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Everything posted by Nemecass

  1. You would probably better yourself with drawing classes. Lines are too dark, traps aren't even big enough (do you even lift?). Anyways, his skin doesn't even look red and it was hard to distinguish his beard and his teeth are too anatomically correct. 2/10 wouldn't bang.
  2. Every one of your posts I feel like you think you know more than you actually do. You know some buzzwords but almost everything you're saying is wrong. >being pretentious and using "LOL" in an argument while not being a 14 year old girl. >2012 >ISHYGDDT
  3. Yeah, I'd vote it high too if I was threatened to not get free stuff and given an $800+ package of swag. Not to mention the great user reviews by BioWare employees.
  4. What brand are your rose colored glasses? The boss fights in this game are laughably easier than WoW and WoW is already a joke. Not beating on a giant's ankle? Ok, so instead of that we are just shooting the droid that sits still for us, or kiting another boss, or killing the healer of the boss first. I've had trash packs in WoW that were harder than actual bosses in this game. Do they have more health? Sure. Bottom line is that addons can only really improve the experience. I'd rather be able to tell who the jerk is idling in the FlashPoint or not playing his class correctly. Calling people elitists for a bare-minimum afk-detector and "we couldn't kill the boss in time? Oh, let me check the meters. Oh, you weren't doing the right amount of Healing Per second or DPS? Let me try and help you fix that." How is that being elitist? I have trouble understanding why everyone thinks that a DPS meter is an elitist tool when I really have only used it to help improve people or find out who isn't doing their part. If we don't have people who know what they're doing, and the community is fine with this, that's dangerous towards future content, where everything is a slap fest and any old player can do anything. Sure, you're paying 15 bucks a month to play, but there has to be some tiered content and gates for inexperienced players. I wouldn't want to live in a world where every boss is a 1 or 2 shot ordeal, because that's boring. I just don't understand why people like you are so afraid of adding something that can only really improve the majority and due to a few outliers who use it as a tool to kick you (newsflash: if you do something wrong in real life or don't do your job, you get fired or replaced). I just don't think it's right to be fencing off potentially fun and difficult encounters because people can't do their jobs and no one can detect if someone is doing what they're supposed to. It's really not fair to the supposed "1 million subscribers."
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