for 2 hours and 40 minutes and got 588,451 Conquest points... That's about 221,000 Conquest points/hour only running heroics. So, it was working for me tonight. Like I stated previously, I average about 100,000/hour on conquest points and double exp should be around 200,000/hour, which it was tonight. I have no idea why it wasn't working yesterday. But it seems to be working right now. /shrug
  9. I hit that limit daily. Class missions, heroics, flashpoints, exploration missions, etc pile up quickly. Then, there's star fortress and other missions. I run heroics daily on all characters to accumulate credits and to increase my in-game funds. I do about 20 - 25 Heroics daily if possible. Personally, I think they should increase the cap to 40 total missions in the mission log. but then again, these people (devs) give us the ability to collect around 40+ companions and only allow us to place 20 - 25 of them in our strongholds... But, that's an entirely different discussion, yet the same discussion isn't it.
  10. I normally do 3 heroics or more per character to achieve over 50,000 conquest points. I average about 100,000 Conquest points per hour doing this, without double exp active. I did the same thing I always do and I saw no increase in the amount of points gained. my thought is that if I normally gain over 50,000 Conquest Points per character doing 3 heroics, then my math would say that if double rewards/exp is active it should be double that... Which is what normally happens. Normally, I get about 200,000 Conquest Points per hour if it's a double rewards event. I normally average about 100,000 Conquest Points per hour on average doing only heroics. Note: I run heroics solo. Also: I almost forgot to mention... I'm averaging (yesterday) the same amount of Conquest Points I normally do with no change or increase....
  11. I logged in yesterday and I didn't see any evidence I was getting Double XP/rewards for any of my characters, on either account (I have two subscribed)… I looked on twitter and here on the forums... Anyone else have this problem, or is it just me, or did I miss something?
  12. A Lot of good double xp is going to do for those of us who are unable to change our billing information on the site for our accounts. I pay for 4 accounts on my current credit card which expired as of 4/2020. I have a replacement card to put o file, but the site won't allow me to update my cc information. So, what is it for FTP accounts? 1/2 exp? And double exp would be 100%? All my accounts will be free-to-play by the end of April if this isn't fixed real soon... And I know 100% I'm not alone in this. *EDIT* Problem is fixed... Wow, that was FAST! LOL.
  13. This post was at 12:34pm EST. (My time) He said they will be bringing down the servers briefly for 30 - 60 minutes "A couple of hours from now". That means the servers should restart about 2:34pm (approximately) I wouldn't expect this to work before then.
  14. I got excited... Then I clicked my character and waited 3 minutes and 15 seconds just to find myself back on the character selection screen... again! Then, I just read a post saying basically that the Rishi strongholds are still bugging.... Well, that "figures!" All of my characters are in my Rishi stronghold! AAAAHHHH! (Frustration) Fix Dat Sh...... Stuff! And while you're at it... I'll have you know that Colicoids, Geonosians, and Kliniks really, really bug me! Come on guys! Feed dem womp rats so I can get some gaming done!
  15. It figures. All of my characters are in strongholds.
  16. Because women feel great pain if kicked there also. In tournaments, women have to wear a cup same as a man. Or at least they did when I competed.
  17. You would be surprised at how quickly the cost piles up. Buying Cartel Coins adds up real quickly. When I buy Cartel Coins, I usually get $300 worth at a time. ( $99.99 x 3) Then, I get packs, the 24x ones. I open them up, look for anything useful, then place the useless items on the GTN. Getting together, unlocking doors, buying flagships, crafting, etc. also adds up. Doing all of the things listed for 6 guilds, plus passing items to guild members also adds up. I play SWTOR between 12 and 16 hours per day. This is how I relax. This is how I have fun. I'm certain that people who party, go to concerts, and people who go to bars spend much more. They just don't keep track of what they spend as a whole. I do. There was one point I was spending over $1,000/mo. on Cartel Coins. My "priorities" have always been straight. My bills are never late, nothing ever gets a termination notice, my child is fed. The money I spend on video games is extra money, after all bills and expenses are taken care of. Again, my "priorities" are fine. Also, I'm good now. The very first person who answered my thread covered it all and thanks.
  18. Thanks. I must have missed that part. I appreciate it! NOTE: The article I read was different than the one in the link. Bizarre. No idea why they are different. Maybe I accidentally scrolled over the part, IDK.... LOL.
  19. Here's the article. http://www.swtor.com/info/news/news-article/20171002 I'm sorry if I put this in the wrong place. But I'm uncertain where this goes. Now, from what I'm understanding, we will be getting free character transfers soon. There will be 5 brand spanking new servers to go to. And eventually, the plan is to have everyone on one of those 5 new servers. So, here's my questions that need answers. 1. What will happen to guilds? Most gamers create one guild per faction and have "characters" in those guilds. In this game, it's one Republic guild, and one Sith guild. We are part of a "Gaming Community". We have 6 guilds, 3 per faction. Our guilds were designed for roleplay and PvP purposes. So what will happen concerning gamers like us who have multiple guilds per faction? 2. What about guilds that have several guilds on several servers? I actually know a Republic and a sith guild who have guilds planted on Harbinger and Prophecy Of The Five. How will that work? 3. In our six guilds, we spent a great deal of real life money and in-game funds to decorate both the guild flagship as well as the stronghold. I personally invested over $10,000 in cash to purchase assets for our guilds and flagships. I'm not expecting a refund in real money, because I'm smart enough to know I won't get it. But, if this new thing forces us to liquidate the guild assets into in-game funds or however it's done (so we can recreate the guilds on the new server), then how would we do that? Or how would it be done? 4. If the guilds and the guild assets are automatically transferred from the existing server to the new server with the "guildmaster", then, what about the members of the guild that choose the same server? Are/will they remain guild members, or will they need to be "recruited" again? My hope is that there will be some announcement regarding guilds (Or that there already has been an announcement that I didn't find yet). Personally, I think the best plan would be to transfer the guild and all of it's assets along with the guild master. But I'm concerned. And the reason I'm so concerned is that I personally have invested a great deal of time, resources, and real life money into these six guilds. I really don't want all of that hard work and effort to be destroyed for nothing.
  20. Every single day... My character I play the most is a BH, Mercenary, Arsenal. My Available Utility Points reset to 8 unused points. I pretty much viewed this as a minor bug that's slowly becoming nuisance. I figured the bug was going to be one of those bugs that gets fixed quickly. But it's been a problem since they released the Umbara storyline and isn't fixed yet. I'm really hoping it will get fixed this coming Tuesday, the 19th....
  21. My personal favorite is the "Butt Ducks" aka Banshee... /yells "Heads down! Incoming Butt Duck Butt Bomb Attack!"
  22. I'd love to have the gladiopod or Alpha Slybex as a mount.
  23. Devs... Whatcha smokin? I'm not complaining (Really). But the Banshee looks like a goose or duck or swan that flies backwards and attacks you with it's butt... We are calling those "Buttducks". Then, there's the Mantorrs. They look like it was mating season for baby chickens, not even hatched from the egg and praying mantises. Another critter looks like an Acklay got together with a rose bush, and yet another looks like a Chinese celebration Dragon hooked up with a lion... All I'm sayin' is let me have whatever you're havin' It's not polite to keep it all to yourself... please share........ LOL
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