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Everything posted by Marqhill

  1. Bought most of the set on the galactic market. When you get around the level where you can actually wear it then it's not unreasonably priced either. you can't wear the whole set until you're actually level 50 but it looks great when you have it on. I put some pretty awesome mods in it.
  2. I haven't really experienced many of these problems unless I was trying to tank for people who are a lot higher level than myself. Now that I'm reaching level 50 I've gotten into the practice of making sure that I'm mixing my rotation up and mixing my defensive buffs in with my heavy dps abilities. The person who posted that the Jedi Guardian is meant to hold aggro from the strongest mob is absolutely correct. The adds aren't usually so strong that they will kill your DPS and healer in such short order. So your healer can usually focus on you for a while as you're tanking the big guys. Then when your healer needs to heal the DPS you just pop some of your stronger defensive buffs and probably use a medpac. Also, make sure that you buy the endurance stims and use one at the beginning of every flashpoint or group mission. It will make your life rather a great deal easier and make you even harder to kill. I haven't had any significant problems making sure that the guys who hit the hardest are focusing all their damage on me while my team mates kill everyone around me. By the time my team mates kill all the adds I've done a pretty steep amount of damage to the target and it will have a full 5 stacks of sunder armor and they just roll in and murder the crap out of the boss that I'm fighting. It works for me. Also, something that I'm finding is that the gear is EXTREMELY important. You always want to make sure you have the best gear for your level. So always look at your mods and your armoring. For a light saber the most important modification is the Hilt. For your armor the most important modification is the Armoring.
  3. I'm pretty new to MMO's and a lot of the basic gameplay concepts are completely new to me because it's just something that I've never done before in other games. But I do have a lot of other people around me who are really skilled at MMO's and have had a lot of experience in other MMO games like WoW and Warhammer. That said, I've gotten a decent number of compliments on my tanking. I'm currently level 40 and I am a completely defense specc'ed Jedi Guardian. http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#500frGbuMrkzM.1 This is my skill tree spec and as you can see I have only put points into the defense tree and I can honestly say that I've had no issues either tanking or holding aggro since level 26. I honestly think that most of my problems holding aggro were because I was A LOT less familiar with the concept of tanking at that point so I really can't say that the problems I had at the time were problems with the clase because I think they were problems with the way I played the class. Since I've gotten to level 40 and have made sure that I'm always using the best gear for my current level AND using my defensive/offensive rotations depending on the situation. In my own experience I haven't had any of the problems that people are talking about extensively. If I have a healer behind me I honestly feel completely invincible. And even in situations where I'm alone then I've even been able to go one on one with some level 50's and win in many cases. It isn't about using my focus abilities to do a lot of damage it's really just about slowly but surely doing a little damage here and a little damage there and then eventually the fight gets to the point where my defensive buffs are keeping me whole and healthy while my sunder armor is slowly but surely doing more and more and more damage to them. Not one of my fights have been short by any stretch of the imagination but if the fight goes on long enough it eventually turns into a situation where I will inevitably win because my opponent just can't do enough damage to kill me.
  4. Hey, I have no idea where you find it in game. But I've been buying it peice by peice off of the galactic market. Of course the versions you find have ALL of the mods stripped out but the mods aren't hard to come by. As far as where you get it in game, I honestly have no clue. I haven't gotten there yet. But if you take a look on your servers galactic market you should see some options. I hope that helps.
  5. I literally just finished a PvP match up involving several people who were significantly higher ranked than me. Even though my team got slaughtered I managed to finish in the top 5 players in the game and head and shoulders above everyone on my team and I'm the only guardian who was in the match. I LOVE playing a Jedi Guardian and to assume that everything that doesn't go right with your class is an inherent problem in the class is extremely arrogant. Instead of just becoming better gamers people just want Bioware to make the class better to compensate for their own faults. This is my first time ever playing an MMO and I'm realizing there are things that I had no idea that I didn't know. As such I'm keeping an open mind about everything and trying to learn from everyone who has anything to teach me. For example, I thought that I was using a pretty darn good light saber for the most part this game. I've been focusing on putting together the best/coolest looking armor I could find. But I completely neglected my damage output and suffered for it quite a bit. Once one of my friends pointed me in the right direction I'm now a serious threat to anyone who happens to end up in front of me in PVP or PVE. People always want to complain about something without looking at what they're doing wrong first. That's just life some times. Jedi Guardians are actually awesome. Don't listen to the detractors.
  6. Well, I'm pretty new to MMO's in general but I personally have found it to be not particularly difficult to level when I'm up doing the defensive tree. I honestly can't tell you how many times the defensive buffs have saved me from dying during any of the boss/champion/elite encounters in the game. It's really quite nice being so survivable. I've found that while you don't do as much damage as the other classes you can mix and match spacing out your defensive abilities along with your offensive abilities along with your debuffs to make so that during a fight you will consistently do more and more damage to your target while your target does less and less damage to you. At level 30, I can force leap in stun, sunder armor and then hilt strike for huge damage and an additional stun then hit them with other attacks to build focus during the stun, stasis, then sunder armor and then force push them away from me and then jump back in with another force leap to stun them and then start the cycle all over again. Granted it has taken a while to kill some units in this way but it's effective and they're taking huge damage all while not really being able to attack. That's really only one example but it's the thing I do most often. It even works quite well in pvp when I don't screw up or as long as my team is keeping my targets team at bay. Anyway, I'm fully enjoying the defense tree as a guardian in PvE and being full tank hasn't actually impeded my leveling process one bit. Hope this helps.
  7. I completely agree that it is insanely frustrating dealing with a level 50 in pvp when I myself am only level 30. I've run into several situations where I hit a level 50 with literally EVERY ABILITY that I have and it only slows them. It's the craziest thing. But I still have fun for the most part in PVP. I get good experience and I get plenty of commendations even if I don't win. So I don't mind that much. The only thing that I think about is how much I'm looking forward to getting to level 50 myself so that I can put some hurt on the other level 50s as well as steam rolling the noobs.
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