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Everything posted by kjchan

  1. Bump. Team had to cycle out a member. Team is 2/10 HM, close to 4/10, the run times are still the same. The team is flexible enough in roster and toons at this stage in its lifecycle to accommodate someone who wants to play a healer/DPS/tank. That being said, the first preference is to get in a tank or healer. As before, the primary contact is the team leader Durido/Talkas and you can in-game mail him for direct updates into the team. Themistocles is the recruiting manager and can be contacted as well about the openings.
  2. To add onto Divanna's post, Vindictive has also done Revanite Commanders: 1) http://imgur.com/u0Jft8u - this pic is missing 1 nameplate (Hippokrates) but that's covered by the 2nd pic. Loot in the chat says Revanite. 2) http://imgur.com/4WhDuX4 - Hippokrates nameplate and guild tag shown here. Loot also displayed.
  3. Vindictive Team 1 has cleared up to 7/10 HM, is working on M&B, and recently lost a tank due to work schedule conflicts with raid time. Team runs M/Tu nights at 830 pm PST, lasting 2 hours apiece. We are looking for EITHER a PT/Sin tank or a PT DPS. Send any interested queries to Themistocles in-game, and send your out-of-game email for faster communications please. If you're coming in for PT DPS, please submit a parse as well via parsely.io to speed up the process. Thanks!
  4. Update - Team is now 7/10, bounty hunters preferred on the last 3 bosses. Preference is definitely for a PT now, although we'd be willing to consider another lights out IO merc.
  5. Hi all, Looking to getting back into raiding after a long time away? Vindictive's Team 3 is newly launched, about 3 weeks old, and looking for a healer or DPS (roster is malleable at this point). Team is currently in the SM gearing phase, so new 60s are welcome! Team runs Thursday/Sunday nights at 6:30 pm PST/Server time. Runs last 2 hours apiece. In-game mail Themistocles (recruiting manager) or Talkas (team leader) if interested!
  6. Update - we've got our sniper, but have to cycle out one of our merc players. A PT is now most preferred, but would also be willing to look at another IO-capable merc or another sniper.
  7. Team is now 4/10. Working on TOS progression. Snipers and Sorcs preferred, although we could rearrange the team around for a skilled PT or Merc DPS.
  8. Our total group DPS has been somewhere around 14.5 once you add in the tank and healer portion. Just out of curiosity - I thought Underlurker was the harder progression fight than Torque? In the Zorz guide, their first kill parse was around a total of 15.5K as a group, so I'm just wondering why Torque has a higher group DPS requirement?
  9. Hey Captain, unfortunately we don't have a Jugg - it would be money here. I'm running a PT/PT combination at the moment.
  10. Ok so things I'm hearing so far... 1) Taking both my mercs and making them arsenal for better add handling. 2) Having healers click in the droid rotation. 3) IF it looks like we're getting our act together on the adds, I can then peel off one of my melee (probably the operative since its so single target focused) and leave him on the boss. 4) IF it looks like we're getting our act together on the adds, reemphasizing the tanking circle pattern to max out DPS splash. Whitelightr do you tank in a circle around the room - is that what you're saying?
  11. Do you like PVE? Feel free to give me a whisper on Themistocles in-game on the imp side. I'll try to look for you if so. Our guild details can be found at http://www.vindictiveswtor.com.
  12. We recently had a tank for Team 2 quit the game. Team 2, 4/10 and working on Torque, is running Fri/Sat nights at 8:30 pm PST, lasting 2 hours a piece. We already have a Jugg tank, so we're looking for a PT or a Sin to complement him. HM Experience preferred, or a fully geared SM player who knows his/her class well. If you're a SM player, we have experienced tanks on the team playing DPS, so we can lend some friendly advice, tips, and get you caught up to speed. In-game message Thavaro, Blutig, or Themistocles about the opening, preferably with your out-game email as well for faster coordination. Thanks!
  13. Hi all, sorry for the length of my questions below, but my team is just running up against a brick wall on Torque, and I'm stumped for the moment. Situation: DPS not clearing down adds fast enough, this leads to enraged turrets and enraged fire devices staying out and compressing the battlefield for my tanks and melee. This usually leads to a premature tank/melee death pretty much because they're running out of maneuver room. DPS Comp: Operative (can play either spec), Mara (can play any spec), Merc-IO, Merc-Arsenal. DPS numbers on Walkers kills are typically a combined 12.7K-ish. DPS numbers are lower on Torque, I assume to all the heavy non-melee friendly mechanics - so we've been averaging somewhere around 12K flat. Current Strat: We try to have the tanks follow a DPS friendly route - always breaking the same console, and dragging Torque in a DPS friendly circle around the room, allowing for possible AOE splash on both boss and adds. But in practice, because the adds are piling up, it forces my tanks to re-route. For DPS, we basically have all hands on decks on the adds - melee guys prioritizing shoots, ranged guys priortizing fire devices, and everybody trying to hit turrets when we have time...which hasn't really been happening in practice because we're behind on adds. And yes, my DPSers are the clickers for repair droids, which I know is DPS sub-optimal, but early on in our first attempts the tanks and melee were taking such heavy damage, it seemed like we would wipe fast if we didn't have both heals on target. Also ill-timed cleanses during the repair droid clicks also killed us a few times. So...questions: 1) Is there a tanking route pattern that is even more DPS friendly? 2) Maybe I should go back to having healers do the repair droid clicks? 3) Should I tell my merc-IO guy to go Arsenal on this for better target switching and easier heat management? Thanks all for your advice - Im just trying to get the team to hit enrage at this point, and then we'll make more DPS tweaks from there.
  14. Hi there, Vindictive is a relaxed and friendly PVE-centered guild that loves to raid and just opened up a new raid group (Team 3) to stand alongside its two current progression groups. While we are trying to build up that team from a core of guildies who hit 60 and want to raid, it looks like we may have 2-3 openings, possibly at a variety of positions. Team 3 will be starting its progression with SM runs for gear. For more information on Team 3, contact "Durido" in-game. Team 1 (4/10 HM) is running with a semi-permanent DPS sub and is casually looking for a DPS to join its ranks full-time. DPS must be 3K output capable right now, preferably with HM experience. We're open to looking at all classes as long as the DPS output is there, but the preference is for PT, sniper, or merc. Team 1 is currently working on Torque. For more information on this opening contact "Themistocles" in-game. Team runs M/Tuesdays at 8:30 pm PST for 2 hours. If you would just like to join the guild and hang out with a bunch of chill folks who love to run old content for decos/achievements, and current SM ops for gear on off-raid nights, let us know! Any of us can ginvite but your best bets are the officers: Blutig, Clubber'lang, Redstriped, Thavaro, Durido, and Themistocles. Feel free to look up http://www.vindictiveswtor.com to learn more about us!
  15. Thanks Ferk - so just to confirm...if I tell my tanks and melee to take a quick mental snapshot right before fire hits, and run to where there isnt a player...then they should be able to escape, correct?
  16. Hi all, The dulfy Zorz guide doesn't exactly the game's logic behind where the fire spawns. I know that the "when" is approx. 5 seconds after shoots lasers drops. But is it possible to control where it would spawn? We had our second sustained attempt on Torque last night, and with 2 tanks and a melee, we were having pathing issues in terms of where they would run to next. If my 3 guys knew where the fire was coming from, then they would know where to run to next, theoretically, and perhaps save a tick of damage. If this isn't possible, then oh well. Also, there were times where we had problems on the tank swap on sick of you. Correct me if I'm wrong, but when sick of you is applied, isn't the animation that of the main tank getting sent flying by Torque? Or is there not always a tank knockback on this debuff? Thanks in advance!
  17. Thanks for the input mate! When you say lethality does "far more damage". Assuming equal skill with both specs, how much of a DPS increase should I be expecting out of lethality vs. concealment?
  18. Hi all, My team just got past 4/10 last night and are going to start working full time on Torque soon. My mentor told me that my operative DPS should be switching from concealment to lethality for the fight. I plan to (as I do for most fights) stick him on the main boss and let him just go to work. He did about 3.1K for me on Walkers. I'm not familiar with operative DPS-ing at all. I looked through the highlights of the Dulfy guide, but Lethality and Concealment both get rated as a 6, and the rotation difficulty is rated as a 9 for Lethality. So then, what would be the benefit of having him switch to Lethality? Thanks in advance for the advice!
  19. Welp Keyboard Ninja said to play it, so yes sir! Thanks everybody for the input. I'll stick with it based on all this positive feedback. And I did get to 4/10 just now on it, so really starting to get attached to my op now.
  20. Thank you all for your responses. I feel a bit better about the huge amount of time I invested in min/maxing my operative to the nth degree possible at 192 level. Now if I could slightly tweak the conversation a little bit. As my partner is a Merc, which is the pairing that will make progression the easiest for my group? I am 100% committed to putting the needs of my group first, and my desires come last. I do enjoy playing both classes so its not like I'd be bored with the merc. In assessing myself, I think my skill level is the same with the merc as it is with the op, my op just has the better gear at the moment. My operative was my first imp side toon, so most of my hesitancy I have in putting the operative aside is sentimental. So what's the right thing to do for the team for the middle to latter stage of progression?
  21. Hi there community, Does anybody know if there have been any clears to 10/10 with an operative healer? This was a point of friendly debate within my guild last night, and as much as it pains me to do so, I think I'm leaning towards putting my operative main to bed and running with my merc alt. (And then levelling another merc alt and putting my set pieces on legacy armoring so I can still help sub in for heals on HM with my guild's other progression group if they need me) A bit torn on this. If it is possible, I'll hold out for a little while longer. But if there have been zero operative healer clears, then I'd rather not waste my team's time for the sake of the other 7 folks in the group. Thanks for the input.
  22. Forgot to mention the team runs at Monday/Tuesday 830 pm PST. Runs last 2 hours.
  23. Our Team 1 just reached 3/10, and got close to 4/10 in the same night. We've had an open DPS slot for awhile and have been running HMs with guildie subs. We'd like a more permanent solution for DPS. We are a friendly, collaborative team that likes to work on the problem solving together. The other 7 members are done with SM gearing, and we're making HM attempts only now. For recruiting though, we prize experience over gear. We can help with the gear. In terms of preferred classes, PTs and snipers come to mind, though we're open about anybody. If you're an IO merc, we'd also love to talk even though we already have 2 mercs (1 of them can switch to Sorc easily). If interested in-game message Themistocles and send me along your email as I prefer out of game comms.
  24. Hi all, Thanks in advance for any advice you can give. Finally got to Walkers HM last night and was the team's first sustained attempt series against Walkers. Looking at the DPS numbers, in order to beat enrage comfortably going forward in the future, I need my Operative Lethality to move up by around 300 points and my Mercenary Arsenal to move up by around 500 points (yes yes I know, I'm bugging him to get comfortable with IO). They were both good for 3K+ on Sparky and I need to relook at their Bulo numbers, but I'm pretty sure it was 3K even, if not 2.9K. I'm assuming the DPS drop on Walkers is due to lost uptime due to the gravity pull mechanic and having to dodge ground burst? Plus my merc Arsenal is my bomb runner. They're both fully 6 set piece and have raid token drops on all items...Mods and Enhancements are nearly min/max for 192 level. Mercenary also has a 2 set piece Sorc that he's comfortable with, if I need him to switch. I'm not looking to make any changes in personnel - I know they're good players, and I want to work with them. Does the community have any specific tips I can pass on about how to tweak their DPS numbers upwards inspite of the lost uptime on the gravity missile mechanic? Thanks!
  25. Wow, didn't think I'd get an Oofalong response! Thanks for the fast reply man. I did ask him/her about it and it sounds like no cooldowns or adrenals were used. I know I can ask for the guy to do another re-parse...but until I get those numbers back, what would you think of 3900 without those buffs?
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